View Full Version : Astral projected onto another physical realm! (A call to mission)

28th May 2022, 08:40 AM
An year and half ago I had another summoning onto a physical realm, for a mission.
They(unknown) were summoning me from time to time for such missions.

I did my procedure and reach trance state, I got a sensation of floating and feeling of a strange wind which was pulling me like a magnet towards a portal into the sky, when I crossed through on the other side, I was just a point of consciousness. I look around, I was in a village on what it seems a sand planet, in sky there were two sun's an orange and yellow one. I floated around and to my astonishment all citizens were humanoid aliens, I wondered for a while what is my purpose on this experience, just in that moment I saw group of masked citizens passing below me in a hurry, my intuition was telling me to follow them, they reached some sort of Market place and have a meeting with traders about some boxes, but it seems they were betrayed because a lot of soldiers surround them from both sides, the soldiers were saying stuff I don't understand, some alien language. The masked man's opened the stash boxes and inside there were a lot of weapons, they armed themselves and large crossfire has begin, their weapons were totally energy based. Many of the masked guy's fell dead and it seems they were protecting a single invidual, I wondered is this a mission to help this men survive this losing battle and I decided to help him. I flew towards him and entered his body, I witness his thoughts, about a rebellion, a betrayal and him being the leader of it. The only way to help him was to totally suppress his consciousness and take full control of his body, in a split second I used my mind control, suddenly I was him, all five senses rushing into me, I felt grounded.(on missions my battle abilities are always beyond normal, like a senses were combining into one instinct together with my six sense premonitions, I can think fast, react fast without any hesitation or remorse, always turning into a battle machine when in need). I immediately grasped the situation and how to use the energy weapons and the fierce fight for survival has begun, I killed at least twenty soldiers, my adrenaline was spiking up. Just when I thought everything was over and was about to take a deep breath, a loud sound echoed through the city like an alarm system, at that moment something fell from the sky with a thunder sound, from the dust came out a metal giant at least 10 meters tall, looking like a knight, having a sword and shield. He spoke "intruder detected, I Sentinel version 2.0 is arresting you for using a deadly force( it seems now I can understand their language because I was in that body), I was the hell you will and shoot several rounds at his face, but there was no effect what so ever, "intruder shows aggression, preparation of response, weapons activated" his sword and shield glowed in crimson red aura. I dropped my guns, my mind goes on very fast rate, I closed my eyes and focus my mind while reaching with my hand, when open them I use all my telekinetic power on his legs(my power always tend to manifest when I feel fear or anger), his legs broke and he fell on his knees, he was still trying to reach me with everything he got, I was forced to break his spine, he bow at my feets. He try to rise his head "intruder must be eliminated.... eliminate...", I used all my force and brake his neck, he ultimately fell and go silent.

Through my telepathic abilities I fell a link that was connecting me with him, calling me, I approached his dead body and touch the metal armor, the armor began to peel like a lizard scales, covering my entire arm little by little in greenish metallic scales. I heard a voice in my head "A New host detected.... analysis complete.... system core updated" His enormous double edge sword fell from his arm and become smaller enough to fit my hands, through some sort of magnetism the sword directly came at my hand. All alien humanoids around were looking at me shocked, an older male said "How can you use the power of the Holy Sentinels, that never happened before. What exactly are you?", I just smiled with half mouth because I had no idea what to say. An other elder added "We must take him to the Oracle, he will know" and the others agree on this. They said that they gonna lead me there, "but we must hurry because more sentinels will come, much stronger". I picked my gun from ground and followed them, suddenly I felt strange sensation that I'm not needed anymore and I just pop out from this body. Now again I was just a floating point of awareness with no body and just 180 degree vision, the man begin walking on its own, still following them. From previous experiences I came to understanding that I can took possession of other humans or entities and control their bodies like my own. I stay behind them floating and wondering why I was been summoned here and by whom, something fell from the sky again as a thunder and new bigger upgraded sentinel came out from the dust, he directly went to his fallen comrade and began a scanning procedure. I flew directly at his face, but he as well couldn't see me or sense me. He began questioning the first bystander around for any clue on what happened and trust me he wasn't very kind. When he heard what happened, he ask for the location of the alien who took down his comrade. I felt that I need to intervene before everything to go out of hand, I got very close to his head and focus my telepathic abilities "Forget... Forget about everything and return to your post". He became dizzy and forgot what he must do "I need to return to my post", he flew like a rocket in the space. I felt that my help was not needed anymore, so I just close my 'eyes' and after a second I heard clicking sound, waking up here.

