View Full Version : My Son has and his symptoms

26th June 2007, 01:40 PM
I have been doing Metaphysical work for many years. Recently My son has been experiencing vibrations. It starts at his stomach then moves to his chest, then head. He saw light above his head midway between him and the ceiling. He told me it is not like a light bulb or the sun. It is a different type of light. His head starts getting hot and feels like it is on fire. He came to my room in a panic. Minutes after while trying to get him to calm down he saw three square stacked to form a upside-down "L".

We called the doctor, and he asked if there are any elicit drugs in the house. I said NO, we don't even drink.
He is going to the doctor today to see if it is physical.

Last night I told him to ride it out because I think it is Spiritual. So that is what he did. He again started to feel the vibrations. His legs started to lift up. Then his head started to lift as well. This happened four times until it got to much for him to handle. Keep in mind he said he felt that he was lifting, he did not see it. He seems to be more calm to the fact that this is happening.

Please help, Thanks
I am contacting you because I need to see what you all think. All the signs point to a spiritual reason and not physical.

26th June 2007, 01:56 PM
While I cannot be sure, this sounds like an energy surge touching upon the Lower Tantien (abdomen), Middle Tantien (heart region) and Upper Tantien (brain), rising along the center line of the body.

Together with the vibrational state it could mean a spontaneous energy phenomenon that triggers a projection reflex and could lead to a spiritual experience or a spontaneous astral projection.

It is best of course to first consult a medical practitioner to find any conditions of the body which are not right. Also to carefully monitor the status of the child for any uncomfortable sensations and journal them.

Grounding exercises (see AD-Pedia here: http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=8162) might help to alleviate the energy rushes.

Take good care,

26th June 2007, 02:17 PM
I agree- I think he needs to be told he is probably experiencing astral projection. If he is old enough to understand, if not (and if appropriate) have him watch Jackie Chan cartoons, especially the episode about the astral projection. To alleviate fear, (and this is what I did) tell him that AP is like having a periscope in which he can see what's happening far away. I did it with my son and how he has no fear whatsoever.
I also suspect that he may be developing fast-all-of-a-sudden, (like Korpo said) and that his guides may be facilitating this.
I recommend that, if he is old enough, you install a cheap walmart fountain, 'to keep the air clean' (which is my story and I'm sticking to it) and grounding exercises, like Korpo said.
I would also add some sponging (NEW) for the parts of him that are uncontrollably floating- this will give him some level of control of the process- if it is fast development, the object is to give him control, but not fear. He'll be traveling to wonderful places in no time and coming back to tell you about it, if you play your cards right.

26th June 2007, 02:58 PM
He is 8. We have been going over this way before he started experiencing these symptoms. Last night he did some what better..

26th June 2007, 09:30 PM
It definately sounds like a dantien surge which is causing energy to rush to the higher chakras. I'm sure grounding would help him a lot. This can be a very good thing if he learns to control it. Try to get him to do energy work.
He's got one big step ahead of me and he's only 8. Where's my chakra surge? :(

26th June 2007, 09:47 PM
I just received a word back from the doctor he thinks it is a psychological manifestation. I wonder what he would say if I told him what I think it is. He might call CPS.

The one thing that I don't think the doctor was told, is if he sleeps on his stomach it will go away. ODD I also have him wearing a ring that should ground him, although that did not work on day 3. Thank you all very much for your response. I am pretty sure after last nights floating incident that he is doing an OBE.

Thanks Again

27th June 2007, 01:17 PM
Ok It happened again last night. The thing that stops it is for him to sleep on his stomach. Later in the morning, hours before I got up for work, he came in with ringing in his ear. A constant ring. And he is medically healthy according to the Dr.

Thanks Again

27th June 2007, 01:28 PM
Are you trying to teach him some grounding exercises?

I have no actual experience with kids, but given the natural fantasy of children I'd say visualisation like growing roots into the Earth should come naturally to them. I'd suggest making a led exercise out of it, where you describe the image to your kid and even ask them questions about what he sees and feels, and steering him in the right direction.

Such an image relies a bit on your story-telling skills of portraying Earth as nourishing and balancing force or even mother, and embroidering the images with detail what he would feel like being a well-grounded tree sticking its roots into the moist ground (Robert recommends Water and Earth elements for grounding purposes in his new "Energy Work" book).

These may be some metaphysical "growing pains", and I think grounding can help in keeping balance during this.

To my knowing Aunt Clair (site member) has experience working with children and teenagers, so she is a good person to ask about such things as well.

Take good care,

27th June 2007, 01:48 PM

27th June 2007, 02:06 PM
You know I checked his symptoms on the web and I know he is Astral Projecting but they also discribe the raising of kundalini...?

