View Full Version : They are warning me

31st May 2007, 05:39 PM
Just thought that I should share a dream I had regarding energy work.
In the dream I learned new powers such a levitating and flying, I showed this to other people and some were scared and others warned me
to be careful to develop my abilities too fast or I would go to the dark side (lol)

I also saw a scene of the opening of KyleXY season2(in my dream) (If you haven´t seen it i´t about a boy with strange powers and intellect who has amnezia).
A guy also warned him about showing of his powers.

Could these two dreams be my subconcious warning me or not understanding
what is happening to me regarding my energy work?
The NEW work has really had a really a positive work on my being and not in any negative way whatsoever.

I´m just posting this cause I just woke up and thought the dream was funny, I haven´t dreamt about energy work before, so I´m not really worried... or should i regard the dream as a message?

31st May 2007, 10:49 PM
I'm new to energy work myself, but I take it slow and haven't really run into any problems or imbalances but like anything, moderation and balance is the key to a healthy habit.

1st June 2007, 01:17 AM
Were the people warning you in a dream or in real life? Dark side....not to worry, developing fast is good. But if you do to much energy work(like with chakras on your first week)then that causes problems. But not the Dark Side.....mwwahahahahahah......*Darth Vader Theme*

Both of these dreams sound like lucid dreams....Tv show dreams usually are. What do you think these are warning you about? I need you to clarify that more...



8th June 2007, 07:46 AM
I think dreams are important... but its hard for someone else to tell you what it means since its meaning could be personal for you. Ask yourself how you feel about progressing your ability. Do you have apprehension about it? How did the dream make you feel at the time... like you were being warned? It might help to travel consciously into the dream to see it with clearer vision.

8th June 2007, 08:16 AM
Magic, I have dreams like this. Well, a bit different. I'll find one in a minute so you see what I mean. (I'm not seeking anyone's interpretation, btw). As far as I can tell, nothing comes of them. Probably best just to analyse them like you would any other dream. I think this one may just be your subconscious anticipating that not everyone will respond positively to the development work you're doing. It could also reveal some mild anxiety about what you're doing leading you somewhere you don't wish to go (i.e. the dark side). The dream I'll add at the end of this shows similar anxiety.

In order for them to be considered lucid dreams you have to know what you're doing, control it and be able to control your dream environment, so Idon't think they are lucid dreams.

Possession Dream 7.1.07
I’m in a room with T and A (the Rs). We’re discussing how Madonna (the pop star) is apparently flying and able to demonstrate it. I explain to them that I too have the ability. I ask them if they’d like to see and they agree. So I spread my arms and my legs too into a star jump, levitate slowly and float round the perimeters of the room. Suddenly, behind closed eyes, I see the name, “Emily.”

There’s a knock at the door. A girl with a band of adults arrives and her name is “Emily.” They ask for my help so I follow them outside. On the way out, I tell the Rs that I’m writing a book on my abilities. I’m thinking of asking A if he’d like to write a chapter collaborating what he has seen.

We’re on a covered bridge. Emily sits on a bench with her back against the side. I ask her to tell me about herself. She says she has multiple personalities and I become uncomfortable because I know what’s coming. She asks me if I’d like to see. Then her eyes change to an opaque yellowy colour. The demon possessing her asks me to ask him his name. I hear my mother’s voice say, “Donna, don’t!”

I know I’m out of my depth, that I’ve enjoyed flying and seeking publicity but that I have no power over this demon. I say, “You’ve violated your agreement with God,” suggesting that he’s broken the rules by overruling Emily’s free will. I feel the lameness of this argument. I know in my heart that freewill is restricted by level of consciousness and the will of the less conscious is easily commandeered by the stronger wills of those with greater conscious awareness. God permits this. I realise powerful demonic beings aren’t evil because of unconsciousness; they are evil and highly conscious.

I know instinctively too that this demon will be well aware of every agreement I’ve ever broken and able to use this against me. Guilt over this will be a weakness, my undoing. I realise my ability to fly is a trick, a talent, perhaps a fluke and not a manifestation of great spiritual growth. The dream ends; I haven’t helped Emily.