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18th July 2007, 01:09 AM

18th July 2007, 09:03 AM
Why would you like it magnified? Is it because you believe this is how karma works? If so and you're right, it'll happen anyway.

I suggest you shield in a normal way and that you focus on sending out positive energies so that these are the types of energies you attract. Also, treat yourself lovingly. :D

18th July 2007, 11:24 AM
Hmmm, multiply negativity and then ricochet it all over the place? Doesn't sound like a good idea. What if the person sending actually has some sort of protection of their own? Could get messy.

I think the best thing to do is take negative energy and transmute it to positive, or, failing that, just ground it and let it go. That's a lot more responsible and not likely to backfire. Returning multiples of negativity, on the other hand... *shudder*

18th July 2007, 11:38 AM
If Intention is important in how our lives go, having a shield for a positive purpose (self-protection) would be an entirely different thing to building one with the intention of sending harm back to someone threefold.

If the rule of 3-times coming back at the perpetrator holds, that would mean the originator sends level 1 harm, gets back level 3 which then multiplies to level 9 for the original target.

21st July 2007, 08:34 AM
How can I make a triple reflecting shield? When I have negative energy thrown at me, I need a programmed shield that sends the energy back three times worse...

I have a different idea for you:

Create an energy conversion field that will absorb anything thrown at you to a positive healing energy that will help you with your scoliosis problem.

How ?
Just think it is there, think that it automatically does its job and maintains itself, be 100% sure that it always works even if you are not thinking about it.