View Full Version : Vibrations

31st July 2007, 12:34 AM
I have been experimenting with AP for a long time. MAP is the first thing I have found that walks you through having an AP.
Well I have had some AP and OBE but they were spontaneous, During meditation. I have had some lucid dreams and have been able to remember those even years later. I remember one I had when I was 3 yrs old, I am now 39 yrs old. Well I finally, this afternoon, tried to do a controlled exit. When I read about a vibration, I had no Idea how strong a vibration. It was the strangest feeling. I have had that feeling before and did not realize what it was until I read it here and in MAP. The other times I have had this feeling was during some if not most dreams that I am able to remember. And I have noticed that during those types of dreams If I "wake" and the lights are on my vision is also vibrating. Is it normal for your Physical vision to also vibrate or waver when You come out of an AP?

Thanks. Peace and Love.


7th August 2007, 04:01 AM
ya thats pretty weird, i experienced the same kind of reaction that you had... vibrations are very powerful; i thought that you could create them in your mind, so to speak, and when i actually experienced them, i was totally blown away- it runs out of control and it can surprise you to the point where you lose the state of consciousness that you're in...
a very powerful experience indeed :shock:

7th August 2007, 04:24 AM
My normal vision distorts a bit or blurs a bit when doing energy work. Sometimes it is because I can see "particles" in my aura, blurring my sight a bit. Sometimes they seem like the perspective is not quite right. Since they only come with energy work, I attribute them to stimulation of the visual apparatus and third eye.
