View Full Version : throat chakra

17th August 2007, 02:35 PM
Hallo All - I am very new to the forum! I spent last two hours going thru the NEW Energy Ways (simplified) for beginners in one go. It worked great and am amazed how clearly the exercises are described, no unecessary theory, just practice. Till now i had some basic knowledge about chakras and some other practices (e.g. Silva Method, Sedona, regular mediations).

I spent a lot of time on self-healign the whole last year, because i was suffering from a severe depression. i think to certain extent the self-healing worked because i was able to dissolve
some dark pain knots in my body. however i have serious problems with moving on with my life, entering a new job, communicating with people, maintaining self-assurance, etc

i wonder if it is related with a serious blockage at the throat chakra level. it is llike something is constantly exercising pressue on my throat area. i feel it when i start to think of my new carrier, and necessity to start living normal live. i still have some other painful knots (or blocked energy knots?) in my body but this one seems to be the most important. coudl anyone give me a tip on a technique or a healing approach to deal with that blockage?

18th August 2007, 03:12 AM
This is from Sonia Choquette's Conscious One course:

The fifth chakra is located at the level of the throat and controls the psychic consciousness of hearing, and listening to both the true meaning of others communication, and your guides. It also activates the function of listening, especially deep listening. This includes telepathy as well as hearing the guiding wisdom of your soul. The ability is called clairaudience.

Symptoms of an:

Overactive Fifth Chakra:
Distraction, Negativity, Resentfulness, Preoccupation with others, Gullibility

Dishonesty, Willfulness, Hostility, Confusion, Repressed Expression
In addition to clairaudience, the fifth chakra also opens your consciousness to your subconscious records, and to the subconscious records of all time, known as the Akashic records. Sometimes, through this chakra, a person will also hear spiritual music.
If this chakra is off balance or shut down, you will be plagued with negative self-talk and inner voices. You may repress your ability to express yourself authentically, to be honest with others or listen deeply to what others are saying. You may tune out others, or partially tune them out, so as to manipulate what you hear.

If your fifth chakra is off balance, you may also hear negative “voices” that confuse, coerce or upset you. You may tune into negative astral planes, attracting confusion or distorting your focus and concentration. You may struggle with intense negative self-dialogue, being overly critical and self destructive in your words, telling yourself mean and harmful things. You may have too many voices in your head at one time — those of yourself, others and spirits all mixed up together, leaving you confused and disoriented.

To balance the throat chakra, close your eyes and mentally locate it at the level of your throat. Place your full attention on this chakra and imagine it is spinning at an even faster rate than the fourth chakra, the color of a blue sky at noon into the aura. As you concentrate on this chakra, imagine you are programming your chakra to focus only on the channels of:
• your conscious mind to your Higher Self,
• helpful guides and divine guidance,
• telepathy (but only if it comes from a source that is both loving and wiser than yourself).
Imagine this spinning sky-blue orb opening like a twirling flower, to a size of five inches in diameter. See the light and energy of God’s divine guidance pouring into your mind, enlightening every cell of your being. Hold this image for five to seven minutes.
If you have a blocked or off-balance fifth chakra, finish this visualization with this affirmation:

The only voice influencing my life is the voice of my Higher Self
and God’s Divine wisdom. All other voices I lovingly ask to leave.

As with the other chakras, there are certain foods which stimulate this chakra such as:

Gingko biloba
Reishi mushrooms
Wheat grass
supplements like

If your throat chakra is shut down and you don’t speak your truth eat these foods often. If you don’t listen or speak over others back off these foods.

18th August 2007, 05:27 PM
thank you, Beekeper. i feel that this block has indeed to do with self-loathing voices. but it is also about wanting to control and unforgiven hurt (i never had a chance to express to the people who degraded me my feelings and am still chocking on this unforgiven stuff). I am going to be trying this meditation, hope it helps

18th August 2007, 06:39 PM
Can't you make liquor with some of those ingredients? :P

Lilao, do you use MSN messenger? I'd love to try using energy healing on you to see if it helps, or even Reiki.

Also, please try this: http://youtube.com/watch?v=KRXdQNA3aEk

PM me if you have an MSN messenger address.

- James

18th August 2007, 08:00 PM
dear James, thank you for your offer. i attempted to install the msn but i cant get thru my firewall, even when it is turned off. still it is so tempting to rely on help from outside - maybe there is another way? thank you in any case.

