View Full Version : Can someone help interpret these dreams?

1st August 2007, 05:37 PM
Over the last two nights I've had some very interesting dreams...

Night 1: In this night I was at my old middle school with two friends (f1 + f2) strangely one of them also phased back and forth with another friend I know. Both of them (all three) are skeptics. Anyway we were doing something... camp reunion? When we somehow left I brought them to the akishic (sp?) records and asked them if they believed in OBE now. They nodded that they did and I asked The Records what the meaning of life was... When I did a number of images flooded into my head the most prominent one was of an asian man working in a field. And writing was lighting up on the back of something that was either cardboard or rock spelling out things that are the meaning of life. Unfortunately I can't really remember them.

Night 2: Last night I had a very disturbing dream. I was in my house and people were leaving a party I just had when I heard someone say, "You can travel as a spirit..." Which instantly made me think of AP and OBE. So I went over to talk to them and brought up a completely separate topic which is somewhat personal... I didn't know the people and didn't want it to seem like I was eavesdropping so I didn't bring up the topic of AP. We went into my computer room and walked out into a huge expansive cafe. With the 4 of them, they were part of some university study that somehow, I felt, pertained to spirituality. Anyway, I felt that I had overstayed my welcome and went off to stare at a poster when a preacher came and yelled at them, telling them they had transgressed in becoming part of the project and that they would go to hell. I walked up to him and said, "Maybe by telling them that they have transgressed and that they will go to hell, you yourself, have transgressed and now will be damned to hell." The man looked at me surprised. He turned to me and he had these two sticks in his hands latched together by what looked like a blue piece of soft thick cloth. He stuck the two sticks in my face and started scratching, I walked off saying, "This is assault!" and walked to a counter and turned back around and shouted at the man, "You asshole!" (he scratched my face). I walked up to him and he said, "Now you have transgressed, and you will go to hell." Behind him I saw one of the four people in his astral body, staring at me with his fingers to his lips "shushing" or maybe it was a thumbs up... At the same time my Mom walked down into the cafe which was as big as a hotel lobby and told me not to swear, it's bad, I didn't pay her any attention. Anyway he (the projector) vaporized and I was left talking to this man with my mom watching I said to him, "Is it me who has transgressed, or is it you, in this violent attitude forcing me to use such words that have transgressed," The man didn't like that at all and started yelling, "You have transgressed," and I said, "Not I, it was YOU who have transgressed, in your attitude forcing me to say that to you." The preacher fled to go speak with other people who seemed more empathetic to his cause. My mom seemed to think what I was saying was ok, and didn't bother me anymore, and I followed (or phased with) the others to their experiment. As it turns out, this experiment, is, if there is such a thing, an experiment that would damn someone to hell. There were dozens of bodies in a cage, and a man telling people to throw the bodies into this muddy and murky water, I couldn't understand what this had to do with spirituality, it was just terrible, I heard someone failed in their job, and I felt like it was me, by cutting 2/8 of a Portuguese women off of her body seriously horrifying, it reminded me of the holocaust, the mud and the bodies... I turned and went back to the counter where I had gone earlier before berating the preacher. Now I was transported to a basketball game where something was defiantly afoot. People were fleeing and the floor was torn up and I sat up in a throne like area as I watched the mayhem. Below there was a well of fire, the chains that had been holding it were broken, I almost saw it from an angle as if I had jumped inside of the well. Fire was coming out and from it lept the devil. Nothing about the situation was "dark" per se, it was well lit and not threatening or scary to me. The devil jumped out and did an acrobatic jump and sat to my left. He (the devil) knew me, and spoke to me as if I were his prodigy. Someone who he held in abnormally high esteem. He told another one of his servants, a hypogriff or a griffon to go and fight for him, the creature complained and he said, "You never have to do anything, go, fight" the entire situation reminded me of the Adam Sandler movie Little Nicky. But I sat there, watching the mayhem with almost a grim satisfaction that I was up here watching, while they were down there. Below me. I was sitting to the right of the devil and we began to speak. I think I told him about the experiment that I had seen, and about how it skewed my beliefs of spirituality, or something like that, because his response was, "How can you challenge the spirituality if you are sitting here, right now, talking to the devil," and so we joked about that for a while. Then he asked me if I had something for him.. This was the one part that cased me stress in the dream. There was a choice between two items I had, one was a locket that held some great power, the other was a keychain, that unlocked something important. I wasn't sure which to give him, either would sedate him... I gave him the heart locket that could summon creatures and do other acts of magick. I felt that had I kept it I could have defeated him, or at least fought him right there. But there was a reason I gave it to him over something else and I'm not sure what it is, it was just on the understanding that, if he died he would give me the heart locket back. I don't whether it was he who said it, or me who thought it, but I heard something along the lines of, "The devil, die? Hah!" I was afraid that I had broken my cover because I was the one who had to kill him. Or had the plan to. I wasn't sure how, but I could have done it, and felt regret for giving him the heart locket, but luckily there were two other sets of keys, that were, also, I hoped significant. I was then given a mission and I returned to my home town and entered the park near me, where I had to do something with three others. I went to the tennis courts which were positioned ninety degrees on an axis to the right of how they normally are positioned. There there was, somehow I felt, something that linked to the experiment that I had seen earlier about 9-10 people were there. They were evil, but they were also against me, how could they be evil if they were fighting the "devils servant" I am uncertain but they weren't good. They were almost like biker punks, but big, and putrid? They attacked the her two people I was with and I jumped to the other side of a high fence in the middle of the tennis courts. The other two I was with damaged the 10 and I felt very few of the remainder of the ten could operate well anymore. Only their (now) badly burnt leader. I tried to trick attack him by throwing the equivalent of smoke grenades over the fence to confuse him, but I had bad aim. Or couldn't throw them far enough. I only had one weapon, a big sword shaped stick. Nice wood though I will admit :wink:. Anyway he went past the fence and faced me and I tripped back over something trying to get to my sword which was with my pack that was separated from me. He was reaching to me when the dream ended and I woke up...

