View Full Version : Mystic or Monster

1st November 2020, 03:59 AM
I can tell that the mystic and the monster archetypes both know perfection very well indeed. However, the monster chooses AGAINST the universe. Mystics are placid(very spiritual word) - monsters indeed feed on that.

Are there any mystics who would like to share their strategies regarding monsters?

1st November 2020, 04:12 PM
Are there any mystics who would like to share their strategies regarding monsters?
Monsters are non-spiritual. Mystics are apprentices.

Imagine 3 vertical shamanic worlds: heaven, earth, underground. The latter is where monsters dwell. The middle is where apprentices dwell. The heaven is where spirit dwells.

Here's the answer: focus on spirit (Kether), its wisdom (Chokmah), forge your will in doing that (Binah), and use the shield of love (Chesed) and the sword of light (Geburah), let your inner self - intuition being its soldier - guide you (Tiphareth), and you're prepared very well for the final victory (Netzach) and any circumstances to overcome (Hod). This will be the ultimate manifestation for yourself (Yesod) - shamanic powers to show themselves in a blaze of glory in the kingdom of matter (Malkuth), as monsters hide from Light.

1st November 2020, 05:18 PM
From what I gather, you are alluding to a step beyond perfection - would you be so inclined as to call that intelligence, or what?

I can tell that the mystic and the monster archetypes both know perfection very well indeed.

1st November 2020, 05:39 PM
Everything's perfect already in the here and now, just a matter of perception. :)

If you find imperfection in regarding monsters and looking for a strategy, what I can suggest, as stated below, is Light. Light body is a recently well known strategy for maintaining and focusing on Light more often, more intensively, and with a bigger impact on yourself on all levels. Yes, the universe is intelligent... just a matter of perception. :)

2nd November 2020, 03:04 AM
Everything's perfect already in the here and now, just a matter of perception. :)

If you find imperfection in regarding monsters and looking for a strategy, what I can suggest, as stated below, is Light. Light body is a recently well known strategy for maintaining and focusing on Light more often, more intensively, and with a bigger impact on yourself on all levels. Yes, the universe is intelligent... just a matter of perception. :)
Aha, so perfection is the study of a mystic... where as Enlightenment must be the mastery... of a master.

2nd November 2020, 03:07 AM
Aha, so perfection is the study of a mystic... where as Enlightenment must be the mastery... of a master.As a special type of master, alchemist, I believe that I can attain prime at dark too - yes Light has a capital L, whereas "pay my monsterish care" could be known as light with a lower case l.

Any thought on the difference L to l?

2nd November 2020, 05:02 PM
As one who considers herself a mystic, I battle daily against what I consider monsters- contrarians and cults. It's an uphill battle, I think 2020 is showing who's who.

2nd November 2020, 05:29 PM
Aha, so perfection is the study of a mystic... where as Enlightenment must be the mastery... of a master.
Or... mYstery of a master. ;) (enlightment - more light - is a matter / result of perception; the paradox is that it is hidden, and monsters hide from it - see Qabbalah and hidden light, particularly Kether and higher levels of the universe / tree of life).

As one who considers herself a mystic, I battle daily against what I consider monsters- contrarians and cults. It's an uphill battle, I think 2020 is showing who's who.
Did this as well... and have a similar view. However, I'm now in the process of re-orienting and changing my mind, looking for a peace and peaceful ways for living, instead of warfare. Battles make you a mystic warrior (like Don Juan in Castaneda's); peace makes you a mystic creator (I know, this is not quite popular on the planet where blood is shed everyday, but it's worth to look up for a newer, more lightful patterns, explore them and try them out, I believe).

2nd November 2020, 06:10 PM
Any thought on the difference L to l?

Or... mYstery of a master. ;) (enlightment - more light - is a matter / result of perception; the paradox is that it is hidden, and monsters hide from it - see Qabbalah and hidden light, particularly Kether and higher levels of the universe / tree of life.
So one cannot hide from (the) capital L Light, while the little light would be biased in perceptions and actions. Yes, I agree, it takes an objectivity to know the Source, God, reality itself OR the great spirit. A name(?) even... Perhaps without a name you can only call an entity "that spirit," that neg. With all voices and phenomena in spirituality, I find it is a case of "no name, no trust." At all - one must be to trust in an absolute, instead.

4th November 2020, 08:27 PM
Light hack for spirits that want to know stuff:

Am I honest? Am I honest? Am I honest?
I am the one.

28th December 2021, 08:18 AM
Trust in an absolute beyond perfection. This would be the conversion mystic to majestic. Now, a monster did not realise perfection in an enlightened mind of their own. Have you? When the name of everything the spirit voices do is love the absolute that you trust is called final, and the reason is why. Life is special.

I trust that I am confident enough to survive most {genuine} things.