View Full Version : Problem when waking up from a dream

7th August 2007, 10:44 PM
Hi everyone. I am a longtime fan of the forum as a lurker, so-to-speak, and only joined today.

I have been doing energy work, also, attempting to induce an OBE (I had a spontaneous one years ago and have recently undertaken to try and induce it again after some years of "leaving it alone").

My problem is that during this time, I am more prone to waking up from a dream, so that for a few moments the dream seems to continue, while I am aware of laying in my bed. Usually this combining of dream and waking world give me the impression that there are people in the room, which I generally assume to be robbers. At this point I usually start kicking and unleashing a stream of profanity until I regain full consciousness. My sleeping wife (not sleeping for long at this point) is understandably by then getting pretty annoyed with me waking her up. can anyone relate to this problem and give me some pointers on how to avoid it?

8th August 2007, 12:30 AM
This is a tendency to get hypnopompic hallucinations, and some people consider it as a good thing. The only thing I recommend is to get on the hypnagogic state on purpose and practice this until it becomes familiar and nonthreatening, and if you get used to it you can use it to access the akashic records and used as platforms for WILDs.
Other than trying to give yourself affirmations prior to going to sleep, I have no idea. Most people want to achieve these types of states instead of the opposite. :lol:

8th August 2007, 12:36 AM
Thanks CFTraveler. Thats the thing. My problem isnt so much with the state itself as with the physical reaction I am having to it that is waking up my wife. I will follow the link you provided though and see what I find. Maybe getting used to it will entail an ocassional night of me sleeping in the armchair so I dont cause a disturbance.

8th August 2007, 12:47 AM
I go through occasional period of this and then they go away. I imagine it could be some sort of sleep hormonal disruption (big guess here) or even positional (but that is really only about waking paralysis, which can give you the same results.) In my case familiarity is what did it, and I didn't fight it so much after realizing what was happening.

9th August 2007, 01:06 AM
wierd huh :shock: lots of stories. It is only bad for me if I fall asleep in a negative mood. Like if I think im under some kind of attack my subconcious will take over my body while I'm asleep. A couple times my sub did things I really didnt approve of (inviting in all beings! gah that was dumb, numbskull...), other times he defends me. If im at peace when I'm awake nothing bad happens. Could just be nothing really bothers me anymore. (quite awhile ago) I remember being in that state and I saw something like the grim reaper come out through the floor of the bathroom, fly down to my room, claw and hammer on my door, smashing it down. I was awake, but asleep too, actually I think that one I was paralyzed, could only move my eyes and mumble, eeek!! :shock: .. better than halloween anyways. But um.. I guess I'm just saying I relate, and the cause is fear. Overcome that and you can obe from that state pretty easy (using a tech).