Anyway, I normally wouldn't share my dreams and ask for an interpretation but considering the large amount of spiritual undercurrents I think that I needed to share it, with the massacred people, the devil, the preacher and out-of-body traveler. I feel this is the first of a few dreams I will have like this and I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out what this means... As I feel it means something significant.

1st August 2007, 05:44 PM
Oh, and I might want to add, once I left the experiment and entered the devil scene I had a feeling of purpose and felt very suave.

1st August 2007, 09:35 PM
If it is literal, and the 'devil' is a being, he is certainly a weakling and cant do any good for you in the long term.

1st August 2007, 10:03 PM
I have a completely different take on your dream.
I see the preacher as a symbol of an old belief system, mainly a judeo-christian concept of heaven, hell, and nothing else. To me your former classmates, symbolize the old ideas you had when you were younger and less mature- party, and stuff young people do. I see it as a transition from an immature (immature as we all are when we're young) to a more 'open perspective' your dawning spirituality, when you question all you were taught- and then the demon shows you a different reality- when you open yourself to a wider reality you get to see things that are part of it that are not so 'nice'- hell-realms and demons- things that perhaps (and I say perhaps) you had rejected when you rejected the younger religious views- so now you are faced with a reality that includes all of the above but in a different context- a context that from a human standpoint may be hard to take, but I think your dream symbolizes the fact that you are trying to fit all these ideas and realities in a new context.
Of course, I could be completely wrong-not knowing what your religious background is- If so I apologize.

3rd August 2007, 10:08 PM
Its hard to talk without creating karma :? .... thats why Im always deleting my posts

A lot of people dont know how deceptive everything has become, so many things out there to deceive you. On top of that, they think demons can help them, but they are just using people, trying to survive.

Im sure you can figure out much of the dream. If it is important, your other self will try to help you if you ask.

12th August 2007, 02:25 PM
Thank you for helping me out. I haven't known how to respond to this thread... So now I am responding and I am responding with my third dream, which is closely related to the second.

Last night I got up early and had a projection attempt, it turned out that I couldn't do it and I layed on my side and went to sleep. I guess it turned into a lucid dream and I could feel myself sliding inside my body and I was trying to get out but I couldn't open my eyes because I was opening my normal eyes instead... It turns out though I think I was opening the eyes of my inner projection.

Anywho, so I had two semi-lucid dreams about projection and then a third about this devil charector.

I somehow in the dream was looking at my laptop on the bed in the bedroom in which I was sleeping and apparently I left some innappropriate adult content on the screen... That I had been looking at earlier in the dream, or at a different time... Anyway I was in my bedroom and this devil charector was at the foot of my bed talking to me, he wanted something from my cousin (who consequently isn't the one who was sleeping above me) who may have caught a peek of this inappropriate adult content on the computer. After I saw that he did, the devil appeared and wanted something from my cousin, which seemed to be the ability to lucid dream (and project? I saw OBE in my minds eye) anyway, I told my cousin not to give it to him, because with this power the devil could take over the world. With the devil came two charectors from southpark (and then I realized the devil was drawn in southparks style, although not the big beefy muscular south park devil, more like a smaller one... Or like the one for futurama! Just drawn like how they do south park charectors) anyway, one said to the other, "The producers really have to start changing the plot of this story, the whole devil taking over the world thing is getting old," or something to that effect. I laughed at this, but the devil was pissed that my cousin wouldn't give him his ability to lucid dream. I felt above the devil, and the devil then went under my covers and horned me (litterly mean he poked me with big horns he had grown) and then told me that, "This is your greatest weakness" (he was talking about someones head being in that area if you catch my drift) and then got out and said, "Now I have to go see a blond dutch chick" and left...

I don't know if the devil is a neg. I think that it may represent my fear, what I gave him in my first dream I believe was my fear of what lay in my heart, or my natural ability. In this dream, the first night that I had come so close to an OBE he came and tried to take from my cousin that very ability, which led me to know how precious it was. I think these were the keys, the keys to opening up spiritual pathways, this, more important than natural ability I kept to myself. Maybe it was that the choice in the first dream was between the keys (spirtuality) and the heart (earthly natural ability), that would explain why with natural ability I could maybe defeat the devil which may have meant something different in that context (litterly evil?) and with my keys I would most surely beat him at a later time. I don't know why I couldn't use that natural ability to help me out in the spiritual path, maybe the feeling of starting as new and moving up, without the help of natural ability, allows me to fully explore it with modesty? Could this possibly represent a choice I made before my life? Where I chose between Natural Ability during this life or to follow spiritual pathway?

The devil between the legs thing is somewhat disturbing to me because I am pretty sure we all know what it represented. It could mean two things to me...
1) My greatest weakness being how suceptible (sp?) I am to sexuality or 2) that I lack the ability to interact at that level and that I should open up to that facit.

I don't see the devil as an "evil" charector, but the representation of a negative choice, or weakness. I don't know, what do you guys think? This opens up a lot more questions than it answers, and I would love if you guys could continue to help me work it out. It would be wholly appreciated. Thanks for your help so far.

18th August 2007, 04:46 AM
I think.... those are good interpretations. hehe I wonder if the 'devil' is actually a guide, looks like he's giving you >ahem< good pointers :lol: lust is the #1 problem for most people. he definately could be a representation of something, but I wouldnt at all be suprised if he is a real entity; we're swimming in beings. still, I wouldnt give anyone anything, especially if they asked for it, the good guys dont ask you for anything, they dont expect anything in return exept good behavior.