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View Full Version : The Atlantis advantage - leaving illusion and massive manipulation behind

12th September 2020, 05:22 PM
Let's be clear and straightforward: our world (reality) is very weird. ;)

People basically do not believe in anything that is beyond their massive illusion.

Most of our convictions are not really ours. We were learnt to just not question them.

Do we create reality? Or are victims of it?... Because if we do not, who creates it? ;)

Or, if we do - how to do that?

If you consider the idea that everyone is creative and mind is powerful, but it may be "convinced" that it is otherwise - then the world may shift to any other shape than it is now.

Consider this: what if most of the people started thinking of a global control, terror and "importance" of following the regulations from above - how their minds would shape the world?

More or less - the world would look like as... it is now! Billions of people everyday are watching or reading negative news: about the virus, about the catastrophe, about the medical problems, about the safety being threatened, and indirectly about the "need" to watch every citizen, about providing even more regulations and technology controlling citizens...

Do you think these combined fearful thoughts of billions of people have no effect on the world?

I think the biggest idea behind the virus is massive media manipulation. Minds are manipulated indirectly, so that they start to "allow" those, who create these negative messages, for their activity.

I mean, who decides whether to allow you to function in the society, when you do not follow those new regulations? For instance, when you go shopping or to the school and the person in the shop or regulations in the school (or anywhere else) tells you to check your tempture, put in gloves, or a mask?

I call it actually "massive training".

In fact, nothing changed from februrary 2020... except the thoughts of how the world is and what "we" "should" do about it. So these are just manipulated people who started to control everyone else now! Society against the society! This is how manipulation works. They put a salesman against the others, trying to keep a new "order" on the streets, in the shops, in the restaurants, in the schools, and everywhere else.

Do you think that they won't find a way to convince you that you should even install a camera in your own house, because of your safety?

Would you believe that?

Or maybe, it would be your safety then under the danger, if you allow all of that to happen?

One by one, they are experimenting how many people would follow the regulations: gloves, masks, etc. This is a big experiment which purpose is to find out how much pressure is needed to control the masses (mind, in fact).

Now, you have a choice: be a subject of this massive illusion of the "situation" and thus being an uncouncios creator, or be a really creative person - literally: creating the world.

In old times creation (manipulation) of reality was called "magic". But as some already pointed out in this thread: https://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?29593-Beyond-magic
this is mind which in the end works as it does: it is the "physics" and "metaphysics" of the universe - the mind builds:

Mind is the Builder, and the Physical is the Result

In this sense, we are "dreaming" our reality all the time, and most of the time we are unconscious dreamers. Unconscious is weak and easy to manipulate by those, who know how the reality works. It is just a matter of convincing every single person to create a reality according to their liking (not your liking).

This is nothing new. As I've read, and my personal ESP experiences confirm that, in Atlantis there were similar attempts to control the whole society by using something like massive media for manipulative purposes - manipulating minds of millions so that they were kept in fear. This is happening again now.

Probably many of people here on AD lived in Atlantis in other incarnation, myself included. There are deep memories hidden somewhere in the unconscious mind which are the treasures to be uncovered. I think it is worth of doing that: to go beyond the limitation of one incarnation and accessing your full potential of all life-times, not just few decades in this lifetime!

Masses do not believe that. Incarnations officially does not exist. The official message of all sciences, medical institutions, and common life style, is to convince you that you have just one life time - and you should not care about anyting but exploiting your body, mind and spirit to the limits - through ioverwork, alocohol and drugs abuse, imbalanced life style, empty egoism, or in many other ways!

Could it be more manipulative than that? Hardly! We live in the most manipulative illusion that is possible to create: that your mind is not a part of reality! That it has no effect on it!

This is the biggest lie of all times.

Now, to the Atlantis. Using the advantage of knowledge from the incarnations from such advanced civilizations, as Atlantis, it is possible to find a blueprint to use it to for our advantage - not against it. Therefore, I think it is really worth to take this "journey" into discovery of hidden treasures of the unconscious mind.

The other story is - why it is unconscious...

12th September 2020, 08:11 PM
Many would doubt in what I write. But this does not matter that much, after all. I think the most essential thing is to consider this idea:

The Universe works as / is an expression - of the mind.

