View Full Version : Dreaming without sleeping

12th June 2007, 01:31 AM
Something Ive noticed is whenever im up long enough on meth dreams start coming through while im still awake. I know for a fact I hadnt gone to sleep but I start remembering new dreams with details from the same day so i know theyre not old dreams. Theres always real bad feelings accompanied with the dreams.

Sometimes its hard to tell whether what I just dreamt happened or not I have to examine the details to come to the conclusion it was a dream.

Anyone ever had the same thing happen?

12th June 2007, 01:45 AM
It is a symptom of severe sleep deprivation. If you can't dream enough while you are asleep your body will get desperate and make you have your dreams while awake and otherwise functioning. This is obviously not good. I wouldn't expect the dreams to be pleasant while your mind and body are under this kind of stress. If you mean to say that this is the sort of experience you are currently having, I'd like to suggest getting help breaking that meth habit before it kills you. Another thing to be aware of since meth is involved is that your dopamine levels are going to be depleted and this will do strange things to your mind and your moods. My guess is that you are going to need antidepressants for a few years - but I'm not a doctor, and that really is just a guess. And with the dry mouth that meth causes, my guess is that you will also be needing the services of a dentist, but that can wait until you are sleeping again and your moods have been stabilized some.

12th June 2007, 10:44 AM
Something Ive noticed is whenever im up long enough on meth dreams start coming through while im still awake. I know for a fact I hadnt gone to sleep but I start remembering new dreams with details from the same day so i know theyre not old dreams. Theres always real bad feelings accompanied with the dreams.

Sometimes its hard to tell whether what I just dreamt happened or not I have to examine the details to come to the conclusion it was a dream.

Horsebox, this is just tripping out. Essentially, you're losing control of your behaviours and your ability to differentiate between reality and hallucination.

I heard an indepth report on crystal meth last year. Doctors treating addicts found them the most difficult of the addicted to deal with, especially their sexual behaviour. The damage it does the brain is apparently permanent. It damages the body too.


There are 3 years and 5 months between these two photos of a user.

12th June 2007, 06:14 PM
I never had a meth habit and I doubt I ever will. I just had some interesting experiences with it in the past. Its bad ♥♥♥♥ and I only use it the odd time. I think though like all drugs it can be used as a tool if used right.

12th June 2007, 07:45 PM
Yet it seems that every time you post about an unpleasant experience, it starts with 'one day I did meth and this happened.' Do you not see the connection?

13th June 2007, 01:04 AM
I never had a meth habit and I doubt I ever will. I just had some interesting experiences with it in the past. Its bad ♥♥♥♥ and I only use it the odd time. I think though like all drugs it can be used as a tool if used right.

As far as I'm concerned the only reason you should bring it up is if you are looking for support here while at the same time you are getting help kicking the habit. Qualified professional help. I don't care if this dreaming while awake thing only happened once - it clearly means the drug is in control and you have a problem.

IMO, I think it was generous of CFTraveler not to just ban you.

13th June 2007, 01:29 AM
This isnt a drug rehabilitation forum. I was talking about dreams flowing in while im still awake. Its odd stuff. Its as if my minds in two places at once when it happens. I know for a fact I wasnt sleeping but all of a sudden I get new memories of dreams which seemed like they occupied some time but the whole time I was awake and I wasnt even daydreaming or thinking about the things I suddenly remembered.

Forget I said anything about drugs and ponder the thought. In my opinion its a strange phenomenon to be looked into no matter what state of mind I was in. How could I have been dreaming when the whole time my mind was alert and occupied with what I was doing. Was it my subconscious that was dreaming? Imagine your just sitting there doing something and you start remembering new dreams but you hadnt even gone to sleep and dont remember actually participating in the dreams.

That sparks a thought in my head. What if the same we dream up our dream selves, our dream selves dream up us and theyre the ones sleeping where were awake. When you mess around with your patterns your dream self wakes up at the same time as you and theres a clash so thats what causes all these bad feelings.

Theres a crackpipe theory for you.

13th June 2007, 09:09 AM
It's an interesting thought HB.

Similarly but a bit different, I've had dual consciousness during dreams. At least twice now I've brought back dual memories of a simultaneous dream and OBE. It wasn't just bilocation in the usual sense but full and separate experiences happening at one time. It was then just a matter of transferring consciousness into the OBE, though then dream elements seemed to become part of the OBE to varying extents. It was different too to the experience of an OBE in a dream, which I've had many times and most recently a few days ago. In this case, the dream memory dominates even though one senses an OBE took place.

16th June 2007, 03:45 PM
I never had a meth habit and I doubt I ever will. I just had some interesting experiences with it in the past. Its bad ♥♥♥♥ and I only use it the odd time. I think though like all drugs it can be used as a tool if used right.

that sounds like a horrible excuse, your obviously in denial and any experience that meth gives you is all just a hallucination and no good will come of it unless you want to look like your grandparents.

if your going to use a drug as a tool at least use a proper one
DMT is illegal in the United States for recreational use. The only people that are allowed to use it are part of a Brazilian religion, and that decision is pending appeal by the govt. in the Supreme court. Mod.

