View Full Version : New to this.

7th June 2007, 12:21 AM
I've been intrested in this subject for ages, and have read around the surface but only in the past few weeks have really acted on my intrest.
I was wondering if anyone could give me a few good articles or books too read that would give me a good foundation of understanding for energy control; ie differences between positive and negative, the effects of energy on yourself and others and such things.
I have ordered the MAP book as i am also intrested in astral projection, does energy work tie in with astral projection at all?
I am also in the process of reading the NEW tutorial on this site.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Btw, the support on this forum looks excellent, im looking forward too learning and hopefully in the near future teaching what i can aswell :)

7th June 2007, 12:29 AM
That's great Seph. MAP is a great book and I would also try and get the new book by Robert Bruce Energy Work. It just came out and I think it will answer a lot of your questions. I hope you will stick around and share your insight as much as possible with us all for a very long time.



7th June 2007, 12:45 AM
Thanks for your reply. Would it would be more beneficial too get a solid grounding in energy control before attempting to do the MAP program?

7th June 2007, 01:02 AM
Absolutely. You will start out with some body awareness, which will start stimulating the energy flow throughout your body. Its fascinating the sensations that are generated by these techniques and it is a very calming and stress reliving processes that is very simple. In no time you will be feeling the tingling and magnetic flow of energy through your body.

Good luck.


7th June 2007, 01:04 AM
I was wondering if anyone could give me a few good articles or books too read that would give me a good foundation of understanding for energy control; ie differences between positive and negative, the effects of energy on yourself and others and such things. :) Besides Robert's new energy book, Korpo, one of our moderators, works with other types of energy work. He'd be great to talk to about his practices.

I have ordered the MAP book as i am also intrested in astral projection, does energy work tie in with astral projection at all?
Yes it does- it helps in strenghthening the energy body for longer and more lucid projections.

Would it would be more beneficial too get a solid grounding in energy control before attempting to do the MAP program? Not strictly, since MAP incorporates NEW as part of the program, but it never hurts to study beforehand. :lol:

7th June 2007, 07:14 AM
* appears in a puff of smoke *

My name - cough, cough, damn smoke! - was dropped in here? ;)

Hello, Seph, what do you mean with "positive" and "negative", this did not ring a bell with me?


7th June 2007, 09:24 AM
My take on it is: Energy such as used in healing are positive and can be used for constructive things, whereas negative energy causes harm or unwanted effects to your body. At least I've always thought both positive and negative energy exist :S
Also, I've read a lot on these forums about people draining energy from others, or giving energy too them, and with it i've heard words such as qi-gong and reiki, is this energy transfer/exchange thing specifically for one of those things?

7th June 2007, 09:40 AM
I don't know exactly...

First of all, there is the basic life energy Qi/Chi (the Chinese call it like that). This energy is present in living things and in the Universe. The human Qi is not positive or negative, it is what makes your life possible. Lack or stagnation of Qi flow means illness and dis-ease, abundance and flow of Qi usually mean health and calmness.

This life energy, as long as it flows, means no harm. But our emotional, mental and other conflicts in life can harm this flow, create stagnation of energy flow, and a condition called "blockage" is created (and can be felt by the practitioner). This blockage is stagnated energy. Frozen, some would say. In a manifold of ways this can alleviated or remedied, including energetic healing, counseling, change of personality or belief systems, Qigong, meditation, and so on, with differing side effects, efficiency, duration and permanence.

All the energies that make up you exist at the same time and determine your being in all of your energy bodies. Each of them exists at a different frequency or vibration at the same time and in the same place. On top of the very tangible sensations of the physical body come the less tangible and more subtle energies of emotion. On top of that come the more subtle energies of your mental energies. According to the system I am subscribing to on top of that come the energies of the psychic energies, and on top of that come the karmic/kausal energies.

All of these exist, and in some way interact, but you may not necessarily be able to sense this. At this very instant you usually are not even fully aware of your physical body. Just ask yourself - What is my liver doing right now? Is it feeling well? ;)

So, we have energy flowing and stagnating as a "sort of" positive and negative manifestation of the same energy, and we have different frequencies/vibrations/levels of subtlety to describe different "kinds" of energy pertaining to your existence. And on top of that, the more subtle ones are also much more powerful and harder to work with. AFAIK this goes towards manipulating the fabric of our very existence. :)

Of course I know that only from theory - I have worked with physical, etheric, emotional and mental energies up until now to some extent, and the emotional and mental ones only indirectly.

If you want to know more about the details of energetic healing, we have some people around that know quite a bit about it and also practitioners. Also on meditation, energy work, Qigong (a Chinese system of energy and body work), Yoga, etc.
