View Full Version : Can you help to decipher a vision

5th June 2022, 08:44 PM
Those two dreams were part of weird series of dreams about a voice that try to teach me some stuff. This vision contains of two connected dreams by six months apart.
The dream started with the same voice from previous dreams. The Voice said that he had something really important to show me.

It was a short dream about an important message. I was at the window in my room, the view was different from the real world. My attention was to the house on the far right (there are three houses in total). It was a day and the sun was in front of me just above the house. Suddenly the house moved from right to left, and the sun went down as the moon showed up. Then the same voice spoke "One Era Will End .....". Then I woke up.

Six months after the previous one.
It was a direct sequel to the previous dream. The same view from the window to the same house. The house stood on the left side of the yard, and the moon shone upon it. At that moment the house began to move to the right side of the yard, and the moon hid and the sun began to rise. Again, the same voice spoke "New Era Will Begin!". Then I woke up.

So what do you think this means?

5th June 2022, 08:46 PM
It would depend on when the first one was.

5th June 2022, 09:01 PM
It would depend on when the first one was.
Those two were from 2007, but the whole series began in 2006.

11th June 2022, 04:15 AM
It's hard to guess, I've seen various groups proclaim the "new age" started in 2012 and others said it would be 2024, but my point is that you could have been influenced by propaganda of any of them.