You may substitute the "expression" with the "manifestation" term, it is the same.

What people view as magic, is in fact working of the law of expression (manifestation). What people view as technology, is the same thing. You choose your perspective on the world, and it works as you want it to see it then - for you. The trick is, that in most cases you do this unconsciously. It is partly what Robert A. Monroe called "belief systems".

Widening your mind, like travelling into Atlantis in ASC, makes it more conscious, as you reach the deeper levels of yourself (your mind). Then you realize that you can create more than before, and there are less limits for yourself... if you discover even more, you realize you have even less limitations... you may conclude that this is, after all, you who decides about your (temporary) limitations... and then you realize that you need not to experience terror or limitations other than those which you choose. This is called independence, or mental maturity: when you decide, you know you are respons-ible for what you choose (i.e. create).

Hence, creative abilities are essential.

15th September 2020, 06:00 PM
There are a few of Gregg Braden's videos that are very disturbing, which your post reminded me of.

15th September 2020, 06:50 PM
There are a few of Gregg Braden's videos that are very disturbing, which your post reminded me of.
Which are these?

16th September 2020, 05:27 PM
I'll see if I can find the one that I'm talking about. Fascinating, and bewildering. Positive at it's core, but you'll have to see it to judge.

17th September 2020, 02:46 PM

I must admit I had just one book - actually more viewed than read - written by Gregg Braden. I found it misleading - it was about time cycles.

Indeed the video seems to be similar in some things to what I wrote so far in various posts, like referring to ancients etc. But this is very, very general and rather vague similarity I think. Gregg is a very professional speaker, he is no doubt perfect in what he does and how he prepare his material. However, I never believed that the message needs a perfectly polished form to be conveyed.

What I think the same as he does in the video is the fact that there is a sort of 'simulation'. I do not do any scientific research or anything, but yes it actually confirms what I figured myself. Still it is a vague idea, in some circles if not quite common then at least known. I'm still collecting information of whatever type, but the puzzles seem to be more and more clear to me with every month. We (humans) are like in a "garden" - being watched but basically unaware of this fact, like in the Truman Show movie.

The video makes a good impression in general, Gregg seems to be honest. Although I may be mistaken here. Anyway, it is as typically in YT videos, a vague message without much substance... but this is just nature of the video form vs. a book, it is mainly about presenting a topic :)

I'm certain there is disinformation in this area: people deliberately acting as "supporters" of such alternative - let's call them - concepts, but they are more sort of "agents" working against finding the truth. I'm also sure that the ultimate truth is reachable by yourself... i.e. you do not need anything in-between, which takes the power away from yourself to reach it. To gain credibility, such agents need to give you some correct information and mix it with incorrect one. Like - to give an overly simplified example - talk about magic and suggest that Harry Potter hides tremendous secrets, or the opposite - that magic worked because it was actually technology, and alike stuff. :P This is why I concluded that independent thinking for yourself and questioning is so important. We live in the new era - commonly called "age of information" - so the information cannot be hidden. If you want to mislead the masses, you need to give them false information and false traces - of whatever sort, and in all areas and levels wherever you can. Astral is easy to manipulate, as well...

4th October 2020, 02:50 PM
Haven't had much time for these few weeks exploring this subject - you know, life, money etc. All I need to focus at the same time :P Having no children helps me enormously with this sort of meta-physical stuff, otherwise I had no time for anything (there must be a reason why as a kid I never considered myself as a parent). ;)

Anyway, I have a strong feeling that there is something really valuable to explore here. Like I mentioned in the first post, this has something to do with the resources of the unconscious mind. I always knew it somehow. When discovering anything worth writing down, I'll be back here.

8th October 2020, 05:30 PM
Haven't had much time for these few weeks exploring this subject - you know, life, money etc. All I need to focus at the same time :P Having no children helps me enormously with this sort of meta-physical stuff, otherwise I had no time for anything (there must be a reason why as a kid I never considered myself as a parent). ;)

Anyway, I have a strong feeling that there is something really valuable to explore here. Like I mentioned in the first post, this has something to do with the resources of the unconscious mind. I always knew it somehow. When discovering anything worth writing down, I'll be back here. And I'll be here, reading, if not commenting.

