View Full Version : Kinda Lascivious Question
7th July 2007, 11:29 AM
I got into the subject of astral projection with a friend of mine the other day and he brought up a question that he was interested in, which also rose up a question that I had.
First of all, I was explaining all the meaningful things you could do in the astral, such as healing, exploring, and spiritual growth. But amongst this broad line of subject matter, the fact that you could be invisible and walk through walls only triggered one question in his perverted mind: Could you sneak into girls' homes and watch them in the shower, etc.?
At first, the question phased us like a joke, but seeing as he doesn't dismiss the possibility of astral projection all together, and seeing as we are both typical teenagers in high school, this seemed like a question the both of us were curious about having answered. If this was possible, how clear do humans awake on the physical plane look in the astral?
I'm sorry that if compared to all the wonderful things you could do in the astral that this seems like an immature question, but I have literally read on and on about everything that has to do with astral projection (and have even projected once myself), and this is truly the one and only question I never even considered asking (nor had I even thought about it until my friend brought it up.)
So that's his question. My question along with that one is that I also read somewhere that doing things like this on a regular basis in the astral could result in attracting certain unwanted entities. In what ways could an act as simple as playing peeping tom attract such a being? In what ways could it annoy/pester a projector? How could one get rid of this entity for good?
I hate to sound so thoughtless and immature, but you've gotta admit, being a teenager, this really is just a normal question to ask what with the possibilities of astral projection, right? Answers to both our questions would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks, Angelo.
7th July 2007, 12:18 PM
Hi and welcome Angelo,
I don't get to answer this one from experience. There may be others who can,
I got into the subject of astral projection with a friend of mine the other day and he brought up a question that he was interested in, which also rose up a question that I had.
First of all, I was explaining all the meaningful things you could do in the astral, such as healing, exploring, and spiritual growth. But amongst this broad line of subject matter, the fact that you could be invisible and walk through walls only triggered one question in his perverted mind: Could you sneak into girls' homes and watch them in the shower, etc.?
Yes. You can invade someone's privacy. If I remember correctly, Robert Monroe observed an earthbound spirit addicted to sex attempting and failing to possess the body of a man who was making love to a woman. I also remember reading Monroe's daughter being worried he'd pop in when she and her dorm mates were in a state of undress.
But, it might be harder than you think. Most people do not find mastering astral projection easy. Even if you could perve, you may well fail to "download" the memories of the experience. You may also experience strange reality fluctuations that make the experience less real. Your subconscious processes may also interfere with your activities such as throwing a curtain over the scene if, at some level, you feel it's the wrong thing to do or in some way dangerous.
At first, the question phased us like a joke, but seeing as he doesn't dismiss the possibility of astral projection all together, and seeing as we are both typical teenagers in high school, this seemed like a question the both of us were curious about having answered. If this was possible, how clear do humans awake on the physical plane look in the astral?
In my limited experience, clear enough to see what you're looking for. Don't discount the possibility of astral blindness though.
I'm sorry that if compared to all the wonderful things you could do in the astral that this seems like an immature question, but I have literally read on and on about everything that has to do with astral projection (and have even projected once myself), and this is truly the one and only question I never even considered asking (nor had I even thought about it until my friend brought it up.)
That's incredibly innocent of you! It's certainly something I've worried about when certain friends have said they've tried to pop in on me.:lol:
So that's his question. My question along with that one is that I also read somewhere that doing things like this on a regular basis in the astral could result in attracting certain unwanted entities. In what ways could an act as simple as playing peeping tom attract such a being? In what ways could it annoy/pester a projector? How could one get rid of this entity for good?
I don't know for certain what the outcome of astral voyerism would be. Perhaps it would result in desire that may send some kind of signal to astral beings seeking sex. Maybe it would just leave you feeling guilty. Everyone's different so I'd say there's a range of possibilities.
Robert Monroe doesn't seem to have set out on his journeys with voyeristic intention but he did find that being in the astral often triggered a sexual response in him and he does seem to have had a number of sexual episodes. He was, to some extent, circumspect about detailing his sexual experiences, confiding that his initial inability to control the urge to have sex was embarrassing to him.
There's the possibility that in pursuing sexual adventures of the astral kind that you'd miss out on other experiences.
If you are worried about succubi, ( then I guess a strong sexual signal may attract them but I haven't really read of this happening to the sexually astrally adventurous. Others may be able to help you with that one.
I hate to sound so thoughtless and immature, but you've gotta admit, being a teenager, this really is just a normal question to ask what with the possibilities of astral projection, right? Answers to both our questions would be greatly appreciated!
