View Full Version : Leading to AP or Lucid?

6th July 2007, 08:48 AM
I have been trying to lucid dream as a way to project for awhile now. Before, my dreams were abstract, disjointed, places were weird and odd etc

Now they are all taking place in real places like my house, my work, my home town...and with people I know and am close to, where before there were always strange poeple in my dreams (still are but not as many)

Also I have been dreaming about realistic situations that appear to be in the past...like I was a mayan warrior and a viking in another

Is this a sign of lucid dreaming or are my dreams simply becoming clearer because of energy work and MAP?

6th July 2007, 08:56 AM
Your dreams are clearer because of energy work and because you're taking the trouble to remember them.

When you have a true lucid dream, you'll know. They're fantastic! Keep doing your energy work and reality checks. Rhythm napping is a great way to get a lucid dream but don't do it now because you need your rest.


Rain, iF
14th July 2007, 05:57 AM
I have been trying to lucid dream as a way to project for awhile now. Before, my dreams were abstract, disjointed, places were weird and odd etc

Now they are all taking place in real places like my house, my work, my home town...and with people I know and am close to, where before there were always strange poeple in my dreams (still are but not as many)

Also I have been dreaming about realistic situations that appear to be in the past...like I was a mayan warrior and a viking in another

Is this a sign of lucid dreaming or are my dreams simply becoming clearer because of energy work and MAP?

Yep. Energy work is the cause for your clarity and realistic-ness. As a matter of fact, that may make the act of trying to lucid dream a little more difficult, as dream induced lucid dreams (or DILDs) are often triggered by ABnormalities in our environment. Then again, being a Viking is probably pretty abnormal. ;)

I would say that it is a good sign of you getting closer to AP. The more energy work, the better, says I. Lucid dreams require a slightly different approach, and don't require energy work. But as Aunt Clair said, when you have a lucid dream, you'll know. ;) It's a nearly orgasmic feeling of euphoria once you realize everything around you is all a dream. You'll see. Hope this helps :)
