View Full Version : i feel bigger than my body kinda spaced out all the time

16th August 2007, 05:14 PM
ever since i think i raised my kundalini ive been feeling like im disconnected from my body, from reality, like im bigger than my body. I kinda feel like my consciousness has expanded or something. Does anyone know what this could be? Is this a symptom of kundalini or energy work?

29th August 2007, 04:29 AM
ever since i think i raised my kundalini ive been feeling like im disconnected from my body, from reality, like im bigger than my body. I kinda feel like my consciousness has expanded or something. Does anyone know what this could be? Is this a symptom of kundalini or energy work?

Hi Soulpower, while im not exactly sure WHAT it is I have had similar sensations. When you get "high" with energy work you might feel disconnected or lighter or less substantial,etc due to lack of grounding. I remember one day I felt so light and walking on air ish that I started freaking out, afraid that I would dissapear or something and ate two huge plates of food to get back to heavy.

Grounding is important. Imagine yourself as a tree, reaching new heights and growing upwards but at the same time remaining rooted firmly in the earth.


29th August 2007, 04:34 AM
Hello, waking.

I think that could be what Robert calls "raising the base level of consciousness".

The etheric body, for example, is a bit bigger than the physical one, but exists in the same location at a different vibratory frequency. This rule continues to apply for all higher energy bodies (emotional, mental, psychic, karmic/causal, individuality, Tao) as well, at least I read so. Each bigger, more subtle, of a higher frequency.

Monroe and Robert tell us of the feeling of "the energy body expanding". That is usually when your mind turns its base frequency from physical to etheric and settles into what Monroe calls your "2nd body".

Now imagine you make this change more permanently and your consciousness comes to rest at this level as its new base level. Does that describe what you told us about?


Aunt Clair
29th August 2007, 03:48 PM
Also consider that the energy body continues to enlarge over time . The magician takes ownership of a space their height above and below the ground and gradually grows larger . Each stage is one tarot card unit . On metaphysically active sitters I will often see 1.5 cards above the ground another 1.5 below and 3 cards wide 2 cards deep .

http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewto ... c&start=75 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=324&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=75)
http://groups.msn.com/AlchemicalFlame/s ... nw?Page=10 (http://groups.msn.com/AlchemicalFlame/shoebox.msnw?Page=10)
larger image 2 dep by 3 wide and 3 above as well as 3 below
http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0SAAkD2AW ... tarots.gif (http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0SAAkD2AWz0LEGBbMQr4pgG0VIQcV7CA4bP9jwha94DvoERQli e6159t9P2qACUjWiqxNKXgEfuaHdVdhijIpbBmgYbOxBQicnFe qSCPHgmREAAAAV3QVAg/tarots.gif)

29th August 2007, 05:39 PM
I accidentally pasted soulpowers message into mine, so remember the first paragraph is not mine.

That's really interesting Korpo, and it's the first I hear about that. I'm not sure what it implies in terms of physical sensations, could it explain the spaced out sensation or feeling extreme lightness?

Aunt Clair i'm not too familiar with the tarot card system and how it relates to this but it sounds intriguing.

Mod Note: Fixed it...

Aunt Clair
30th August 2007, 05:56 AM
The Tarot is an archetype representing the path of the magician and the tree of life . The magician is the tree of life the hanged man is the roots of the tree of life standing foot to foot beneath the magician .

* begin as 7 chakras in a flat tree shoulders to hips then we progress to
*a flat averse tree behind us
* the roots of the tree of life are below us as qlippoth
* beind the roots are the roost of the shadow or averse tree
* we build the pillars of ama and abba rhp & lhp white and black
* now we are 3 D in an obelisk above and the mirror reflection below too
* now the roots become a tree so 4 trees above 4 trees below now this is the celtic orchard the roots of one become canopy of another
* the trees grow in width and heighth

looking at the tarot card spread above, the middle row represents the girth or depth so 2 trees one in front, one in back

vertically 3 trees ;one is us ,then the guardian is higher, then the giant higher still and below us 3 more trees below the mirror or ground

This growth occurs slowly and predictably over time
When the magician has 6 stones in 3D they look like the giant .
The path is infinite and internal and eternal .
As the body becomes larger it is the map and the path the consciousness becomes less phyiscal more light and higher in vibration able to attain all the realms in the broader sacred orchard .

So you are bigger than your physical body and you can integrate this energy body giant thru meditation and projection .

30th August 2007, 09:29 AM
That's really interesting Korpo, and it's the first I hear about that. I'm not sure what it implies in terms of physical sensations, could it explain the spaced out sensation or feeling extreme lightness?

This could have manifold reasons, but the most likely one would be ungroundedness.

I'm hazarding a guess here, but it may just be that you have shifted your consciousness to one of your cleaner energy bodies (so your mind resides at a certain frequency most of the time) while you still have not cleaned up those below, giving you a somewhat "shaky foundation".

You can shift consciousness to another energy body provided it is clean enough even though the "lower ones" are not clean. I know of at least one person who does this to get rid of physical pain. This seems to feel "out of body" in a way.

So, have you any serious physical conditions? It may be time to clean and ground the bodies in the proper order, develop the lower chakras, all these kinds of things associated with grounding.

Take good care,

31st August 2007, 02:16 AM
Kundalini is famous for these kind of sensations, as we were discussing in another thread, it likes to spend alot of time in the head and will move into the crown chakra. Do you get sensations of heat along the spinal column and in the left foot? I find that if I go through times like these the heat will manifest then I begin to feel more grounded again. I'm not sure if there is a connection, everyone is different. Going for walks in nature helps me reground too.

I should probably add that my lower chakra's are not as clean as the upper ones, so I can completely relate to Oliver's post above.

6th December 2007, 06:37 PM
Hey soulpower0824, have you tried the things they suggested?

What kind of results have you had? let us know.

4th January 2008, 04:38 PM
ever since i think i raised my kundalini ive been feeling like im disconnected from my body, from reality, like im bigger than my body. I kinda feel like my consciousness has expanded or something. Does anyone know what this could be? Is this a symptom of kundalini or energy work?

i believe one cannot confuse kundalini rise.i mean it so powerful that even though u may be unaware , but its mere rise is enuf to tell u that something has risen,leave alone wat name u wanna give.
well i share very similar experience or more . i feel more disconnected,i dont feel my skin like before.
and yes it feels bigger than body, feels very uncomfortable like being stuffed into a small sack.or it feels like the chested is bloated with space or air and doesnt feel like oneself before.also a lill hard pricky feeling in heart stomach and throat, which i often mistaken as a feeling of extreme thurst or hunger.
my experience of expansion is different rather.
.... looking forward to share more on this....