View Full Version : Cat's Eyes...lost in lucid dreams...

25th July 2007, 10:20 PM
I some times have very vivid dreams where I know i'm dreaming but I can't wake up. I don't know much about lucid dreaming or astral projection or anything of the sort really, so I don't know what's going on. I just now started reading up on this sort of stuff. I thought it was supposed to be a good experience? Well what if i'm dreaming that i'm dead and my soul is lost and i'm struggling to get either back to my body and wake up or to find a comfortable place to keep my soul. Sorry if this makes no sense.......the last one I had, I died and was floating as a ghost and somehow got stuck all the way in another state in America and the more I tried to get back home the more lost I got, and the only final sanctuary I found was my cat..My cat was somehow in this place and he recognized me, meowed at me, and let my spirit rest next to him, then I woke up in real life and there he was, laying next to me in my bed, giving me that same look and "Meow". I also have odd dreams about indians or gypsys saying things like "Look into the Cat's eyes".
I once had a prophetic (I guess you would call it) dream where I saw a cat's eye painting then the next day I saw it in real life.
I can't find any information on cats and their importance to dream worlds other than something saying how carrying a tiger's eye stone helps keep bad energy away or something. I bought 2 tiger's eye stones but I don't know what to do with them :?

25th July 2007, 11:30 PM
L.L. wrote:
I thought it was supposed to be a good experience? Well, it's supposed to be a useful experience. I do think that exploring all the possible meanings of this dream may help you find out things about yourself that would take longer any other way.
BTW, your description sounds to me like the Bardo state or possibly the memory of an OBE.

25th July 2007, 11:39 PM
About cats, IMO cats got a bad rap from religion (hence their 'occult' association) because they were favorites of Mohammed. That's how they got their association with demonic forces, and their horrible mating cries in the wild. If you have ever heard a female cat in heat it is quite the surreal sound. And their mating cries are quite horrible.
One point for cats is, possibly because they are predators and have special viewing abilities (their detail vision sucks but they can see anything that moves, and probably a bit into the IR vision range.) So if you've ever had cats (I have two) you'll notice that they see stuff that you don't, and sometimes play with 'invisible' 'little friends'.
So it's logical IMO that they be associated with 'seeing'.
Another thing to note is that some people have seen them when they've had NDEs, and I often see mine when I OBE.

26th July 2007, 01:32 AM
Yes see that's one reason why i'm confused; I see NOTHING wrong with cats. I love cats very much! So to me a cat does not have any negative symbolic meaning or anything. I'm kind of with Jung on dream analysis... how we can interpret our dreams only the way we see fit ourselves because different things have different meaning to different people..The tiger's eye stones..maybe they do nothing because I never thought of them before. The only "significance" I can find behind the meaning of cat's eyes is from the memories I have of watching the movie Cat's Eye by Stephen King, and of course, cat's eyes themselves which I find to be very beautiful, and how some people say like what you said; cats being able to see things that aren't there (some people say "other dimensions"..)
So..I go back to what I think the movie means to me, and it's about a little girl who wants to keep this cat but her parents won't let her, but she insists because she believes a troll is coming into her room at night to steal her breath...and the whole movie is about this cat trying to find his way back to the girl to save her from the troll and he finds himself in all these other crazy situations, then finally gets back to her in time and kills the troll.
Of course I don't think "TROLLS ARE COMING TO GET ME!!!" or anything but maybe the dreams I have are ways of telling me that I have too much negative energy around? Maybe I die and get "lost" because there really is some sort of negative crap in the air that literally TRIES to keep me from "finding" myself???
And maybe in order to keep it away, I have to, in a way look at things as if I have cat's eyes? A warning that i'm being too blind to negativity around me........
I'm not sure if any of this makes any freaking sense at all...ugh