View Full Version : energy surges at forum

30th July 2007, 07:20 AM
I wonder whether anyone else experiences really violent energy surges when they log onto this forum? I feel my entire body tingling & vibrating; it also happens when I even think about raising energy, before I actually start doing the excercises. . . .is it in any way significant? And by the way, can one "use" the energy generated by electronic equipment? I find I feel a bit ill if I "collect" the enrgy around a computer or tv set. . . .


30th July 2007, 07:44 AM
What do you consider "really violent energy surges"? I get tingling and little vibrations from all kinds of things, ideas. There is a radio show that I listen to sometimes and my 3rd eye and crown chakras start pulsing and open up to the point of dizziness. Is this like what you mean?

I have found sometimes that if my energy is raised I affect the electronic equipment in my house, not the other way around. It never would have occured to me to "draw" off of the electricity. That sounds like it would feel icky. *shivers*

30th July 2007, 08:03 AM
By really violent I mean I feel quite dizzy & disoriented; it actually hurts under my feet. I agree that drawing off electronic stuff is very icky, it has only happened accidentally or incidentally, while I energy- raise in the office in the early mornings before anyone else comes in (from 6h30 to 9h00, which I treat as "my" time unless there's a huge consignment to deal with) - the place is crawling with electronic equipment & I can't avoid it.
And yes, I also get tinglings etc when I get certain ideas or "insights"; also icy shivers from the heels to the top of the head when I meditate, as well as a feeling as if I could leave the body at any time of day if I don't concentrate to stop it. Yet when I WANT to get out, it's really hard!

30th July 2007, 08:27 AM
By really violent I mean I feel quite dizzy & disoriented; it actually hurts under my feet.

I understand dizzy and disoriented. I felt that off and on for almost 2 years before I discovered that I needed to do grounding exercises. Do you practice grounding?

I have no idea why it would hurt under your feet. Sorry.

30th July 2007, 08:34 AM
Sensations under your feet might be another telling sign that you have to take a more serious look at grounding. Clean your energy body at the feet, from heel to toes, for better grounding. Also clean the space between your soles and the end of your energy body to improve grounding. The aura/etheric body extends below your feet, above your head and is generally larger and of course a lot more subtle than your physical one.

Grounding is extremely important. Without proper grounding feelings of dizziness, dissociation and other weird things can happen, especially during energy raising. Grounding is helping to ensure that you don't overtax your energetic system.

Take good care,

30th July 2007, 08:35 AM
AHA! Grounding! No, I must admit I don't - always too afraid to loose whatever I have collected - I shall try grounding from now on.

Thanks for the advice!

30th July 2007, 08:35 AM
We cross-posted. ;)


30th July 2007, 02:55 PM
Energy work around electronic equipment doesn't bother me at all, and things like breaking watches doesn't seem to happen for me no matter how much energy I use. Some of the people I've heard from who work with energy on reiki forums have gone through several computers. The energy rushes are not just on their side. It used to bother me not to have such objective signs that my energy was getting stronger. It does sound uncomfortable, of course, and I can see why you might not want it to continue. Once or twice would be more than enough. What I'm wondering, though, is if you are getting these reactions, how do your thoughts and emotions tend to run? Generally smooth or lots of ups and downs? Do you tend to be fairly even or do you have emotional responses resembling these energy surges?

30th July 2007, 03:06 PM
From what I understand a huge amount of energy enters your body through your feet. So if you were to collect or pull in large amounts of energy I imagine that it would hurt around your feet. Is your computer on the lowest level of your house?

30th July 2007, 04:37 PM
It used to happen to me at first (when I first joined) but it didn't anymore. I think when you interact with places like this where awareness is focused upon, you become more aware of energy sensations, especially at first. But, with time it goes away (or tapers down somewhat.)
Since you've been here a fair while, I'm not sure if this is the case with you, sono.

31st July 2007, 04:46 AM
Thanks for all the responses - funny, it doesn't seem to adversely affect the computer or microwave oven anymore; it used to, though! And a some years before I started anything like this, I couln't enter the kitchen without the kettle switching off - as a small child I used to say things like, "I wonder if the geyser will break down?" & sure enough, the element would blow (or whatever they do!) We went through several geysers until my mother threatened me with something dire (but she also blamed me for floods somewhere in Asia so maybe it was just coincidence) My "tour de force" was when I was newly married & we invited over a fairly famous Portuguese couple to a formal dinner. As we sat down at the table I said, "Wouldn't it be funny if this light bulb were to explode?" Which it promptly did - glass shards in all the food, in our hair, everywhere. . . they fled more than left, & refused my calls. Amusing now, but back then I was distraught. I can't "do" these things anymore (which is a pity when work meetings drag on!) & am so grateful to R Bruce for bringing me back to a mental/energy place i had sort of abandoned over the years.

I suppose all along it has been a matter of grounding.

31st July 2007, 04:39 PM
It would be funny if you'd get the ability back and be able to say the things silently in your mind rather than out loud for everyone to hear. That would make it easier to end meetings at work without being blamed for the distraction.

What do you think about those wrist straps for grounding electrically for people who are working on repairing computers? I think they plug into the ground line on an electrical outlet, so it would only help over a limited range, but it would be there when you want to use your computer.

31st July 2007, 04:59 PM
It would be funny if you'd get the ability back and be able to say the things silently in your mind rather than out loud for everyone to hear. That would make it easier to end meetings at work without being blamed for the distraction.

Boy, you guys are in for the mischief, aren't you? ;)


1st August 2007, 04:21 AM
I've never actually seen of the wrist-straps you mention, must investigate. . . . . (This discussion has really turned out to be fun!)

1st August 2007, 04:48 AM
Like this:


They are for removing static electricity so you cannot damage sensitive parts by sudden discharges of static. Static can have some quite dramatic voltage behind it with short jolts of current (never harmful, but it hurt a little bit).

The wrap is worn around the wrist, while the other side is connected to something providing grounding. That could be a wall mounted radiator, or the grounding/safety pins of a electric wall socket. But only do this if you know what part of the wall socket is what for absolutely sure.


1st August 2007, 03:02 PM
Like this:


They are for removing static electricity so you cannot damage sensitive parts by sudden discharges of static. Static can have some quite dramatic voltage behind it with short jolts of current (never harmful, but it hurt a little bit).

The wrap is worn around the wrist, while the other side is connected to something providing grounding. That could be a wall mounted radiator, or the grounding/safety pins of a electric wall socket. But only do this if you know what part of the wall socket is what for absolutely sure.

When I used to work in electronics, we used to wear the straps all the time. Connecting the strap to anything metallic that is connected to earth ground is sufficient, you don't have to connect it to electric ground. In fact, doing so can be dangerous if there is any type of problem with wiring.
Remember that when you have an electric connection, the electric ground gets connected to earth ground in the first place. In light of this, I offer the following warning:

If you decide to ground yourself for whatever reason, do not connect the strap to any electrical connection- instead connect it to anything metallic that is touching the 'ground', that is, the ground beneath your feet.

4th August 2007, 06:30 PM
lol.. didn't know it could kill electrical equipment. You raise kundalini into your hands, then change the ram chips on you pc, and zap! the static
charge in the hand kills the chip. :roll:

4th August 2007, 06:42 PM
Touching the RAM chips of a PC is the most sure-fire for any person to kill them. Non-soldered, plug-in components are especially sensitive to any kind of static. Always wear a wrist-band or touch a wall-mounted radiator first.

RAM chips and graphics adapters are always the most sensitive components to static.
