View Full Version : Gory hand dream

22nd July 2007, 01:51 PM
After doing some energy work lying down I let myself fall asleep.

I found myself in a dream, and somehow during the dream my right hand was slightly damaged (I am righthanded).

Later on I noticed was heavily dripping blood. Then I noticed channels had been literally carved out of my fingers, thick red blood running from them. Like if you would carve channels into a wooden surface to let liquid run along. They were not within the hand, but carved into the hand from the outside in.

As I looked later on, bigger and bigger parts of my hand were missing but not hurting. At places I could see through the hand, there were holes along the root of the middle finger. Also there seemed to be barely skin left at some places, or only translucent skin. Most of my middle finger was hollow. Afterwards I have noticed sth about the images - no bones.

I was in (dream) panic about my hand. I willed blood back in my hand, and red blood poured into it, filling it out. My hand became like a somewhat pale version of itself, like if you had lost blood after a cut. With some purplish cuts.

I wanted to go the hospital next.

I did (still in the dream) energy work - through my body and through my hand. It felt better. Maybe it was part of re-filling it with blood. Not sure. Somewhere in the process of doing my energy work again and again I came into a "in-between state" where I realised that had been a dream and woke myself up. The energy work had been real, somehow, because it carried over from dream to wake.

My mind was too busy at that moment, somehow. Because I missed a detail in hindsight. I might or might not have slept on my hand in a sidewards position. Would be useful to know, but I'm really unsure about it. *shrugs*


22nd July 2007, 03:30 PM
This is the wbesite I always go to first when I want to look up dream symbols. You may find something helpful here.

The following are excerpts from Denise Linn’s book The Secret Language of Signs:

*Your hands express your state of being. A raised hand can indicate attention. A hand on the chest can indicate love; two hands together can connote union; a hand in a fist can mean anger or strength; an open hand can be a sign of being open handed, open to life, and honest, with nothing to hide. Close-handed can mean closing yourself off to opportunities and to life.
*Negative connotations of hands: “I can’t get a handle on it”, or “I can’t grasp it”. Are you having a hard time getting a handle on life? Remember that you have the inner recourses to handle the situation, whatever it is.
*A right hand will usually represent the logical, rational, projecting side of your being, while the left hand represents the subjective, receptive, intuitive part of your being.
*Are you willing to reach out to others?
*Do you need to wash your hands of a situation?

Blood symbolizes many things that are seemingly opposed to one another. Choose the definition that most closely corresponds to your feelings. Look at your emotional responses to the signs.
*Blood can be a sign of life force, dynamic strength, power, and energy. It can also indicate a free flow within the body and within life.
*Blood can represent powerful emotions and passion, especially rage and love.
*Blood can symbolize the draining away of vital life force or energy. Is your life force being drained away?
*Blood can mean pain, suffering, and injury. Is there some area of your life where you are in deep pain? Or is there something that is causing you to suffer? Or have you injured yourself or another?
* Blood sucking can mean that someone is taking advantage of you.
*Blood brothers share a bond of unity and loyalty.
*The blood of Christ is a holy sacrifice.

This was useful for me to look up because the other day I dreamed my hands were covered in blue ink. :? :)

22nd July 2007, 04:38 PM

I found sth on another site that may fit my bill.


To dream that you are bleeding or losing blood, signifies that you are suffering from exhaustion or that you are feeling emotionally drained. It may also denote bitter confrontations between you and your friends. Your past actions has come back to haunt you.

Bloody Hands

To see blood on your hands, signifies that you are experiencing some sort of guilt.(from http://dreammoods.com/cgibin/searchcsv.pl?search=blood&method=exact&header=symbol)

Not that bad an interpretation in my current life, I think. :?


22nd July 2007, 08:37 PM
I was going to say that you gave yourself a dreamstate lesson on healing, but after reading those accounts, yikes!
Maybe the fact that you caused healing to happen means that those conflicts are on the way to healing? I hope so...

22nd July 2007, 08:41 PM
Maybe, CF, maybe. *sigh*

Currently they are more in the middle of playing out. :?

But after doing a second session of energy work in the bath tub and Qigong afterwards I feel well. 8)

Thank you,