18th August 2007, 09:02 PM
If you are doing the NEW exercises, I suggest spending more time on your big toe, as it is connected to throat chackra (according to Dr. Stone's map - Polarity Therapy).

Watch carefully what happens when you thougroughly massage both these big toes. I have been doing it for a month or so and the result is very amazing: I have felt very clearly the stifness in my neck (a deep one, not the normal muscular one, but one that lies like very deep inside the bones) and "seen" a kind of burnt big screw as the image of the blockage... This screw turns and is crossing my chest and ending in a hook that literally holds my heart frozen ...

Through meditation (and help from my meditation teacher) I could clearly see the mental pattern developed from the emotional shock that produced this "having a burnt screw holding my head". I had already seen how this rigidity of mind was causing so much unneccesary suffering in my life but didn´t know how to release it. I have also suffered a lot from negative thoughts about myself, and others.

(Not to discourage you but I have spent like 5 days crying on end!!!) In my case, due to many years of pain that was not expressed in its due time ...

I was already in the process of going into this blockage of my neck but I believe that the NEW energy work done on the big toes of my feet have helped much in this and have accelerated the process.

I would like to point out that I was not alone during this process of bringing out all these frozen emotions ... It may be a very painful experience and need some support. In fact it all came out during a meditation retreat.

You may also do the work on the big fingers, but the feet keep older blockages than the hands.

Take it easy ;-) If you feel you need some help just post a message and we talk or I can send you these light balls I send to my friends and dear people in my meditations.

I have also seen other people here wanting to help :-D

What you describe reminds me a lot of my own process. So you now have at least two offers for help.

There are very nice people around this place :-D

Nice to meet you.

18th August 2007, 09:34 PM
thank you Bluebell for sharing! thank you all for such a warm response to my message - that fact alone is amazing. i will try to work on the toe, but being impatient as i am yesterday and today i was jumping into the whole cirle described in the New system.

your sharing on that hook going down to your heart - well what a coincidence: i do not see it as precisely as you describe it but there is a connection down to my heart, too:
today during my meditations when i was trying to "spin" the blue light around throat chakra (as Beekeeper*s post adviced) i welt the pain knots around my heart and in the left arm. these are the pains that i feel during the major emotional outbursts but most of the time i do not feel them... but they are alive and kicking, i am afraid i did not really "dissolve" them, just sort of pushed under the level of perception.
sorry for this rambling around, i will work and let you know of the progress. i just found this:http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=8257&highlight= so there is a lot to digest at the moment.

thank you all again for your warmth, it is my first ever online experience of this kind

18th August 2007, 09:57 PM
You're welcome !!!

When I worked on my toes I went over and over again doing the spin exercise on the articulations of the toes from both the top part of them and the sides and imagining the energy fingers sometimes massaging both sides of the articulation at the same time ...

In my experience when something is very blocked, working directly on the spot is not as effective as working indirectly on some other part with a reflection. We were taught so in the training course for this polarity therapy and I have seen it in many people I have treated.

That is the reason why I found this first series of NEW exercises so good. I directly felt on myself that working on secondary energy centers might be more powerful than working directly on the primary centers. I had done energy exercises on primary centers before but I had never gotten as good results as I have with RB's exercises on secondary centers (so good I have absolutely no hurry in moving to the primary centers exercises so far).

Try on yourself and find out what works better for you now (this changes over time also).

18th August 2007, 09:59 PM
Beekeeper, thanks for the info you posted, found some useful things there.

What is extra sharp?

18th August 2007, 10:23 PM
Also, please try this: http://youtube.com/watch?v=KRXdQNA3aEk

PM me if you have an MSN messenger address.

- James Thanks for this James. I'm going to go ahead and copy this and stickify it in the PSD section.

White Wolf
18th August 2007, 11:21 PM
Hello, lilao. I'm also new to the forum and energy work, but felt like I should say something here.

I can identify with your experience very strongly. I spent 2 years unemployed and unable to function because of (what I would describe as)severe depression. I spent hours with medical doctors being prescribed one pill after another in a futile attempt for relieve and recovery. I almost lost 2 years of memories from that time because I was heavily medicated.

One day I decided that the medication was only making things worse and that I would have to find another solution. I stopped taking all the medications. I remember a trip I took to my sister's house to visit for the weekend and it was only a few weeks fo me being off the medication by she cold already notice a difference.

I think that is something key to remember. Some people respond to the medications,and I do think it is valuable tool to help us heal (along with the ever present requirement of a *healthy* dose of love). In other cases, the medications don't work so well.

