View Full Version : Dreaming of my own development

6th August 2007, 02:32 AM
Had an interesting dream this morning that I thought I'd share. The part that was the most interesting, was actually a very brief segment right before I woke up.

At the end of my dream before waking up I was sitting on the edge of a bed. Not my bed, but a bed that I happened to be sitting on the edge of. I was starting to space out and wake up when I half heard, half read a brief message. I say half read because it's almost like key words flashed in front of my eyes to fill in any possibility of muddling what I was hearing.

Anyway, the gist was, and this happened quite quickly mind you, that I was reaching the end of my first level of development. Someone, had requested to someone else, that I be helped along to level 2. This request was apparently granted. I remember the specific sentence. "Expect wordless endings". which my intuition basically told me was I would move through the end of one phase and into the next without a lot of fuss. I saw the word chakras and once again my intuition told me that the next level or step was doing primary center work.

Basically I came away with the understanding that I could move on from my secondary energy center work and start on stimulating my primary centers now.

I just thought it was interesting that it was such a small part of the dream I was having before then. Completely unrelated from what the rest of the dream was. I also found it interesting about the supposed 3rd parties that were involved. I didn't know who they were, but was under the impression that someone else was having a hand in this affair. I dunno if anyone else really was or not, it could have just been how my dreammind was interpreting things, but it's nice to know that my developmental energy work is having some kind of effect anyway.

6th August 2007, 02:56 AM
I was sitting on the edge of a bed. Not my bed, but a bed that I happened to be sitting on the edge of. Uuumm, could you be more specific. :lol: :wink:

The thing that is easiest in dream interpretation, is when there are words. They can almost always bet taken literally. One time in a dream I was paralyzed. I said “I can’t move!” The deal fell through with a house I was going to rent, but I never would have gotten that from being paralyzed in the dream.

"Expect wordless endings".
This would have said to me that it is time to stop the reading, or the studying, and move on to doing.

Basically I came away with the understanding that I could move on from my secondary energy center work and start on stimulating my primary centers now.
There you go! :D