View Full Version : Strange sensation

9th July 2007, 10:41 PM
For the past day or so, I've noticed a different sensation in my groin. Imagine sitting next to a large fan & feeling the vibration of it in your body. That's what it's like, except that's the only area I'm feeling it & there's no source for the vibration.

So far it hasn't moved & it isn't elsewhere in my body. When I place my hand there I'm sure I can actually feel it so I don't think it's particularly astral in nature, though it also doesn't seem just a physical thing like a tremor.

It isn't there 100% of the time but it's there often & last night while sitting at the computer I was aware of it for a couple of hours & it continued after I went to bed.

No other effects, just the vibration. It isn't like I imagined the exit vibrations would be, this is, as I say, like sitting next to a high speed fan.

Any ideas?

10th July 2007, 04:41 PM
Have you been doing any energy worh in that area. Energy work usually simulates muscles and causes twitches or spasms. I've even experienced this myself.
If you think it's physical then I would see a doctor as s/he should be able to find out what it is. Though I doubt it's serious so don't worry too much.

10th July 2007, 06:03 PM
Energy is active in different areas of the body at different times. Its always flowing, so maybe with your NEW and other techniques the energy is flowing through this area much smoother and thusly clearing out that area.

Or being that its in the lower chakra area maybe its clearing out for some sort of Kundalini activity.

10th July 2007, 09:06 PM
If there's any validity in what occurs to us in times like this, my first thought was of kundalini. Thought of it again when I realised it hadn't gone away after several hours.

It tapered off last night & I haven't had it today yet.

I don't think it's spasm or twitches. (could be wrong) The beat is way too fast for twitches. (if you've got a 12" floor fan, put it on low & stand to the side & listen to the beat of the blades - the 'twitch rate is faster than that) Nor do I think it's 'normal' physical effects. It doesn't tire or fatigue the muscles in the area at all; just goes on & on. There's bee about 4 - 5 breaks in the activity before last night, but a few minutes after noticing it isn't there, it came back.

And yes, due to some previous 'power tingles' along my spine, it is an area I have concentrated on a little, trying to work out what might trigger the tingles & bring it under control.

10th July 2007, 11:09 PM
Hello, JMan.

Since you are a very energetic and down-to-earth person, might this be a potent sign of base chakra activation? Is the location centered in the pelvis, can you spot an "epicentre" of the sensation?

Remember, where energy goes, all kinds of other effects follow. Blood, but not only. Energy can activate muscles as well, especially during cleaning of minor blockages which can be close to a tremor or as slow as twitching and tensing up.

Be well,