View Full Version : Don't Give Up

19th May 2020, 10:31 PM
Hi Newbies,

If you really want to project, don't give up. Sometimes it takes a lot of practice. Most people give up any subject matter, when a lot of practice is involved. Some people have an easier time; some do not. Don't give up, because a projection may be just around the corner.

You really need a time to set aside a comfortable time and place to just relax and relieve your tensions.

My beginnings were probably just like yours are now. I naturally had the vibrations; when they start--you're on your way !

20th May 2020, 07:03 PM
Well said. Same for me. Patience is needed.

10th June 2020, 11:05 AM
Detecting now that Australia and the UK are dreaming of new authority - generation which needs tolerance. Are you a tolerant other? Are your projections coming from this place of safety? The world needs a wonderful spirituality...