I think that gives us insight into the workings of the physical vs energy body relationship. some problems originate in the phsical and manefest in the energy body, others times its theother way around. This tells us which methods would should try first.

I got an ant bite on my foot that made a blockage on one of my secondary chakras. I didn't realize why it was blockade until I looked at my foot and realized that little bit of damage was enough to hinder the fragile pathways I had been just opening over the past few weeks.

If you are worried that your throat chakra is blocked, you might try pulling energy up your charkra to ensure that you have at least a small stabile flow up and down your primary chakras.

The way I do this is to stimulate my feet and pull energy (clearing small blakages olong the way) all the way up your shin, through your thigh, and into your root (the end of your spine or tailbone, between the genitals and anus) and working upwards from there.

Concentrate making a good connection to that spot, eventually you will feel energy moving upwards and finally connect to the next charkra up.

Keep in mind you may not feel the chakra itself and make it pulse, as the exersice mainly makes sure you have good flow to and from major charkras. At leasts, thats my understanding.

The reason I mentioned this exercise is that my friend and I good results from it. It really seem to open your flow up to and from the chakras and form a stable connection for us.

When I first did the exercise, it felt a steady stream of blockages up around and inside each chakra. When it got to my throat, it was very noticable physicly, but you could feel the energy and the things that were blocking up the pathways flowing past your throat. Its a great affirmation that you are actually getting rid of stuff blocking flow, not just making stronger connections.

The stuff will end up collecting in your crown areas by the time you make it all the way up. Remember to breath the blockages out, otherwise your end up with a huge balloon head and nowhere ofr the blokages to go.

I've also have to chop he blockages up before I could blow the biggers ones out sometimes.

If you do the exericse and you still feel the presure around the throat, I would suggest going to the doctor and having them take a look at your throat for problems.

19th August 2007, 06:45 PM
Hey, BeeK!

That's very useful information for me - I have very self-loathing internal dialogue, and also a long-standing throat blockage complex. This can even be felt from the outside by squeezing the tissue gently.

Good stuff! (the hints :D)

Thank you,

19th August 2007, 07:07 PM
If you want, you can imagine/feel/percieve a nice blue or red rose growing in your throat.

Let the roots and stalk suck up all the old energy. Then release it out the flower, and let clean energy in through too.

I do it for friends but if we can't chat you can try it out for yourself and I do hope it helps.

19th August 2007, 09:32 PM
One day I decided that the medication was only making things worse and that I would have to find another solution. I stopped taking all the medications. I remember a trip I took to my sister's house to visit for the weekend and it was only a few weeks fo me being off the medication by she cold already notice a difference. AD never recommends that you stop taking prescription medications by yourself and cold-turkey. If you feel you need to get off them, we recommend that you talk to your health practicioner and figure out a way to do so safely, with the help of the health care practicioner that prescribed them in the first place.
Just saying...

19th August 2007, 09:52 PM
star, whom did you refer to? White Wolf?


White Wolf
19th August 2007, 10:04 PM
She was talking to me, and I agree fully with what she has to say.

Always make informed decisions.

20th August 2007, 03:43 PM
it is me again - thank you again to all for replies and i wonder if you James still could chat to me? i came around my technical problem - it turns out there is a web-based msn messenger i could use.

i do feel i am in the need of help - am writing this letter after a major crisis on the weekend. while my depression regressed from me being unable to get up from the bed for months to me going biking on the best days, i have extreme black periods, with violence against myself and others. i have responded well to the medicaments and certain practices (again, sedona, silva, meditations) helped me a lot, i still do feel that i am in a self-created prison.

i asked my question about throat blockages because they seem to be most prominent - whenever i think of the need to get out of my flat, start new carrier and speak to people i feel this blockage and then the waves of despair come. i feel fully unable to do anything but indulge in my self help. i meditate then, but instead of freeing up more stuff from the bottom (those"pain knots" - cant' think of better word) are coming up and i fall into pieces.

it is all especially bad because i believe that we are responsible for what we think, what we think manifests itself, etc. but i seem to have no control over those dark thoughts voices and dark feelings. in my religiion
despair is a great sin, so the fact that i am committing this sin non-stop adds to the cocktail of self-hate.

maybe i am just looking for the excuses for my impassivity. i know "hard" does not mean "impossible" - but does it really have to be That hard?

yes James - if i could make a liquour oout of all that stuff it wouild be a poisonois one:)

ps - i have nothing against you considering this post as a classical example of self-pitying mixed with self-hate:)

20th August 2007, 03:55 PM
This little piece of an email was shared with me and in turn I want to share it with you.

in a nutshell, find a feeling, and say out loud:

"I'm 29 years old and I have this feeling..."
"I'm 25 years old and I have this feeling..."
"I'm 20 years old and I have this feeling..."
"I'm 15 years old and I have this feeling..."
"I'm 12 years old and I have this feeling..."
"I'm 10 years old and I have this feeling..."
"I'm 8 years old and I have this feeling..."
"I'm 5 years old and I have this feeling..."

