View Full Version : Astral Projection Methods and Discussions

16th March 2022, 06:24 PM
Hi all, longtime member and astral traveler here. I decided to begin making videos providing what I believe are the best techniques and methods to achieve and enhance your out of body experiences, as well as general discussions of astral projection related topics and my own experiences. Feedback is welcome! I hope this is helpful.

16th March 2022, 06:26 PM
This is my first video sharing one of the most effective techniques I've ever used for astral projection. It still works 22 years after learning it myself! Enjoy! https://youtu.be/3mcqgWijNHM

17th March 2022, 03:09 PM
So are you Vincent?

17th March 2022, 03:24 PM
That would be correct :)

17th March 2022, 03:25 PM
Here is the second video in the series. This covers methods for increasing and enhancing your awareness and lucidity while out of body. It works with lucid dreaming too! https://youtu.be/Q7YT3ap3iCQ

20th March 2022, 06:20 PM
My third video is an astral projection meditation audio to assist in your projections - it contains deep theta binaural beats and guided affirmations to program the subconscious mind to produce an out of body experience - listen to it before bed but especially listen to it in the early morning, particularly when using the wake back to bed method I explained in my previous video. I've tested this myself and it's highly effective. Give it a try during your next AP attempt and let me know how it goes!


22nd March 2022, 06:03 PM
Cool, I'll have to subscribe to your channel. You'll recognize me.

27th March 2022, 06:24 PM
Cool, I'll have to subscribe to your channel. You'll recognize me.

Sounds good, thanks!

27th March 2022, 06:25 PM
My newest video is a tutorial on how to have any experience you desire while out of body: https://youtu.be/kn9sVLgxtwY