View Full Version : NEW and emotion

10th July 2007, 06:38 AM
A while ago I wrote here that NEW made me happier and more social.
I haven´t rly been comfortable talking in a grp of many ppl, especially with unknown ppl, NEW helped me open up more.... for a while.

I then started thinking that´s it´s ok to be quit sometimes, but this made me revert back to my old self and abit of a closed person again, I could´nt understand how all my progress seemed gone.

Today I decided to say to myself in my mind that try to talk all the time if you have something to say and don´t care what ppl are thinking, and just after a few seconds, my mind felt more relaxed concerning these matters.
I now feel more social again.

NEW seams to have greatly improve the power of thought, and it´s almost
as If i made a wrong command to my mind.

Anyway this experience has teached me that NEW is not a quick fix to
make you more social but It can help your mind to greatly intensify the power of your thoughts to make you more social if that´s your goal.

I hope someone understands what I mean now.

10th July 2007, 08:20 AM
NEW requires discipline. The beauty of discipline is it teaches us control and control helps us focus and manifest what it is we wish to manifest. :D

10th July 2007, 11:49 AM
You know I've actually found my comfort level with other people to increase also. I do grounding very often and it makes me feel more connected to people in my immediate area.

For example I had my first round-table business meeting ever last week and I was very tense. There were people there who are very much in control of my professional career, and a few other people that I just don't really prefer to be around. And I was the youngest one there by about 25 years. If I could have made it through without saying a single word I would have been 100% ok with that but I knew I had to give a progress report and it was killing me. Plus I had too much coffee that morning and you know what that does. O_o

I started grounding and trying keeping my mind clear, then all of the sudden I didn't worry about the other people anymore. Gave me a sort of "we're all just the same children of the earth" kind of feeling. Very peaceful and I started to sympathize with them because I knew that everyone in the room was probably nervous for their own reasons.

If you're reverting then you probably have to push harder with your energy work. And my harder I mean more focus, stronger imagery, higher expectations.

10th July 2007, 04:34 PM
I don't think it was the lack of effort he was using. From what he said it was his thoughts. Though he was able to stop the thinking and change it to make him more sociable.

NEW requires discipline.
Indeed. Any energy work requires discipline and that's with a capital 'D'. :(

10th July 2007, 06:21 PM
magic, I think you are realizing that you are not your personality (it's something you have, not something you are) so you don't have to follow a script, even though you chose to be in it. That's IMO a sign of spiritual growth, and of enhanced awareness. (JMO).