You should notice that the feeling disappears. Don't ask
me how it works, I'm still working it out, and results are
a bit sketchy with this one - sometimes it doesn't work on
feelings that tapping shifts easily.

But it does work and it's quite fun as a party trick!

Be specific - substitute 'this feeling' for 'this sharp
headache' or whatever...

If it hasn't released or changed by '5 years old', carry on
for 4, 3, 2, 1 years, and then 9 months, 6, 3, 1 months, 1
day old... minus 1 day old, minus one month, minus 6

I've actually had to go back to "it's 1,000 years ago and I
have this hot feeling in my feet". But it did work.
Either the feeling was filed under the wrong year in my
mind, or I really was dragged through the village and
burned as a witch.

Let a feeling of despair fidn its way into your mind and give this a shot.

20th August 2007, 04:59 PM
it is all especially bad because i believe that we are responsible for what we think, Being responsible for what we think is not the same as what we think is our fault. Please don't fall into that trap. Being responsible for what we think means taking a negative thought, and taking the responsibility to search where it came from and why you are having it. It also means that the reaction to the thought will affect your life. Therre is a big difference in thinking that having a negative thought makes you wrong. In fact, this idea in itself (blaming yourself for having negative thoughts) is a faulty idea that you should investigate, and hold up to the same scrutiny as any other negative thought.

but i seem to have no control over those dark thoughts voices and dark feelings. in my religiion despair is a great sin, so the fact that i am committing this sin non-stop adds to the cocktail of self-hate.
Yes but despair is not a feeling, it's an attitude of having no power or control or belief that there is a possibility of getting better. So please separate yourself from the idea that this is your fault, and try to see it as an emotional state which is often necessary for growth. Use it as a platform for growth, and stop punishing yourself for being human.

20th August 2007, 05:08 PM
Hello, lilao.

I wonder how you do your energy work.

I would recommend not to pull energy up, but downward, into Earth. It has better, more calming results for me.

About dissolving pain knots (= blockages). Try to focus on one, gently but persistently. Observe it, touch it gently, keep it in your mind, try to find that verge between feeling it and feeling it not, so that its intensity cannot bother you. Now linger there, breathe in and out, be aware of the breath and the knot. Breathing out releases tension, breathing helps staying aware. If you lose touch, close in.

You might perceive your consciousness slowly drawing into that spot. That's fine but not absolutely necessary. You might feel the block shrink. Stay in touch. Stay with it until its gone. Stay in that new-found empty space. Feel the release. Feel an empty, airy feeling expanding. Now sink your awareness below your feet and let go.

Letting go is important. You cannot solve all in one day. Some problems are not manageable now, but will be. Be confident. Staying with the breath helps ignoring the mind chatter and staying with the block.

I know how you feel. It will get better, not immediately, not necessarily quickly, but there is a way back out and you will step by step find it. There are no sins, let go of that thought. Let go of all thought. Let the thoughts spin on their own and put your awareness to a better use, back into the workings of your soul.

Take good care,

21st August 2007, 12:34 PM
I must apologise for taking so long to get back to this thread.

If the information I have posted was useful, then you are most welcome and I am happy I posted it.


Depression is very powerful and can completely distort perception. I believe there are big rewards for those of us who work through it and find peace and clarity. That peace and clarity can become habitual and I think there is great advantage in taking that over into the next life.

Depression is, of course, linked to the fear that comes from not knowing who and what we truly are. Ideally, in overcoming its challenges we become more pure in consciousness and more strong in identity. Sadly, the challenge is great and can be compounded by physiological factors.

We can take some measures against depression such as constant exercise and a balanced diet. We can surround ourselves with people and things who help us feel positive and we can ensure we engage in activities that make us happy. Mostly, we must be kind to ourselves (with that kindness we often reserve for others). We must know that the values that we perceive in this world are not absolute and the judgements of others are often distorted.

