View Full Version : Just a dream or bad spirit?

15th August 2007, 08:24 PM
I was meditating last night before bed and fell asleep

I dreamed I was in my house and it was very vivid and real...There was a spirit in my house who was supposed to be someone I knew but who I knew was an imposter. I pointed out the subtle differences in the house and he seemed to be annoyed that I noticed. I have to mention, I couldn't see him at this point only feel him.
In my (dream)head a voice was practically screaming at me that this was a bad spirit but I felt very sluggish, like I had little control
I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror and that's when it seemed this "spirit" took over my body
I ran my/his hands all over my face and body, then i was led upstairs
This is where it gets strange...it's like my mind blacks out for a moment and when my dream picks up I am laying in a bed with this huge man looming over me...He looks massive, like a pro wrestler, with long black hair and his eyes were painted like an egyptians. Again I was paralyzed and I couldn't move, but now I was slightly surprised to realize I didn't want to move. It was like I had been taken over and was content to allow whatever was going to happen to happen.
Then (in my dream) my mom walked in and I was able to jump off the bed and out of the room and the spirit disappeared and I woke up

Does this seem like a dream or something more?
I can't even begin to explain how real it all felt and how little control I seemed to have

18th August 2007, 05:36 AM
Thats pretty damn intense..

Our house in a dream is almost always a representation of us (in my experience), my house in dreams can be lots of things, a castle, a temple, an appartment, a city, but I always have a sence that it is 'my house'. I'm not sure if the house being different is important or not, could be a reflection of you growing, or it could be that the spirit wants you to think the the house is you, when it is infact an illusion created by the spirit, wich explains his annoyance. Everyone has demons that they need to overcome. Is there something in your life you feel you are controlled by? That it is hard for you to stop doing? It might be something that comes up in your mind alot during meditation. It might be hard for you to find it; if the voice is screaming so hard, it must be something you might not even think is that bad. I had a dream similarish to this one, my bad spirit grew 30ft tall in the dream, I thought I was totally helpless against it. A good being came on the scene told me to use my wisdom to fight. I tried hard to avoid the behavior that fed it, last time I saw it, instead of being 30ft tall it was looking very anorexic an wimpy... long story short.

....It's interesting his eyes were painted like that, I've had lots of dreams involving Egypt, but I've lived here my whole life, Ive never even stepped foot on a desert. I wonder if it is because it is beleived all humans originated from near Egypt (Eden).

Did a little googling.. found this site, has a nice search thingy: dreammoods.com
it says: 'To dream of Egypt, indicates the roots and core of your own emotions and spirituality. It suggests of a time in life where things may have been simpler'

..neat, it ties into my origins idea.

18th August 2007, 06:24 AM
I've had a lot of pretty intense "house" dreams, but I've never had a dream quite like the one you describe (I completely agree with the view that it was intense!). It does sound to me something like a personal "demon" or perhaps some sort of past life memory type of thing (like a person you knew in a past life, coming to see you astrally, though I sure wouldn't want to make his acquaintance again from the sounds of it).

Although, in another thread you spoke of losing some interest in the material world, perhaps the figure represents being seduced by the Astral... ?

I wouldn't rule out a neg, of course. I used to regularly dream of demons and I now understand that they were, literally, demons... :shock: So I wouldn't take it lightly, and would start setting up wards and other protections, just in case.

The thing with dream interpretation is that while there are some symbols that can be more or less universal (like the house = self thing), they're still very personal. Ultimately, the only person who can interpret your own dreams is you. Meditation can help with that, by the way. I sometimes meditate on one or another dream symbol and I often find an understanding when I'm in meditation.

I hope this was at least mildly helpful. I'm not sure that it was (but I mean well ;)).

18th August 2007, 08:00 AM
I don't feel a need to add anything to these excellent answers except something Aunt Claire has said and that is that to hear your mother's voice in a dream is to hear your Higher Self.

18th August 2007, 02:07 PM
Wow thanks for the excellent replies everyone

Beekeeper...interesting thing about the mother being the higher self, as it seemed my mom was the one who distracted me enough that I could slip out of this "spirits" power...perhaps myself coming to the rescue?

Olderwiser...The house=self thing could be true, but Im not sure how that relates to my dream....perhaps the subtle differences were the progressions Ive made? Or if it was a neg, maybe it wanted me to be in a place I felt safe making me more vulnerable? I don't have enough knowledge on that subject though to make a guess

Alaskans...This is the second time I have dreamed of a powerful Egyptian being. I had a post a while back about a dream I had of a spirit named Thoth who was showing me symbols. Hmm...same person I wonder?

22nd August 2007, 03:51 AM
I deleted this post.

Aunt Clair
22nd August 2007, 04:17 AM
The image you describe sounds like Anubis .He often appears like that or with a jackal head . But he is not intrusive , rude or agressive so that seems unlikely . I would suggest sitting in meditation and askng for more info & clues regarding identity & intention of this visitor .

23rd August 2007, 11:55 AM
Thank you Aunt Claire, I will meditate on it
Normally I would write it off as a very strange vivid dream, however this is the third dream in tha last few months that are about powerful Egyptian beings. Too many to seem a coincidence, and I haven't been watching shows or reading any books on the subject.

Aunt Clair
23rd August 2007, 04:48 PM
I find Anubis a gentle majestic teacher a gentleman in nature shy and wise protective and kind . I hope that this helps in some manner to reassure you . I was brought up as a Christian and was astonished to find Egyptian avatars appearing in realms and mystic visions teaching me and my peers . I thought they were mythical . I now find Egyptian Pantheon fascinating and no longer become surprised when another presents a lesson . Have you seen the Crystal links site ? She has a mega metaphysical site . I think you would enjoy her works on Egyptian deities . Google it please if you have not seen it and if you have return and read about the Egyptian deities . I feel it is time for you to project to the Queens Chamber of the Great Pyramid of Luxor which has a replica in Shamballah . This is a place of initiatic magick where all humans are called to have attunements .

25th August 2007, 11:48 AM
Thanks for the information Aunt Claire

I do feel that these beings are teachers
The first one was showing me symbols on a wall and trying to explain them to me
The second was of a pharoah like person speaking to a huge crowd of people
then this most recent one

I have been to crystal links but I will definately revisit it. Thank you
As for projecting to the Great Pyramid, I need to better hone my projecting skills first :)
Hmmm..could I get there in a dream maybe? I seem to have better luck with those lately