28th May 2022, 10:32 PM
Here, a three questions just for you CFTraveler.
1)Did you ever reach another physical realm while you projected?
2)Did you ever been summoned to complete missions?
3)Did you ever get possessed by another being?

3rd June 2022, 03:10 PM
Here, a three questions just for you CFTraveler. Sorry I just saw this.

1)Did you ever reach another physical realm while you projected? I believe so. It looked like another world.

2)Did you ever been summoned to complete missions? I've been told about a mission and I have had experiences that might suggest there is a mission and I'm part of it, but I remain skeptical until I get more intel.

3)Did you ever get possessed by another being? Probably. I've certainly had the experience of being occupied by other(s) but was told this was 'part' of my mission. It was very unpleasant. I think I talked about this in the new forum, but I'm not sure. I have not spoken publicly about this except recently and only reluctantly. There was no dissociation, just the experience of having memory downloads and the feeling of another 'field' merge with mine.

3rd June 2022, 04:33 PM
IMHO the "mission" word is popular, but it's often overused and is actually obsolete. The concept behind "job" to do is IMO more generic.

Sorry I just saw this.
Probably. I've certainly had the experience of being occupied by other(s) but was told this was 'part' of my mission. It was very unpleasant. I think I talked about this in the new forum, but I'm not sure. I have not spoken publicly about this except recently and only reluctantly. There was no dissociation, just the experience of having memory downloads and the feeling of another 'field' merge with mine.
"Occupying" suggests certain interpretation of the phenomena, which might be correct or incorrect. It's frequently used but rarely understood, also by the christian excorcists as I had an oppurtunity to observe (in fact, excorcists often do not now what they are really doing - they have no basic knowledge of the technicals behind, but the religious dogma garbage only). I experienced something which i would call: influence of unpleasant energies. Partly I described it on the forum. I have had similar experiences as CFT described. So it's seems pretty common, and the fact that people don't want to talk about it is similar to what Robert Monroe told about OBE: it's more common than people think because everyone is afraid to talk about it.

3rd June 2022, 07:29 PM
I agree. The world is not as 'solid' as we think it is.

3rd June 2022, 09:31 PM
I believe so. It looked like another world.
Another worlds are more than real, I have fallen asleep each time for two sequencing days without waking up here and nothing changing in the environment, this doesn't happen in lucid dreams. This tend to happen only when I try to AP before falling asleep and not using morning rem intervals, my best experience was long six full hours real time and more than 48 hours in there.

I've been told about a mission and I have had experiences that might suggest there is a mission and I'm part of it, but I remain skeptical until I get more intel.
I have been on lot of missions and retrievals, I was skeptical at the beginning too, but not anymore. Of course some of the missions can be on training grounds like a test, I found masters like to test me a lot, giving me strange puzzles to solve.

Probably. I've certainly had the experience of being occupied by other(s) but was told this was 'part' of my mission. It was very unpleasant. I think I talked about this in the new forum, but I'm not sure. I have not spoken publicly about this except recently and only reluctantly. There was no dissociation, just the experience of having memory downloads and the feeling of another 'field' merge with mine.
I have one such mission to possess a man in alternate physical reality, he was working for NASA, he was big mind engineer and working on Stargate project, in short they were trying to connect with other conscious physical enitities(or aliens for short). His mind was strong so I wasn't able to possess him fully, but there were also some laws in place which forbids me from direct intervation with the subject, so I was acting like a little subconscious voice in his head, giving him guidance and uploading information in his mind. Sometimes when projecting I'm more than Me right now, I know stuff which seems filtered here, maybe I'm in better touch with my Higher self.

