View Full Version : Multiple Sclerosis

13th August 2007, 03:38 AM
Hey guys, I have a close friend who suffers from multiple sclerosis and was wondering if anyone has ever tried healing someone with this disease? His muscles are really in bad shape, thus I'm wondering if it is even worth the energy to try and help him. I'd like to help him if possible.

Aunt Clair
13th August 2007, 07:59 AM
Healing is not always about complete remission of symptoms . Healing is

also about reducing ;


and about increasing ;

immune system
resistant to disease
life expectancy
range of motion

Reiki will not harm a patient . MS patients differ in the manifestation and magnitude of the disease . Most are not progressively terminal but are rather recessive remissive so there are periods of flare ups .

Fire energy is helpful for swollen joints
Hot water energy is great for spastic muscles
Cold water energy is helpful for most MS patients allowing them to have a much greater range of flexibilty and motion .

IF you want to help with reiki the traditional treatment of rotating slowly to stations on th body will be beneficial . If there are specific symptoms you wish to alleviate then learning to control elemental prana will help .

Meditation and self healing are very therapeutic to MS as is a positive attitude and affirmations .
Here are links ;
http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewto ... highlight= (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=8257&highlight=)
esp 5

13th August 2007, 11:13 AM
I had an incredibly intelligent pupil struck by the disease when he was 17. That was a few years ago.

I often send him healing but I don't know if it's effective. It's not something you go up to someone and do in general but especially not at a catholic school. His is a very conservative family but I know his mum has tried healers because she confided it to me.

I've visited him in hopsital. Showing someone you care must count, I feel. I think I'll send him a letter soon. Yes, I really must do that.