It is a fairly teen question, I guess . :lol:
Might be easier to check out a National Geographic site. :wink:
8th July 2007, 07:50 AM
Just wanted to say thanks for answering all my questions and being so kind about it. Yes, it certainly does sound like every teenaged boys dream, but like all good things in life, it requires lots of practice! :wink:
I do have a couple more questions, not related to this subject, however. Just some random things I'd like a little clarification on?
There are websites which claim that there are some creatures on the astral plane which have never existed in the physical. My best comparison to this would be in The Matrix movies, where Neo and all the other characters fought in a separate dimension where there were actual people driving cars on the freeway, etc. Does this mean that the astral plane really is a world where things are born and die, or is this plane the only one where something dies, and whatever was born on the astral was born simply out of our imaginations?
Staying on the same subject, when people claim that there are fairies, gnomes, trolls, etc., can it be determined for certain whether or not these creatures actually do have feelings, like humans do, and were born and live in the astral regardless of any human ever seeing them/imagining them?
Last but not least, time travel. Must you be highly experienced in the art of projecting, or is it once you reach the point of being able to be fully conscious in the plane that you simply can will yourself while saying something like "Take me back to October 6, 1960" or something of that nature? Would you actually ask to see the date/event? For those who have done it, how can you be sure you're at the right time, and what does it look like during the moments of changing between now and the past as you are taken there?
Thanks again to Beekeeper for your very helpful response!
8th July 2007, 08:34 AM
Hello, gpmabob36.
Just wanted to say thanks for answering all my questions and being so kind about it. Yes, it certainly does sound like every teenaged boys dream, but like all good things in life, it requires lots of practice! ;)
Perhaps I got you totally wrong, but I really had to laugh out loud about this. :D
About time travel - Robert Monroe did it, you can read about it in for example "Far Journeys". He said it left an "uneasy feeling". The linearity of time is just a concept our physical world sticks to, so the astral is not really bound to it, but to the laws of cause and effect. Monroe frequently called our physical reality the "Time/Space Illusion" or sth like that.
About entities existing only in the Astral - again according to Monroe Earth and its illusion of time and space are teaching environments. It seems we manifest here to learn sth - you could say to "master the human condition". Strangely enough, this thought "Earth is a school" comes up from many different fields - I remember it distinctly from author Whitley Strieber in his "The Secret School". But Strieber is describing his own history of alien abductions, not astral travel.
I think there are reasons for being human, and some, like Robert Bruce and Robert Monroe, have said we have to some degree the choice whether we incarnate and how. Human beings are full of potential for learning, growth and almost anything. It has been indicated in some materials that Earth is our nourishing mother until we outgrow that need. But I said "potential" - it depends on each and everyone of us what we manifest, how far we come along the road of development, and if we even chose it.
While I think a little peeping would not be that bad, I think getting hooked on it or other temptations can in the long run impair your ability to project or your development. In the end it is all about living a good life, developing yourself, and having a grip on yourself (which is not the same a stranglehold ;)). Some lapses are to be expected - we are humans, after all. It's not really bad. Besides, the male brain has the tendency towards blood loss to the "nether regions". ;)
Be well,
8th July 2007, 09:05 AM
Staying on the same subject, when people claim that there are fairies, gnomes, trolls, etc., can it be determined for certain whether or not these creatures actually do have feelings, like humans do, and were born and live in the astral regardless of any human ever seeing them/imagining them?
My feeling is that they exist independently as sentient beings that are probably born in some sense. They definitely have intelligence but I suspect their emotional temperment is quite different to humans.
8th July 2007, 09:13 AM
korpo said
While I think a little peeping would not be that bad well, let me tell you from the other perspective, it's not cool. yesterday morning I woke up and saw someone in my room, who I know is from this forum...I would have been upset if she hadn't been a girl! I just thought "oh brother" and rolled over and went back to sleep.
8th July 2007, 09:24 AM
You are right - but I thought from the perspective of a teenager, I might add. If I think about the things I have done as a teen I think peeping would have been not as bad, I think, at least sometimes.
While it is not alright, it is also not an "eternal condemnation" thing. I just wanted to avoid the impression of "peep and the negs will be after you", because I don't believe that would happen. I know that does not make invasion of privacy all right, I'm sorry for giving that impression.
8th July 2007, 10:37 AM
There's also a possibility the peepee (sorry *grins*) might take offence at being peeped upon. Taking the low road into the astral could be a very good way to find the interest of unwanted entities but it might also bring rather abrupt handling if the person being perved upon has astral skills.
Ethically, to go 'out' looking for such things would seem to be at the lower end of the scale. The possible risks would seem to outweight any potential vicarious thrill.
Wouldn't it be simpler to go get a real life girlfriend? Perving at astral Penthouse images would seem to be an even lonlier experience than buying the magazine.