I also was possessed twice on the physical, but at least they were harmless, the first I woke up my mother acting confused and ask her where is my sister(i don't have a sister) and when given unsatisfied answers, he left and me gaining consciousness. The second time I gained consciousness in the middle of possession, but I was like in the back seat of my own body, he was roaming around the house like searching for something, maybe his own house was different than mine and he was confused, I was only sensing his thoughts and seeing through my eyes, but felt trapped in my own body, thank god he wasn't a lucid dreamer and decided to fly out from the window:|. I sense his consciousness disappearing and I regain full control of my body, from this day on I put a strong protection over my body. I have one more which is more supernatural in nature, involving the occult. I don't casually share it with everybody, but if you wish I can send you a PM.

3rd June 2022, 09:42 PM
IMHO the "mission" word is popular, but it's often overused and is actually obsolete. The concept behind "job" to do is IMO more generic.
Every one calling them missions, because it sound more like game stuff.

I experienced something which i would call: influence of unpleasant energies. Partly I described it on the forum. I have had similar experiences as CFT described.
If it is open to read maybe you can pinpoint me to that thread.

3rd June 2022, 10:35 PM
I agree. The world is not as 'solid' as we think it is.

Absolutely, what you call the physical is just another layer of dream, it feels more solid and objective because we are many here. Recently I had an experience were I thought I got myself at yet another Parallel World. Everything was super solid and physical, a big city with many streets and normal looking pedestrians, they were talking like normal people, have normal emotions, pets on leashes with them, stray cats running around looking for food. Coffee and food shops, people reading newspaper's and drinking hot coffee, the smell of hot fresh bread, feeling the cold autumn wind on my neck and gravity under my feets, I wandering around, looking and feeling the atmosphere around, with the same familiar feeling that I visited yet again another Parallel World. I really wanted to know the name of the city I was in before I was pulled back. I was looking who to ask without acting crazy, after a mile of walking I stopped in front what it seems was a theatre, on front there was a small window and man selling tickets. I approached him and ask him politely, acting like a lost tourist, what is the name of this city, he smiled and said the city is called "Tamokov Tonia", I became confused as I can't recall a city with such an obscure name. It's like he noticed my confused expression and added "This is a city that still not exist", I expression became more shocked by his sudden revelation and not only that but his voice also changed, it's like something was speaking through him, uppon detecting me I'm not local. I pulled myself fast from there because sometimes when I end up in astral cities and got detected I'm not from there from the system in control, things are always go south.

These can operate and talk through any citizen in the city, it is very creepy, like some type of Control on higher level which doesn't like intruders mudding the water for them.

4th June 2022, 11:40 AM
Edit: You said it well Antares,it seems I won't pursue what I have been seeking this whole time, as you said people are afraid talking about it because it can attract bad luck! It at least I know that even if I seek I won't get anywhere considering how much supernatural that event was, the event which I can't talk about.
Robert Monroe told that people don't want to talk about such things not because of bad luck but because they are afraid of the opinion of others - which is understood. In a way we live among apes (no offence intended :) ) who expect only certain, narrowed ways of thinking, and even more narrowed ways of talking about them. If this doesn't fit into such expectations, they are in fear and won't talk such a subject - and reject it in many ways. Talking about something beyond their usual way of thinking requires probably carefulness, otherwise people would reject the whole message instantly, as I many times observed.

4th June 2022, 01:39 PM
Robert Monroe told that people don't want to talk about such things not because of bad luck but because they are afraid of the opinion of others - which is understood. In a way we live among apes (no offence intended :) ) who expect only certain, narrowed ways of thinking, and even more narrowed ways of talking about them. If this doesn't fit into such expectations, they are in fear and won't talk such a subject - and reject it in many ways. Talking about something beyond their usual way of thinking requires probably carefulness, otherwise people would reject the whole message instantly, as I many times observed.
Okay;), that's understandable if I let myself talk about my experience in front of normal headed people nobody will want to look me in the face anymore:lol:
P.s. No offence intended;), but this site is also suffering from the same fate!:roll:

Daniel S.
30th November 2023, 02:29 PM
Wow, it looks like fiction.

30th November 2023, 08:40 PM
Wow, it looks like fiction.

And who asked you?