View Full Version : Energy Body Development and Atrophy

9th August 2007, 02:07 AM
Does anyone know what happens when the Energy Body stops getting consciously stimulated? Do you maintain at where you were? Does it atrophy, and if so, is there a memory?(like muscle memory for example) My current assumption is that it would get blocked up and maintain memory of it's past condition. Any ideas?

(*Edit; ah was gonna ask another question in the Astral Awareness forum and forgot to switch...Mods please move haha) Done-CF

9th August 2007, 04:48 AM
I have no evidence for it, but my current belief (which fits with my personal experience) is that it works similarly to physical muscles--i.e. it does atrophy, but it's easier to get back to a level of development you've already achieved than it is to achieve a new level of development.

9th August 2007, 09:50 AM
Blockages are of the same basic nature in all energy bodies - from physical over etheric and so on. When your body atrophies, it shows up in your etheric body.

The equivalent of atrophying for the energy body is when you stop integrating your experience by energy work/meditation. Then again not-yet-integrated experiences accumulate and start to clog up your etheric, emotional and mental bodies and in the long term make stressed out and sick.

Is this close to what you meant?


10th August 2007, 02:09 AM
I wouldn't say it atrophies. It is maintained to some extent as an unconscious part of your being alive. It can and frequently gets clogged, twisted, blocked, and otherwise obstructed due to lack of cleaning.

What does seem to atrophy is your conscious command of it. Without some amount of use, your conscious mind gets rusty on how to active your various energy skills. Fortunately, its like riding a bicycle, its much easier to remember than to learn in the first place.

[grammer edit]

10th August 2007, 03:50 PM
The equivalent of atrophying for the energy body is when you stop integrating your experience by energy work/meditation.

Can you expand on that please? Not sure what you mean by integrating your experience.[/quote]

10th August 2007, 05:40 PM
Every day you are bombarded with experience. If you can take it, no problem. But a lot of stuff can be too much to take at that time, things you push away, repress, that might even traumatise you. Within you unresolved experiences accumulate, depending on the state of your mind, the maturity of your emotions, and your general disposition.

This manifests energy blockages. To my experience most body blockages have an emotional charge, they are something that has not run its course within you. Meditation and energy work are ways to get things moving again. Energy back into flow.

The inner space you make in meditation by gently allowing your mind to settle allows the reintegration of experience. Unfinished stuff that continues to haunt or bug you slowly loses its charge. The awareness invested on keeping inner conflicts going is won back. You become more aware, more alive, more "yourself".

Putting your conscious awareness into the blockage of body, soul and mind starts the process of reintegration. Energy work is also a way to start becoming more aware. In my meditation, energy work and meditative, centered awareness are combined into resolving things, for example.

That's what I meant. :D


11th August 2007, 03:55 AM
Is this close to what you meant?


Yep. :)

I wouldn't say it atrophies. It is maintained to some extent as an unconscious part of your being alive. It can and frequently gets clogged, twisted, blocked, and otherwise obstructed due to lack of cleaning.

What does seem to atrophy is your conscious command of it. Without some amount of use, your conscious mind gets rusty on how to active your various energy skills. Fortunately, its like riding a bicycle, its much easier to remember than to learn in the first place.

[grammer edit]

That makes sense. I've read that it stays near where you left off even in future liftetimes. (If you believe in reincarnation)