View Full Version : Imagery Fluctuations

24th July 2007, 09:23 PM
Probably didn't spell that right but today I was working on my primary centers as mapped out in Energy Work. And when I got to my third eye I did the expanding and contracting energy ball, all of the sudden I got a number of images in my head that were really kind of obscure but they were all contracting and expanding from stick thin to obese looking. It was really weird I tried to imagine my body and it was thinning and expanding... I don't know what this is, but it was really weird and very constant. I was kind of in a trance state at the time, and I am wondering if anyone knows what this could be.

When it was happening I tried working on my heart to see if the effect continued to happen but it quickly stopped. Further more when I started working on my crown the top of my head was pulsing... But now I feel very... clear? I don't know. But I feel pretty at peace. Does anyone know what this could be? Thanks for your help!

24th July 2007, 11:09 PM
Developing clairvoyance, I'd say.
When I was at TMI one of the exercises Robert had us do was to throw energy balls out into the environment and have them come back to your head, back and forth. I started seeing glimpses of the countryside as in strobing- as if my eyes were doing that cartoon thing like a yoyo out of your head. It was very interesting. Not exactly the same, but the phenomenon is similar, I think.