8th July 2007, 05:58 PM
Staying on the same subject, when people claim that there are fairies, gnomes, trolls, etc., can it be determined for certain whether or not these creatures actually do have feelings, like humans do, and were born and live in the astral regardless of any human ever seeing them/imagining them?
My feeling is that they exist independently as sentient beings that are probably born in some sense. They definitely have intelligence but I suspect their emotional temperment is quite different to humans.
Everything that I've read about faeries, trolls, etc. considers them elemental beings, that is the simplest form of being that is on this earth, so the emotions or personality characteristics they have shouldn't be similar to ours, except for the archetypal aspect of some personality aspects (did that make sense?) What I mean to say, is that what we consider funny may not be the same as what, say, a salamander (fire element) sees as funny, because the idea of 'funny' may or may not be shared (some animals have sense of humor, some don't, so I would think that the idea of human, even though is not purely human, is more characteristic of a hominid. Let me try again: I think some folks are more 'in tune with' nature than others, and the personality characteristics would be more like the personality characteristics of an earth elemental, I would think. I think that made better sense. But maybe not.
8th July 2007, 10:06 PM
Hahaha, yes, I did happen to understand that, thank you. And I agree, it is much easier to get a real girlfriend, and might I add, this task has already been said and done quite a while ago. 8)
See, this is where the confusion kicks in, because while some believe there are absolutely no risks apart from losing the opportunity to explore more meaningful things, there are others who claim that it is a dangerous and relatively harmful activity. I was never implying that once I started projecting this would be my only intent, but I was rather just curious about what would happen if such a thing were possible. Of course I understand that the perspective of the person being looked upon would be against it, but again, that's the whole point of peeping! :wink: If it was voluntary, it wouldn't be a secret, it would be a stripclub.
Another question I did have was protection in the astral. Since it should be understood that no matter what, you are always safe from harm, is the whole point of creating a shield of light a psychological one, or do negative entities actually keep their distance from you once it is around you? (As you continue to answer my questions, I may continue to ask more, so I hope I don't become a bother!)
8th July 2007, 10:33 PM
I just got up from a nap, and hope to be more coherent now.
Another question I did have was protection in the astral. Since it should be understood that no matter what, you are always safe from harm, is the whole point of creating a shield of light a psychological one, or do negative entities actually keep their distance from you once it is around you? (As you continue to answer my questions, I may continue to ask more, so I hope I don't become a bother!) This is a loaded question and you will probably get many different answers, so here is mine:
I agree I believe I am always safe from negs, in a physical way, and I have tangled with some gnarly ones and always came back alive. However, the effect that negs have in us is mostly psychological, (IMO) and this effect can be pretty devastating, especially if you're not prepared (not many are prepared if they haven't been warned in advance, and being face to face with your deepest fear objectified can be very damaging for a young person with not a lot of information or backup system, so to speak). And unfortunately, the astral environment being immediately thought-responsive, any fear can be magnified and thrown back at you if you're not prepared. So a white-light shield can be protective in psychological ways, but also in an 'objective' way- the negs I've treated with light didn't like it and went away. And traveling neg-free is 'priceless', even if you think they're only annoying.
9th July 2007, 01:25 AM
So, CF, were you saying you think elementals may have some personality traits similar to some people?
I've only ever possibly encountered one that I recall and he was a jovial being that simply alerted me to the fact I was dreaming and went on his way. Why he should help me become lucid, I don't know.
He may have just been a psychological creation but he seemed too distinct.
9th July 2007, 01:52 AM
No, I think I meant ( :lol: ) that some people may exhibit characteristics that may be similar to elementals, or based on some sort of compatibility to some traits we may have with certain elementals- In my thinking (based on nothing but other's thoughts, lol) the elementals came first, we came later.
9th July 2007, 02:46 AM
Yes, I tend to feel they're older than us. That seems to be the general impression given in the literature.
13th February 2008, 04:22 AM
Well, I would suspect that going into the astral realm seeking sexual pleasure could not be that bad of a thing. In any case, I suppose you would want to exercise the same caution you would having sex with someone in the physical. I think having sex with some being from another demension would be fun.
Anyways, an option I always though would be possible..... If you seek sexual encounters while OBE, why not just learn to master creating things? You can learn to create anything while in the stral. Anceint practitioners have created worlds that they can return to whenever they want, and are as solid and fixed as anything you could ever imagine to expereince. So, just learn to create though-forms. That way you could construct something from your own mind, say a beautiful women for example, and then get on with it. That way you know you are not imposing on anyones privacy. Which, anyway you look at it, is not a good thing.
