View Full Version : Dream meaning

5th August 2007, 05:29 PM
Its interesting for me. Dreams are, becuase when you practice energy work you can be assured that your dreams are even more meaningful. Sometimes par of what you remember is also an astral projection, or what someone might call phasing or mental projection.

Last night I did some work that involved calling in fragments of my soul.

I then dreamed of a many headed hydra, it died, violently, then stood a single massive hydra with only one head. It was really symbolic.

I also went directly to some sort of place of learning. I flew around but I can't remember the converstation I had, I can just barely remeber being silly and someone who was watching giving me a look like: :roll:

6th August 2007, 01:51 AM
hehe :D

Recently I met two people in a dream who seemed out of the ordinary to me, a man and woman, they looked like twins (yin/yang?). I could tell they had beautifull souls. I said,"You arent from this world are you?" they replied "Not exactly, we arent even from this dimension."

Maybe once your mind is open you dream beyond your field, your self.