View Full Version : Fire the grid - July 17th 2007
30th June 2007, 02:06 AM
Just wanted you all to know about the website
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It tells the experienc of a woman who had a near death experience after a car accident, where her car went into water, and she and her son were submerged and unable to get out.
During that time light beings spoke with her and gave her instructions on how to save her child, and also asked her to gather people from all around the world on July 17th at a particular time, to help heal the earth -
All that is required is an hour of your time on this date.
Please go and have a look at the site for yourself and see if it resonates for you.
There is information about the whole thing. You can also hear her speak on Link removed
Love and light
Moderator has removed links, as notified by pm, as you have under 20 posts. Also, moved topic out of Announcements which are for forum announcements.
30th June 2007, 04:17 PM
Here is the link. I read about this last summer. It's a nice idea. A very large group meditation.
30th June 2007, 08:37 PM
I have known of this for over a year now, I think, but I still don't really get what it is from the web site. It never really gets to the point.
30th June 2007, 08:48 PM
These are quotes from the website:(
Together we will reset Mother Earth with a bio-electric "SURGE OF LOVE" from humanity. When we do sit in meditation simultaneously and fire the Grid for one hour, we will unite the globe and connect all the regions of the earth simultaneously. In the process, we will unite our souls in love, peace, harmony and collective cooperation for a better world for our people, today and in the future.
The time has been set for July 17, 2007 at 11:11 Greenwich Mean Time.... I have been asked to bring together as many humans as possible, throughout the world from every corner of the globe, to simply sit and pray or meditate for one hour during that time. Hopefully, with your help, we will amass a union of humans, such as the world has never seen. Loving humans with one intention - to heal our planet and awaken our souls to our true purpose… to become one with our Source of Light.
1st July 2007, 06:40 PM
Yes, I was saying I read the web site but it seemed meaningless to me. It didn't really get to the point. Even those two quotes don't really mean anything. It reminds me of that time when someone decided to announce a day for as many people in the world to have an orgasm as possible for peace in the world. Recently I was told that in China you can have 80 million people doing chi kung all together in one place. At least they are working together all in the same way. In this case you are going to see a few people giving a half-hearted effort and they haven't even agreed on the basic terms like what love is and what it means to heal the world. I know people who would say that killing all the humans is the only way to heal the world and to prevent the death of all the other species. But mostly I'm just really disappointed by these kinds of things because of days like 12 December 2006 that have come and gone with nothing to show for them.
1st July 2007, 06:59 PM
Energy can not be destroyed. And I believe all the positive energy people use to focus on a particular issue goes somewhere, does something, even if we can not see the results with our physical eyes.
Call me an optimist, but I intend to participate.
1st July 2007, 07:27 PM
Energy does not get destroyed, but it is always subject to change. :D
1st July 2007, 07:39 PM
Change must come from within. It is a line from the joke about the Zen hot dog vendor. A Zen guy goes to the hot dog vendor and says "Make me one with everything". He pays with a $20 and the vendor doesn't give him his change. The Zen guy says, "Why didn't you give me my change?" The vendor answers "Change must come from within."
1st July 2007, 07:44 PM
I rather stick with the core message of the I Ging: Change happens. No matter what.
If I think about a hotdog with everything on the Zen guy already gets a lot of inner change for his money. :lol:
1st July 2007, 10:17 PM
Thank you guys- You don't know it but y'all made my day much better. :lol:
*intentioned or not, karma points for all*
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