This can be particularly difficult, I feel, for the evolved soul. I have noticed this in the teenagers I teach. There are those who are too kind, too good, too deep thinking for those around them and it intimidates others. Because the level of awareness of the evolved soul is high, they are sensitive to their impact and know they are being ostracised. Because they live in a human reality, they may not have developed the necessary confidence to value their own goodness, to hold their ground and to know that they are a light in this world.

There is no "sin" in depression. It is a state; a response. It passes. There is a course and that course is to endure with love and hope in tact. There are blessings too. You will find good people (as you've found in this thread) who want to help you. There is unseen help also, I am certain of it. Remember what you experience now will shape you and you may even be grateful for the lessons one day. Maybe you will help others along the way as well.

May love and happiness surround you.

21st August 2007, 01:59 PM
Dammit, BeeK, your pupils must have bloody good karma having a teacher like you. :D


21st August 2007, 03:49 PM
thank you ALL for your great kindness. Indeed this thread helps a lot.

Maybe i will be really eventually be able to help others. So far I have been nothing but a receiver of help, but I feel i have given back in my life way too little. i always thought: ´"later there will be a moment and i will be the GIVING one, but right now i have to survive myself, i have to focus on my own needs, i cannot be giving anything, i do not have enough for myself right now!" I am stil in this survival mode and am sometimes think of myself as of a black hole that absorbs kindness but emits no light back. that is why i am so alone even if there are loving souls trying to reach out to me.

i do still hope to change it all, i am trying to connect to the God again. i had this connection, years ago, when i was hitchiking and living everything in His hands. for past ten years i am seeking this connection, but cannot establish it anymore. that is why i am losing so much in this physical reality.

today i spend two hours with this technique of removing emotional charge: [Post removed due to below min. 20 posts. Please see below]

i stoped after two hours because i feel exhausted,k but i feel the shifts in the issue i was adressing. pöis the technique includes playing with the time line, which corresponds to going back in time (as in Star's post ) just sharing the link because maybe someone will find it helpful, too.

i take all your responses very close to the heart, and am very grateful. I wish you love and happiness too.

21st August 2007, 04:48 PM
Refers to previous post: http://fzglobal.org/robot/index.html

21st August 2007, 08:53 PM
thank you ALL for your great kindness. Indeed this thread helps a lot.

Maybe i will be really eventually be able to help others. So far I have been nothing but a receiver of help, but I feel i have given back in my life way too little. i always thought: ´"later there will be a moment and i will be the GIVING one, but right now i have to survive myself, i have to focus on my own needs, i cannot be giving anything, i do not have enough for myself right now!" I am stil in this survival mode and am sometimes think of myself as of a black hole that absorbs kindness but emits no light back. that is why i am so alone even if there are loving souls trying to reach out to me.

you ARE ALREADY ABLE to help others, just give it a try !! Doesn´t have to be something very complicated or big, just try a small little thing ... It helps a lot when you are feeling very down... I am talking from my own experience, not theory. It will make you feel really better. I'm talking about things such as smiling and easy things like that (even if your feeling is that you cannot, you can, really, just need to do it).

Too much focusing on oneself doesn't help, it only makes the hole bigger ... And we often do not give enough value to little things like being kind to somebody who asks for directions on the street. Really, you have a lot to give even if you are feeling so bad, there is always something you can do for other people. And there are lots of good things we all do every day but we do not really acknowledge.

Something that has helped me a lot is to make a list of all the good things I did during the day. You do it at night, before going to sleep.

Do it, you'll be surprised !!! But you really have to think about every detail, ok? Do not just sit and say "no,no, I was such in a bad mood ... " Think of every minute and you will see ... and remember that little things are also very valuable. You may also take a little notepad with you and write it down when you do it so that you do not forget ... And then make a review at the end of the day.

Give it a try !!! If you cannot find anyhting, I can write a list for you ok? to give you ideas where to look :wink:

Aunt Clair
22nd August 2007, 06:24 AM
The throat chakra becomes blocked with words we did not say but should have and words we should say but have not said yet . It opens as a turquoise chakra between the blue and green ones but becomes "blocked" again when the aqua stone at the rear of the energy body manifests . That is as larger superceding layers of energy body wrap around it , it needs like all centres to be cleansed again . A pulse of energy to the centre of the chakra then radiating out like a disco ball to all facets will open it up . I suggest daily deep cleansing crown to toes and toes to crown reversing the flow .

22nd August 2007, 08:10 AM
Aunt Clair,

this is an interesting thought, that energy body growth/development reblocks the chakras.