10th October 2020, 04:53 PM
Hence, creative abilities are essential.
Universe is Creator (conscious)
Earth is God (unconscious)

I think in figuring out the identity of own self, one does suppose infinity.

10th October 2020, 06:39 PM
Universe is Creator (conscious)
Earth is God (unconscious)
Another version:

Consciousness is creative and conscious.
Unconsciousness is uncreative no-(lack of)-consciousness.

Universe is the created (playground), a gold.
Earth is a sand (part of the playground).
And god is alchemist. It builds the unconscious with the conscious, discovering its nature by this expression.

Are you a god?
A consciousness?
Or maybe unconsciousness?

Being creative - you decide.
Being unconscious (uncreative) - god decides.

God decides by dice. You decide by consciousness.

This is the first level of this game. The second one is when devil comes into play. It tells you that you are not immortal and would die.

Third one is when the governments come into play. They dissallow you to use magic for your creativity.

Fourth one is when the governments decide that devil needs to bring in a virus so that it complicated things even further.

What is the idea behind this game? To stay creative. (Remember, you decide, unless the dice decide).


Believe others?


No way.

You decide.

The edge is where your limitations come into play. Everyone has his or her own personal edge. You are a god who may decide that you are not a god.

15th October 2020, 09:54 AM
By a coincidence tonight I got some glimpses of the future, so I think I have some better idea about what is going on.

Generally, according to my current view, it seems pretty obvious that we are (or are about to ultimately become) a sort of "another Atlantis", to rise and fall - possibly.

The Atlantis main thread is about power usage. Some people resist to this word as CFTraveler recently has mentioned https://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?39187-Meta-psychic-abilities&p=173361#post173361

and I think it may be because of the pre-incarnational memories where abuse of power led to distroying the civilization.

I think the similar, deeply rooted fear in the modern society lays in those old days, and the whole civilization found a way to: 1. disallow magic, 2. convert to science.

Science (along with technology) is somewhat a solution to this fear, yet a hidden power as well.

What we are facing is threefold preference to power:
1. use of power(s), generally speaking, for destructive purposes
2. use of power(s), generally speaking, for constructive purposes
3. allowing others to use power(s), thus trying to hide self from responsibility, like stating something like: I did nothing! I'm not guilty

I think the 3rd scenario is preferred by the isolated groups such as Tibetean people, along with their spiritual leader, who avoided any 'power' threads at all costs.

Of course, the first group are no doubt Chinese, but also many (most, possibly) other countries', rulers.

The difference between us and Atlantis is the fact that it was predicted that this civilization would appear, but this time the fear of power is/was cunningly incorporated into and used against the masses, so that they voluntarily gave the power about themselves in the hands of others.

This is exactly what we are observing currently in the world. Allowing others to decide about the future of this planet was done by convincing people that it is "boring", "takes too much effort", "is not worth interest", "is an unncessery and unpleasant hard work" etc., which in turn inch by inch, during the previous decades, led to accumulation of power in hand of elites - privileged groups in different areas, from traditional rulership, to military, to commerce, to religion, to society, to wealth, to education, among many others. Basically, one of means to realize this goal was the 'centralization', almost always with blood shed. Centalization is now substituted with a fancy label 'globalization'. What I think is going to happen now there is going to appear a...

one Ring to rule them all

With one ceveat, 'all' are not rings - but people.

17th October 2020, 07:54 AM
Just heard:

Cynicism will be undoing for humanity. That's why love is needed.

and I understood why we are at the threshold of self-destruction as another civilization on this planet...

It's hard to understand, but I think this is how things exactly are. Just imagine what would happen to the world if every single person of the 7-billion population became extremely cynical...

How to change the course of the planet?

19th October 2020, 03:58 PM
One could be cynical about cynicism and say "only pure love satisfies my soul." And, an egg breaks open...

19th October 2020, 04:12 PM
Good point that god is unconscious truth and not, facing, you, creator.

God decides by dice.
The edge is where your limitations come into play. Everyone has his or her own personal edge. You are a god who may decide that you are not a god.
Hence a sword unto destiny, not a dice game over at the dealer's house.