View Full Version : A yucky healing dream

7th July 2007, 12:57 PM
Last night I had a rather yucky dream about healing. It might not have helped to have watched several "House, M.D." episodes before going to bed. ;)

I was in a room with a young woman I do not know from around here. I think she wore glasses.

I was worried about my foot, cannot say which. Maybe left? I think that makes sense, perspective-wise. A spot on the ball of the feet was covered with maggots. Ewww. I hate those buggers. At least my subconscious spared me most of the wiggly-wriggly details and all the more slimy stuff. They looked rather solid and clean. And like maggots. Did I say "Ewww"? :?

So, a tight lump of may dozens or a hundred of them was attached to my foot, and I was pretty apalled. The young woman and I discussed it, and she sayed she would give me an antibiotic - do not know in which form. Does not make much sense anyway - against maggots? ;) (She also sayed "Diagnostics and doctors - what do *they* know?" - so much for Doc House ;))

It worked. They started dropping off. For some strange reason I think I touched those that still stuck, some - three maybe - came loose and stuck a bit to my finger, but easily removed. While they made a nasty "prick feeling" on the finger, their "power" was gone.

The maggots got loose and I felt better, and somewhere around that point I woke up.

The woman did not feel like a stranger. I cannot say, but maybe, just maybe my left foot feels a bit better today, at its ball.


7th July 2007, 01:23 PM
Last night I had a rather yucky dream about healing. It might not have helped to have watched several "House, M.D." episodes before going to bed.

I was in a room with a young woman I do not know from around here. I think she wore glasses.

Healing may literally come from something a woman has said to you or from a feminine aspect of self. Glasses may symbolise learnedness.

I was worried about my foot, cannot say which. Maybe left?
Are you right-handed? A wound in the left foot is possibly less crippling than in the right.
Left footnessess has connotations of having got off on the wrong foot for a righty, but the right foot for a lefty. This may give insight into your feelings about how you got a wound that metaphorically left you feeling lame.

I think that makes sense, perspective-wise. A spot on the ball of the feet was covered with maggots. Ewww. I hate those buggers. At least my subconscious spared me most of the wiggly-wriggly details and all the more slimy stuff. They looked rather solid and clean. And like maggots. Did I say "Ewww"?

But subconsciously you know the little critters clean the wound, as abhorrent as they are, right?

So, a tight lump of may dozens or a hundred of them was attached to my foot, and I was pretty apalled. The young woman and I discussed it, and she sayed she would give me an antibiotic - do not know in which form.
A much more appealing way to heal a wound.

Does not make much sense anyway - against maggots? (She also sayed "Diagnostics and doctors - what do *they* know?" - so much for Doc House )
The maggots aren't necessary anymore. Dream logic is screwy sometimes but the main thing is the wound is being healed in a more acceptable way.

It worked. They started dropping off. For some strange reason I think I touched those that still stuck, some - three maybe - came loose and stuck a bit to my finger, but easily removed. While they made a nasty "prick feeling" on the finger, their "power" was gone.
The process isn't easy but it's happening.

The maggots got loose and I felt better, and somewhere around that point I woke up.

The woman did not feel like a stranger. I cannot say, but maybe, just maybe my left foot feels a bit better today, at its ball.

A funny place for an emotional blockage. You'd know better what it means than I but I suspect it would have something to do with sense of "groundedness", "firm footing" and "knowing where we stand and what we stand for."

7th July 2007, 01:38 PM
Hello, BeeK.

Interesting interpretations. :D

I think the place relates more to actual blockages I have in my feet than to sth metaphorical. The "Bubbling Springs" points on the balls of my feet are indeed blocked, and somehow today it feels easier sinking energy through them - I did just some minutes before - part of my personal grounding technique.

Yes, I know maggots can clean wounds, but not each and every kind. ;) Also I did not make that relation. Also there seemed to be no wound, but just the maggots, and somehow they seemed to be the problem, not part of the solution. My feelings towards maggots being what they are, I think they are not a good thing in this context.

Somehow I lack the feeling that the dream meant more than a healing took place. It had some graphic detail, especially about maggots (Yay! :lol:)... It just had a nice, clean atmosphere beyond anything else, like a medical practice should look like, not dominated by sterileness, but by a feeling of cleanliness, a "pure atmosphere". White without being empty.

Thank you for your thoughts,

7th July 2007, 03:15 PM
Korpo said

Somehow I lack the feeling that the dream meant more than a healing took place It may have been a healing dream, but there is still a reason you used maggots as a symbol. dreammoods.com has a maggot symbol description. There might be something in it that resonates with you.
As a side note, just because the maggots were associated with your foot in the dream does not mean the "maggot" symbol has to do with your foot.
You say you have been aware of a block in your foot, and the impression I get from the dream is that your subconscious is trying to alert you to another problem by using the foot to get your attention.
I think you are correct that it was a healing dream (always trust your intution), but like I said, I think it was trying to alert you to something a little less obvious that your foot.

7th July 2007, 05:23 PM
To see maggots in your dream, represents your anxieties about death. It may also be indicative of some issue or problem that you have been rejecting and it is now "eating away" at you . You need to confront it for it is destroying your sense of harmony and balance.

In particular, to dream that you are stepping on maggots, indicates guilt and impurity. You are trying to repress your immoral thoughts or behavior . On a positive note, it may symbolize your resilience, persistence, and your ability to bounce back from adversity.

Interesting, Mishell. :D

The problem with relating between dreams and blocks is of course I have blocks almost everywhere. Hard to find not one that fits. ;)

I have often have dreams that just state the obvious. Like in one dream the right half of my lower jaw fell out. I am aware that the loss of teeth can be a dream symbol for losing control or feeling helpless ("lacking the ability to bite"), but I had at the time bad teeth and was reminded not to stop caring for them.

I start worrying about metaphors when I get 800 pound gorillas dancing the nutcracker suite. :lol:

Of course I have issues eating away at myself, too, but the dream contained no particular hint to what. I mean - if I combine the ideas it would sound like "You have a nagging worry about losing your balance (footing)" - that would be hardly news to me. ;) I don't think the subconscious is aiming for a "Duh-uh!" moment when telling me things. :)

Thank you and be well,

7th July 2007, 06:29 PM
I tend to agree with Beek on this one, but if you think there may be something more to it, then I recommend a nice salt bath for your feet, and consider it relaxation therapy.

7th July 2007, 11:52 PM
Sorry about the metaphors, Oliver, occupational habit. :D

I posted that response late and thought about it some more in bed. Cleansing possibilities aside, I think your maggots are a sign of something eating away at you.

I know dreams can be literal and metaphorical but they can also be both. I also think energy blockages and disease can work metaphorically to comment on what is problematic to you in your life.

Now, having said this, I think that the messages that come to us come in ways that suit our perceptual modes, otherwise they're a bit pointless, unless, of course, their purpose is to open us up to new ways of perceiving.

10th July 2007, 06:59 AM
BTW, I identified the young woman from the dream. We exchanged pictures after the fact, because I had an intuition about who she was. :D


10th July 2007, 03:42 PM
Robert Bruce wrote that negs often enter through the feet, because of their 'lower' astral energy, tied so close to the physical (earthly) realm.

I think this changes only slightly what Beekeeper said. It is an odd place for an emotional blockage, but works as a similar metaphor on another level.