Are you sure this is exactly the mechanism? Or could it be that the grown structures now encompass more "territory" that needs to be cleaned, too?

(Okay, that is a bit beside the practical point, because the result for the practitioner is the same, but I'd be interested in the answer.)


Aunt Clair
23rd August 2007, 04:54 PM
Aunt Clair,

this is an interesting thought, that energy body growth/development reblocks the chakras.

Are you sure this is exactly the mechanism? Or could it be that the grown structures now encompass more "territory" that needs to be cleaned, too?

(Okay, that is a bit beside the practical point, because the result for the practitioner is the same, but I'd be interested in the answer.)

Semantics but you are right , thank you for that :)
What occurs is that the stone opens first on the front of the body
then it opens on a wheel at the "equator" in 8 directions
when the aqua stone lights up or becomes imbibed than this occludes the flow thru the back of the chakra and temporarily "blocks" it
new growth is pristine vestigial and requires no cleansing per se
but it can alter flow patterns
and thanks for keeping me on my toes , lol
(Cat dons on a cap to tip it to Korpo )

23rd August 2007, 05:52 PM
Oh boy, Aunt Clair, now I need a bigger English dictionary just to understand what you just said. :oops: :lol:

* goes frantically browsing a set of dictionaries *
* applies new-found vocabulary *


I think this must be experienced to be fully understood, but maybe I get the notion.


23rd August 2007, 06:02 PM
I think that the nature of mystic posts become a bit confusing, so words your not familiar with are not the only concern when filtering the information.

I do love to read about this, recently I was reading AC's posts about her seeing angels on the front and back of hands. And Angel wings from the wrists to the elbow. It has such a artistic quality too that sparks my imagination.
I also enjoyed that post since it slightly relates to an experience I had. I was sending healing through my hands and was getting feedback, as an image, it was an image of angel wings.

30th August 2007, 06:54 PM
hi, it is me again. thank you again for all your responses - there was a lot of food for thought. i have also recieved some healing help from another forum and am feeling somehow a bit better. the feeling in the throat has subsided, maybe also because i did not allow myself to think the frustrating thoughts, about my inability to strat new live, etc.

these few days i have continued to do energy work, reading the materails on the forum (amasing, fascinating - so much info!) and continuing meditations. yesterday night i had some spontaneous OBE experiences, i felt like i have been pushed out of my body and it was scary and i did not want to experiement. then i have also felt that someone was touching the midle of my head and saying something that i could not really understand because i was so sleepy. i thought it was my partner but when i managed to turn and look, he was fast asleep... i do not know whose presence it was.

i also wanted to ask whether there is someone who could have a look at me from the distance and see if i am also plagured by some negs... it is just i had incredibly bad manic episodes during my depression, horrible agresssion against myself (do not want to go into details) and against my loved one. i am in a huge pain when i think of what was happening and how much destruction i have done. still, i cannot tell that i was loosing conciense, no - unfortunately i have been realising what was going on but was not able (or willing!?!) to resist the pain and agression. reading more about energy things i start to think that it might be energy beings dealing with which beyond the realm of antidepressants?

before all this hell started - something like a year and a half ago - i have been in the best condition ever. i had a major crisis three years ago and then could pull myself out due to the Course in Miracles and concentration on love. my live went upwards and for almost a year i felt connected to the Source, but soon i felt in love and the conflicts at work started - and then the hell broke loose, and i am where i am now.

regarding the help to others - i find it extremely hard to communicate with people, at all. i went to the day clinik this week and i found it extremely hard to be in the presence of strangers... let alone to speak to them... i used to be able to speak to strangers, i have been hitchiking for years, travelling a lot, enjoying human contacts. i had also some limited experiences with hand healing, and a long time ago a stranger in the undeground told me that i have to find a way to deal with my energy or else i start "eating myself". that is what is happening, i am afraid.

CFTraveller, maybe i am in a wrong theme, i start to think that maybe i should have rather posted in the request for healing forum?

thank you again - and will be grateful if you could continue guiding me for a bit...

30th August 2007, 06:55 PM
for some reason the post got quadripled!

That sometimes happens to me when I use my laptop- it goes so slow that it times out on the return to forum and then I hit submit again thinking that it timed out on the 'inpost' but it actually was already done and find that it doubled.
I hope what I just posted is understandable. :shock: :lol:

30th August 2007, 07:18 PM
CFTraveller, maybe i am in a wrong theme, i start to think that maybe i should have rather posted in the request for healing forum? Up to you. I can move it if you like.