View Full Version : recurring dream of water

Queen Midnyte
16th June 2007, 10:18 PM
I keep having this dream about water. it leaks into my home. down the walls. under the doors. in basins by the couch that i sleep on. on the floor. the house will be flooded. the water is always clear. never murky or dirty. Does anyone haven any idea what this could mean?


17th June 2007, 12:07 AM
The best way to decide is to "feel" before you "see" If you can remember your emotion seeing water run through your house in this way perhaps it can point you in the right direction.
I don't want to try and interpret for you though, but if you google dream symbology you'll come up with interesting results.

- James

17th June 2007, 01:25 AM
Do you feel like you are pressured by people? SOmetimes water closing in around us means that peer pressure and stress will slowly consume our lives. Just a thought. As James asked, what were your emotions? What you feel is just as important as what you saw.



17th June 2007, 06:36 AM
Queen Midnyte,

Water does symbolize emotion. The temperment of the water also gives clues as to what type of emotion. But because the water was in your dream at all symbolizes a "flood" of emotion. In dreams, houses usually represtent ourselves or our bodies. The walls and the floor (structure) being flooded says to me you are having issues related to your stability. How stable are your external circumstances, the things your life is built around? Does it feel like you are drowning?

19th June 2007, 03:54 PM
Excellent insights Mishell.

Water is an elemental substance, meaning it is one of the foundational elements, thus basic to life. Water is clear when not dirty, but will still obscure what is in it's depths. Water seeks it's own level, flowing according to the lay of the environment and how it's own nature interact. Water can be nurturing or overwhelming.

Water is often symbolic of the subconscious, as well as the emotions, or even life itself. IMO, it is possible the dream is a metaphore for your own awakening consciousness. 'Awakening consciousness' is to literally bring into consciousness what you were before unconscious of. To raise consciousness it to raise awareness which is to open perception, so ALL facets of your ordinary life will be changed by this as you percieve everything with a new understanding.

A home is often symbolic of the self, as Mishell said. Perhaps, to have your home 'engulfed' by the water is to have your home 'invaded' by the new consciousness. It does not matter if you close your doors and windows, the water still seeps in. I think the basins next to where you sleep are telling, as they appear expressly to 'catch' the water from your rising dreams.

I strongly suggest you start a dream journal, and watch closely how the metaphor develops.