27th June 2007, 02:21 PM
Another thing that is supposed to help is protien. It's associated with the base chakra and so should ground him. It's also recomended for people experincing intense kundalini experiences so it should work well for him.

Kundalini awakenings are also associated with astral projection. I think even Bruce mentioned it somewhere.

I hope everything goes alright.

27th June 2007, 03:35 PM
Thanks... It seems this kind of runs in the family. My first raising was all too easy, now trying to raise nowadays is hard. My mother explained spontaneous symptoms like this as well. She at times sees vibrating triangles. Keeping in mind she does not believe in any of this. Unfortunate. Trying to convince her that this is not psychological is a chore! But we are still taking this both ways to make sure we don't mis diagnose.

Thanks Again

Aunt Clair
28th June 2007, 09:28 AM
... My son has been experiencing vibrations. It starts at his stomach then moves to his chest, then head. He saw light above his head midway between him and the ceiling... His head starts getting hot and feels like it is on fire....he saw three square stacked to form a upside-down "L".

Hello ,
I am a retired schoolteacher and a metaphysical teacher online and in my home . I work for free . I have been observing the metaphysical development of the human energy body clairvoyantly for the last 5 years .

Briefly 1948-1980 Indigo is the highest of this generation ,.any are lower
1980 -1996 Purple is the vibration they are born atTthey grow higher in vibration by choice and in projection , meditation , and dreamstate lessons
1996-2004 Hot Whites neon bright pastel shades ie palest lavender
2004-2008 Crystal some call this Octarine

Not all of the children born in an era are of the highest vibration of that era of course . The children born after 1996 are certainly not all gifted metaphysically however there will be a larger percentage in each shift forward .And of course even being born to the sleepy indigo will give a child awareness that their parents may not have had . When a child is significantly higher than the parents they will cause the parents to wake up and move forward in vibration also .

Please tell your son that he is not alone .
There are other children that experience similar metaphysical events . I have met a few of them from time to time .

Some Children born after 1996 are Hot Whites in vibration
I have met a number of young people born between 1980 and 1996 with higher vibration energy bodies . Those born after 1996 are higher still . It is part of a naturally occurring spiritual evolution which comes about in small shifts forward over the centuries .

Chat with other kids like him
My youngest son just turned 10 and he could talk to your son on TeamSpeak if you like . TeamSpeak is free to download software that will allow with a mic and headphones the boys to chat and we can both hear them speaking thru the pc speakers at the same time .

Typically this group projects at will with recall and sees clairvoyantly
My son Billy says that each year there are only 2 or 3 children in his class that are like him . He sees spirit , he projects at will , he is clairaudient and he has excellent abiltiy to trance and project during meditation . Billy does have 2 close friends in the neighbourhood like him and your son . These boys are 7 and 9 years old . They project and see also .

The upside down L seems to be a vison about the energy body pathway
I feel confident that the three stacked objects he saw represent the three primary stones or tan tiens which are energy storage centres . There is a path way to project from the body out of the newly manifested fourth stone on the spine and that is to go up and come out in the path of an upside down L as he described . The light body is developing above and below and beyond the physical body in 3D .

I would not give him more information then he asks for .
I think it is best to answer the questions he asks and not bother kids this young with sophisticated terminology and methods . Make your answers fun upbeat and silly and do not bind him with anxieties or negativity concerning this .

I would tell him he is gifted metaphysically and to be proud of it .
That is much more affirming than to give him fear . As you are a parent I am probably preaching to the choir here and I suspect you already know this .

Being intuitive , he may begin to explain metaphysical subjects
He may want to explain to you what he feels and sees and hears and what he thinks that means. Typically these kids have a good understanding too .

Teach him to be cautious in whom he confides about metaphysical "stuff " I think it would be best to tell him to look at the energy of others around their bodies . If their auras are not large and bright then it is best not to talk to them about this "stuff ". People who cannot see and fly will not usually understand . Children can be cruel under the best of circumstances and there is no point in feeding bullies more ammunititon . If he opens up to family and close friends that is enough . He will find himself attracted to boys like him and he will be able to see them by their energy .

Many of these children are able to see clairvoyantly with the lights on
So they do not learn to dim the lights and look through the third eye . If you teach him to do this , he will see even better . Having control of how and when he sees will calm him considerably . He can learn to tune out by grounding with phsyical activity and fast food , fats and meat . He can learn to switch on by pulling up energy and drinking lots of water and eating veggies before energy work .

Teach him to value his intuitions , his insights and visions

Be willing to listen to his dreams .

Resist telling him what he sees is "not real ".
These kids may see ghosts , angels and demons and parents that tell them these things dont exist can frustrate and confuse the child . Worse , they can think these unseeing sort of people are stupid and not trust them to nurture or care for them . So they may balk against authority too early before the teen years begin . Keep the lines of communication open .