17th June 2007, 09:42 AM
I think we should give Horsebox a break now. He knows we care enough to dissuade him from use of a very nasty drug but let's care enough to give him some peace now and maybe someone would like to respond to this other than in the way we already have:

Forget I said anything about drugs and ponder the thought. In my opinion its a strange phenomenon to be looked into no matter what state of mind I was in. How could I have been dreaming when the whole time my mind was alert and occupied with what I was doing. Was it my subconscious that was dreaming? Imagine your just sitting there doing something and you start remembering new dreams but you hadnt even gone to sleep and dont remember actually participating in the dreams.

17th June 2007, 04:05 PM
I think I've experienced what you are talking about. Although I've always called waking dreams visions.
If drugs can put you into a state of higher conciousness then it is also something you can do on your own. This ability is natural for all humans, but it does come easier to some.
There are some native cultures that use drugs for this purpose and there are others that do it naturally through fasting and meditation.
It is very important to realize that when you are in this state your chakras are open and you can be vulnerable to lower energies. There is a real need to examine your intentions while trying to develop higher awarness. Your intentions vibrate out from you and exhist in your auric field. It is your aura that will determine the energies/spirits that will be attracted to you, as like attracts like.
Messages are enigmatic sometimes because we recieve symbols. What better symbol than something that has occured that same day?
If I was you, I would start journaling your experiences so you can figure out how to bring this state on naturally. I think you could have a very useful tool for helping people if you educate yourself and practice.

17th June 2007, 05:23 PM
I found your explanations very interesting, especially about intent.

I'd like to know more about how intent influences the results of energy work. Can you give more detail?


17th June 2007, 06:11 PM
I believe intent influences everything we do. In the case of energy work we are opening ourselves to the energy of the universe. If we are not specific, we can also be opening ourselves up to low lying energies. If we go into energy work for selfish reasons, what we attract are the energies that have are selfish as well.
There is an often repeated saying, "when the student is ready, the teacher will come". This happens because our desire to learn is exhisting in our energy field and these so-called teachers will be attracted to that energy. The universe conspires in our favor all the time to bring to us the things and/or events that exhist in our energy fields, even the things we don't want or the things we are not conciously aware of.
Our intent sets the stage for our experiences.

17th June 2007, 06:33 PM
Yes, I can relate to that.

The more determined I became to get my energy work to help with emotional self-improvement, the more it became so. After some time I met a new friend here that was coming from a rather different background but taught me a lot to improve my energy work - when I needed someone to do so. I needed it at that stage, and it manifested.

Is this like what you mean?

Thank you,

17th June 2007, 07:34 PM
Yep. that's a good example.
In my case, I want to use energy to help other people. So I study, study, study. I joined a couple of forums to learn new things, techniques, concepts that resonate with me. I am doing all that, but I find I'm also able to say things and share expiriences that help others. That was my original intent after all. Another example of how the universe conspires to bring our intentions to fruition.

17th June 2007, 07:36 PM
Hello, Mishell.

I find your use of the word "conspire" very unusual - but I know what you mean. :D

Thank you,

2nd July 2007, 12:25 PM
I have thought a bit about intent in energy work, and I remember how some people report only positive stuff (like Aunt Clair), and others warn about many techniques.

When I think about it a lot of those who report about dangers in energy work are for example martial artists. Also I think the desire for power of any kind can expose the practitioner to risk, especially the power over others or power that could be used against others. Also the craving of psychic powers just for the sake of having them (the "wouldn't it be fun" attitude ;)) seems to carry more risk.

I think the intent that allows the most "riskless" development is the one of self-improvement for the benefit of yourself and others, but that's just my personal hypothesis.

What do you think?

Be well,

2nd July 2007, 03:30 PM
I think you must be right. But I only have my own experiences to judge from. My experience with other energies/entities has always been very positive and loving. And yet, at the same time, it can be frustrating. I am not the most patient person, and they all want to "fix" me before I go out and "fix" the world. Maybe in fixing myself I do fix the world....? I don't really know.

I can't comment on other people's motives. We can't know what motivates someone else. It's hard enough finding the framework of my own motives. And even after I think I have that part figured out, I am reminded that I don't. Last week, for example, I was upset about something. I said to myself, "What's wrong with wanting to be sucessful?" And then there was my guide saying to me, "Sucess is not wrong and you know that, but what you want is recognition, and that does not serve a higher purpose." That's hard to acknowledge about myself, but she's right. :oops:

I am hesitant even posting this because I feel like there people waiting to jump on what I say, but I honestly believe that we we come into each incarnation with specific things we are to accomplish. If we wander onto the "wrong path" we will be diverted. Some people may experience this as a scary encounter with "lower" energies. But what if they are not lower or negative, and are only trying to show us that this is not the path we were meant to take.

I don't know, Oliver. But I am certain that at the core, what I really want to do is help other people be OK with their place in the world, and like themselves in the process. And that could be the reason my spiritual experiences have been positive.

2nd July 2007, 04:12 PM
It seems to make a big difference whether you believe that there is a plan and a purpose for each of us or if you see all of existence as an unfortunate accident in need of correction. I tend to see most people's lives as nightmares they need to wake up from.