But, as with anything indulging too much in your own pleasure always creates certain dependencies that I think weaken us in general. So, everything in moderation I suppose. I'f you knew you could just pop off to your own created dimension and have sex with a being whenever you wanted..... that could be un-healthy. I suppose with all the deseases like aids going around it could be a safe alternative to having intercourse with random people from the bar when your drunk:):)
Anyways, once I get good enough at manipulating astral energy I am going to try creating things, such as though-form people, as it were, and building's and other things. I know it is possible, their are countless practices thousands of years old that have been doing it. I would suggest reading carlos casteneda. The sorcerers of anceint mexico used to create entire towns in the astral realm by slowly learning how to perfectly visualize every detail. It could not be too hard to create, or trick the sub-concsious into creating a sort of "prop" person which you could have sex with. Or even spy on, if you like:)
24th February 2008, 10:28 AM
You might tire of it after awhile and seek something a bit more challenging like a real relationship.
Nonetheless, an interesting view of dream sex is that you should never be ashamed of it regardless of who you partner with because, the theory goes, you're actually successfully integrating some part of your personality. (It may make it easier to look at the person you dreamt about the next day if you keep that in mind :wink: ) Perhaps sex with an astral thought form would serve similarly? Let's face it, you made it so in some sense it's you. Should it take on a life of its own, however, it may embody some of those vices, such as jealousy, you'd rather avoid.
28th February 2008, 03:14 PM
Forgive me if what I say is not altogether accurate, but I thought I once read something (I think it was even by Robert Bruce) that said sexual energy is often powerful and can often times impede actual projections and that even if you manage to project through, the strong sexual energy could affect your projection even to the point that you might force an unwilling astral participant into an astral sexual situation. Its been awhile so I may have made that last part up. He went on to say that if you do have strong sexual energy, it is probably best to release that before you try to project.
Again, I think I read that in Astral Dynamics, but I'm not sure. I'll go back and check my source.
Neil Templar
28th February 2008, 04:36 PM
Forgive me if what I say is not altogether accurate, but I thought I once read something (I think it was even by Robert Bruce) that said sexual energy is often powerful and can often times impede actual projections and that even if you manage to project through, the strong sexual energy could affect your projection even to the point that you might force an unwilling astral participant into an astral sexual situation. Its been awhile so I may have made that last part up. He went on to say that if you do have strong sexual energy, it is probably best to release that before you try to project.
Again, I think I read that in Astral Dynamics, but I'm not sure. I'll go back and check my source.
i've read something similar somewhere(wasn't Robert Bruce tho).the author had problems with too much sexual energy when projecting, :oops: so had to masturbate before attempting to exit.
28th February 2008, 04:55 PM
i've read something similar somewhere(wasn't Robert Bruce tho).the author had problems with too much sexual energy when projecting, :oops: so had to masturbate before attempting to exit.
No need to be embarressed. If the build up of sexual energy prohibits us from practicing, we have to do what we can. We are at least partially sexual being so we shouldn't be embarrassed by that aspect of our personalities. Indeed I have a wife (and two kids) so we have a rare moment to spare to "reduce our sexual energies". Usually this isn't a problem for me. I have a low libido as it is so my sexual energy stays fairly low, but it does build sometimes. In fact, it has interfered with some of my more lucid dreams! Sometimes I become lucid in my dreams and I immediately start steering it towards sexual ends. I'm not embarassed when I wake up, I'm frustrated at the missed opportunities!
23rd November 2008, 04:36 AM
being a teenager myself I think i should be able to understand what you are saying. :wink:
to start, this is the pennical of my weeklong geek-out, but i must draw an enormous comparison
between this situation and spider man. i could go on but what it come down to is that with great
power comes great responibility. :shock:
I must point out that Robert ha already adressed this question in his book Astral Dynamics.
Robert says that such actions WILL NOT attract unwanted entites as much as it will attract
unwanted energy. this energy, if VERY preent might stop you from exploring the higher
astral planes. Also, you have to remember that if you buy into the mythos behind much of
astral projection there are many high planner entities that see all things and will take a
somewhat negative tint to you using your gift for such base concepts. on the other hand you will
be held with gratitude if you consciously decide to not go through with any privacy envading
actions. of coure all these preconceived notion of right or wrong might not be held by the entities
in question.
anyways, what it comes down to are conflicting ideas. the best result for such things is found in a
happy medium. you can decide on your own happy medium but personally i would say that you are
entitled to 5 actions of such incredibly human behavior as that which you mentioned. these five
moments should be thought through and understood from every angle.
thank you for bringing up a question that has spent its existance in a gray area. by bringing light to such
a subject you have allowed more thought to be put into it and thus a better understanding to be achieved.
thank you, thank you, thank you.
23rd November 2008, 05:14 PM
Seems like there are a lot of teenagers around :D and I'm one of them...
Personally, if I have an excessive buildup of *that* kind of energy, I find it difficult to even fall asleep, in which case I find *manual release* to be the best way to go.
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