View Full Version : Method to Raise Specific Elemental Energies

Aunt Clair
31st May 2007, 10:15 AM
Raising the Dragon -Basic Method

Cobras and Dragons are symbolic of the Kundalini Energy . This is a very powerful technique called Raising the Dragon . It is useful to raise energy to see and hear spirit teachers better ,to heal , manifest and to facilitate projection . It is brilliant to develop the Human Energy Body when used routinely . It can be used daily . It will reduce blocks and ease flow through the Human Energy Body .

Always Open in Protection
http://www.astralsociety.com/as/Forum/i ... 381.0.html (http://www.astralsociety.com/as/Forum/index.php/topic,18381.0.html)

Deep Cleanse Breathe
http://www.astralsociety.com/as/Forum/i ... #msg247647 (http://www.astralsociety.com/as/Forum/index.php/topic,23332.msg247647.html#msg247647)

Sit in the Throne Position
http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0SADZAlQW1z918vSM*yl8lHjZAWni5wALUh*jRiJZrBzUOXWTf EIp8q*LWOYV1iXiap4eJBlXcDyAolJpkHxf3xD99Bc8ct8RnUT Dxg4!2uJGAAAAynJVAg/throne.gif?dc=4675553774148740935
The palms are up and supported upon the arms of a chair or on the legs
the legs are apart at the knees
the feet are bare and flat on the floor
the spine is erect supported in a comfortable arm chair
http://ca.msnusers.com/_Secure/0SwAAAM8W72a3!NSQdvnfh7W7PNfJxF81YlrNIOk59r6M7y5qA bQ7zbNYdy0RdWkUF1tDwglkZWHvcWymdCrIMuakeIa0oVy5mYR hHv*GCmmLlu7TPqMJYg/draw%20in.gif?dc=4675553773967149718
Take Several Deep Cleansing Breaths from the crown down
http://ca.msnusers.com/_Secure/0XAAAAAwdVmmMYT6t6Tj25fOKb1Ge8s6V977BCGXGdPs26TNIu DowcmCsKetcMUkYGtoZRMYPZgdENmoc3xG00roFvdrDEldn*pw 6CqvQifDn6JjblzV1QcvlmZnsA2OypNSOADQw8Qk/deep%20cleansing%20breaths.gif?dc=4675553782751698 822
Take these deep breaths in slowly and deliberately thru your nostrils and audibly exhale the breath audibly through your mouth .As each deep cleansing breath enters your body have it come in as white cleansing light .You might visualise a candle of light in front of your third eye if it helps .
1. Swirl energy down from the crown to head , clearing away the cobwebs of the mind.
2.Bring the swirling energy down into the hearts and lungs, breathing away all anxieties and worries.
3.Draw the energy into the arms from the heart , pool it out into each fingertip .
4.Swirl the energy into the guts where we can manifest disease from negativity , clean it all out and away
5.Draw the energy in again in this last deep cleansing breath pull it all the way down into the legs .
6.Pool it into the feet and out through each toe.

Power Up through the insteps and soles of the feet
http://ca.msnusers.com/_Secure/0TACcKBwXNn5LZqrg0WzQc2PM3Zv!Bgv8lmzr4gfCuCB46BLFs JEtp1cWaDuvGfP1CGkK9dtohSftum4ugudF81gLjPDZMGhcgyR HX6HcKXmHNxjLsNObgg/Power%20Up.gif?dc=4675553787487420434
Bring light up with each breath ,visualising the feet drawing up light from Mother Earth through the legs which are channels for energy intake .

After you learn to do this routinely it iis best done with closed physical eyes.

1.Pull it up from the right and left leg at the same time .
2.Inhale deeply
3.As you inhale draw up energy to the groin , exhale fully .
4.Inhale as you Draw up your pelvic floor sharply while sucking in the abdominal wall pulling it back to the heart . hold your breath
5.Visualise and feel it as you draw the energy up through your heart , exhaling half your breath only .
6.Inhale and push the energy down through your arms , seeing it flow from each fingertip.
7.Exhale half your breath only when you need to
8.Bring the energy up to the shoulders .
9.Visualise the dragon head erupting now from your shoulders feeling like the hood of a cape made of energy .
10. Pull the energy finally up to your crown and fully release your breath
11.Fully exhale

Now you may become aware of feeling lighter happier healthier .
You may feel tingling buzzing or warmth running up thru your limbs
Or you might feel energy inside the limbs and in the palms of your hand .
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II Bringing in specific elemental energies will help with projection or healing.
Use the basic method above but as you pull up energy focus on a specific colour and quality of energy .
With closed eye tance , visualisation , will and intention , draw up from Mother Earth the specific colour you require .
If you are healing someone else draw this colour down from the crown to the heart and out the palms .

Fire energy lifts the vibration to attain higher planes and heals respiratory , nose , throat , ear infections

Water energy lowers the vibration a bit which is grounding and calming . It is good to heal swelling in joints ie arthritic pain .

Air energy lifts the vibration and is helpful in meditation . It helps to relax , trance , connect to source , lifts depression .

Earth energy is quickly grounding helping with hyperactivity and reducing rage . But it lowers the vibration a lot .

Pink energy is the highest earth and it is unique inits vitality and joy . It is unlike the reds or browns and reaqlly is an enigma .

As you heal and work more with psi you will learn more about each type of energy . Please share what you learn here .

There is one main core channel of rainbow light that runs through the body surrounded by four bundled circuits which continue to colour up as we develop .

The bundle of the sun colours lies on the front or top it includes light active male electric energy as :
*creme , fire , gold , topaz , pear and pale yellow .

The bundle of the moon colours lies below or at the back and includes cold heavy passive female magnetic energy as :
*lavender , indigo , akasha , violet , plum and platinum blue .

The bundle of earth colours lies on the right side and includes :
brown , salmon red , rose , pomegranite , ruby and pink .

The bundle of air colours lies on the left side of the body and includes :
olive , chartreuse , aqua , fig, emerald and pale green .

As these circuits develop they lie in a singular line above , below and either side then become paired and tripled and quadrupled .
http://ca.msnusers.com/_Secure/0SgAAACwX6HybDqdpKealtZ0zIsG8wmKck9jiCqQ1jFWn07*zj 4N4cItNn0FBAtZEO6YFcTbzm*aDFus4IbnBIk8B1PMehDQd58y 8lOgX3YyUuLPjEDwuyg/conduits.gif?dc=4675553882715626209

Influent Energy Centres
* mouth
* nose
* insteps
* crown ~scalp
Effluent Energy Centres
* mouth
* nose
* palms
* heels
* heart
* throne ~perineum