View Full Version : Dreaming of desceaced pets

18th July 2007, 02:37 PM
I dream alot about my now desceaced cats that used to lived with my mother, I dream about them atleast once a week.
And in the dreams it feels like coming back to a place where I know they are still alive.
Could this symbolize that I deep down want to have cats as pets again?
I currently don´t have any animals in the house.


18th July 2007, 03:12 PM
This is a hard question, and I tend to favor the idea they are visiting you, but only you know the answer to the question.
I have lost many pets in my lifetime, and I only have been visited by two of them, even after having other pets. I have had my cats for two years now, and I was visited by my deceased dog just last year, making me think that it was a genuine visitation (that and the fact that I saw him in projection, and that my son sees him as well.)
Cats tend to (according to what people say) be very psychic, so I wouldn't be suprised if it was a visitation.
Do you want new cats?

18th July 2007, 04:17 PM
We had 3 cats, the mother and her two children, my dreams has most been about the mother but recently the other as well.
It´s not rly that they come to visit me, I find myself back at my childhood home and observing them running around, but the feeling I get in the dream is they shouldn´t really be alive and the they have been resurrected.

Perhaps the cats represent that I wan´t companionship since I´m single now :P
I would like to have cats maybe sometime in the future but right now I can´t since my roommate is allergic.

18th July 2007, 08:25 PM
I have dreamt of my deceased dog only once and he just put his paws up on my shoulders and licked my face...almost to let me know he was OK
I haven't had a dream of him since
I think you have to take the feeling behind the dream and work from that
A lot of times if I am dreaming of someone who is dead, my "thinking" mind will fight it knowing deep down that they shouldn't be up and about.
This can often lead to lucid dreaming.