View Full Version : Mastering Lucid Dreaming...

5th September 2020, 01:43 PM
Hello everyone, I was looking to get your guys take on mastering lucid dreams. Do you think this is possible? maybe not being able to recognize your dreaming EVERY time but at least 4-5 Lucid dreams a week. I am currently trying to experiment as much as possible. I am currently reading the art of lucid dreaming by clare johnson (good book so far) and lately almost every night I am able to recall what was in my dreams! The strange part is i can't seem to recognize that i'm dreaming. I think i may need to improve my reality checks throughout the day! I actually got a pretty cool necklace to use as a "Dream totem" to help remind me if i am dreaming or if i am awake. Interestingly enough I did have a lucid dream maybe a week or so after getting it! I had awoke on a saturday morning and was awake for a good 20-30 mins. I Went back to lay down and right away noticed that I was in a place not of the physical. So what did i do? looked down for my totem, and boom! it was a cartoon looking medallion now... I remember letting off a huge yell of "I'm dreaming!" ha... it was epic. Thing was, control was non existent. And someone inside my dream said something like "You haven't completed step 2" which was very odd to say the least. It actually ended because I looked at some storm clouds and thought about my waking body and "how long" i could stay in the dream... (seems like a rookie mistake for sure!) needless to say I'm pretty confident in my progress so far. I just have to figure out my actual "Dream triggers" ...my Journal has helped me figure out the "Common" things that keep popping up in my dreams now I just have to tinker with my strategies to maximize the chances of becoming lucid. The way I see it, we spend a great deal of our lives asleep.... With that known, I figure I might as well be able to maximize that time as well! So now not only do I look forward to my waking time, but I also look forward to my sleep time! The adventures that await I can only imagine! (literally)

8th September 2020, 11:49 AM
Hello everyone, I was looking to get your guys take on mastering lucid dreams. Do you think this is possible? maybe not being able to recognize your dreaming EVERY time but at least 4-5 Lucid dreams a week. I am currently trying to experiment as much as possible. I am currently reading the art of lucid dreaming by clare johnson (good book so far) and lately almost every night I am able to recall what was in my dreams! The strange part is i can't seem to recognize that i'm dreaming. I think i may need to improve my reality checks throughout the day! I actually got a pretty cool necklace to use as a "Dream totem" to help remind me if i am dreaming or if i am awake. Interestingly enough I did have a lucid dream maybe a week or so after getting it! I had awoke on a saturday morning and was awake for a good 20-30 mins. I Went back to lay down and right away noticed that I was in a place not of the physical. So what did i do? looked down for my totem, and boom! it was a cartoon looking medallion now... I remember letting off a huge yell of "I'm dreaming!" ha... it was epic. Thing was, control was non existent. And someone inside my dream said something like "You haven't completed step 2" which was very odd to say the least. It actually ended because I looked at some storm clouds and thought about my waking body and "how long" i could stay in the dream... (seems like a rookie mistake for sure!) needless to say I'm pretty confident in my progress so far. I just have to figure out my actual "Dream triggers" ...my Journal has helped me figure out the "Common" things that keep popping up in my dreams now I just have to tinker with my strategies to maximize the chances of becoming lucid. The way I see it, we spend a great deal of our lives asleep.... With that known, I figure I might as well be able to maximize that time as well! So now not only do I look forward to my waking time, but I also look forward to my sleep time! The adventures that await I can only imagine! (literally)


i would imagine it's possible to have at least 4-5 Lucid dreams a week, not that i have personally ever achieved this.
i nearly always remember 2 or 3 dreams a night, this seems to be my default setting for a few years now.

Sometimes i have lucid dreams without 'trying' but often to have a lucid dream it requires me to make some effort, focusing, intention, saturating my mind with info. about 'lucid dreaming' etc.

Using the 'reality check method' has worked for me on a few past occasions

Yea thinking about 'your body, going back to it & waking up' are ways to attempt to end a lucid dream, but occasionally this can require some effort or 'will' to achieve this

Yes journal writing is a great help, i have my lucid dreaming journal here on the Astral Dynamics forum :-)

i have most of my lucid dreams during times of 'lie-ins' that is i have woken up from my required amount of sleep & then gone back into 'extra' sleep.

Also i often realise i am in a dream when i 'catch myself' 'looking at / viewing my surroundings' this seems to be a cue for me in becoming lucid.

Lucid dreaming is awe-inspiring & a fun way to maximise time spent in the sleep- state.

22nd December 2020, 04:59 PM
I'm just trying to get back into it now with the christmas break, although I already mastered it since I am self-taught since early age and have them frequently without trying. So when I say get back into it, I mean increase the frequency to 100% rather than being a bit hit and miss. I already have them basically every night, but not every single dream is lucid. I will be aiming at achieving a higher level of lucidity and control, and exploring this potential technique of crossing into astral realm from a lucid dream. Not trying to sound big headed sorry if it comes off that way there's no easy way to say that when it's true. I'm just one of the lucky ones that learned to question reality very early on in life because always felt like it's not real, although my life has not been lucky or easy by any means.