Give him materials to colour or paint his journal
This is very therapeutic and it will help the child to express himself and deal positively with the emotions of these experiences .

Allow him to sleep with the light on and a fan on or a low radio . Sadly children who are capable like this can attract attention of negs . Low volume radios will provide white noise which will give him sweet dreams .

Protection is a good idea .
I suggest that you teach your child a foundation of some faith and teach him to pray before he eats and sleeps .

I would love to offer a free energy body reading to your son .
I read online through the TeamSpeak software . Perhaps we could set up a chat with Billy and then a reading . I am happy to give you the time .

If you have specific questions , please ask .
Here is a link to the readings page . Registration is also free .
http://forums.riverofenlightenment.com/ ... 0.html#new (http://forums.riverofenlightenment.com/index.php/topic,426.msg4360.html#new)

1st July 2007, 09:42 PM
Ok He tells me that the vibrations are getting easier to handle. Last night he came into my room in a panic. He said he saw something that looked like an eye before him. Weird thing was I just found out all this is happening with his eyes opened. He saw the eye looking thing when he said "open my eyes now" twice. I told him to say this to open his astral eyes, to see where he was when he felt like he was floating. Next when he was in my room, he saw a vision I guess you can say. He described it to me. We drew it out. And was exactly like a tracing board used by FreeMasons. My Grandfather was a FreeMason. I adding one and one up, and it seems maybe it could be my Grandfather having some matter in this.

Thanks Again

Again he is going way over my head and I have been doing this for 14 years.


1st July 2007, 09:47 PM
You might search for the "Eye of Horus" on the forums. I read it in a quite recent discussion. Maybe it is related? Somehow I think so.

Ah, here it is:


1st July 2007, 09:54 PM
A lot of us have seen an eye (twice now for me) and I do believe some of these visions are archetypal. (Not necessarily 'the eye of Horus' as illustrated, but a natural looking eye). I only mention it so that he doesn't feel so 'different'- sometimes there is comfort in knowing that stuff like this happens to others.

1st July 2007, 10:04 PM
If I remember correctly, Aunt Clair reported an "eye experience" out of her journal on her own site, "Rivers of Enlightenment" as well. It was the begin of a benevolent encounter.


1st July 2007, 10:44 PM
I see an eye when I meditate. Looks like one of my own eyes but it fills my field of vision when my eyes are closed. I have read of other people "encountering" thier 3rd eye like this.

derwyd, did your son see it as if it was an actual 3D, blinking eye, or like it was a 2 dimentional symbol?

Just curious.

2nd July 2007, 01:17 PM
Well another cartoon that has Chakra's and astral projection in it is a popular show on Nickelodeon called Avatar: The last Air Bender. In the second season the last 4 episodes it has the main character aang seeing a Guru, and he talks about clearing the chakra's and where they are located at and shows him astral projecting but only on the second season...

2nd July 2007, 04:31 PM
Ok what I am thinking is that this is his aura. To add to his experiences. Sat. He spent the night over at his uncles. My wife agreed to it without asking me. When I found out it was too late. So I told him to go to sleep on his stomach. For some reason it stops if he is on his stomach. So anyways last night Sun. I had him sleep on his back to start it up again. We alternate every night, to do it and to rest.

So Sun. night he could not feel anything, I sat in his room nothing happened. Then I had him to some energy work, very little. Just visualization. I left his room. I then about 20 mins. later came to my room and said he stopped but he could see behind his closed eye lids "blue streams on light" going up his legs starting at his thigh and up his spine and to the top of his head. Odd hmm. Sounds like Kundalini or close. Not to mention the Masonic imagery he saw Fri. night.


2nd July 2007, 04:39 PM
I see an eye when I meditate. Looks like one of my own eyes but it fills my field of vision when my eyes are closed. I have read of other people "encountering" thier 3rd eye like this.

derwyd, did your son see it as if it was an actual 3D, blinking eye, or like it was a 2 dimentional symbol?

Just curious.

3d eye there was a lid, then iris is black, then orange, pink, something, then Black for the pupil. What amazes me is his detail, and he never changes his story or what he is saying. The masonic imagery of a tracing board he saw was in such detail it took us 1 hour to drawit out.


2nd July 2007, 04:50 PM
Well another cartoon that has Chakra's and astral projection in it is a popular show on Nickelodeon called Avatar: The last Air Bender. In the second season the last 4 episodes it has the main character aang seeing a Guru, and he talks about clearing the chakra's and where they are located at and shows him astral projecting but only on the second season...

He has been throughly educated in chakras, and different demensions. I did this to prepare him for the future when he would do what I do, but not right away at 8 yrs old.