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10th March 2020, 10:05 AM
Did you know? Every living thing naturally bears itself as God, as life, as the whole sphere entailing joy. Spirit is a nuissance in those who do not cry. Crying is the last way to say "no." Last of all, the human is learning in some cruel and unusual way that every species, especially his own, is already God. This passion is beyond choice. How can you reason with a philanthropist? You have to reason with their money. Every dollar is worth a thought from God... to a philanthropist. How many Earth's are "$" going to create before the coin drops that somebody has to say no to - just kidding - pain!
Human is the most beautiful (sic) form.
10th March 2020, 02:40 PM
Crying is the last way to say "no."
First were hippies, with positive attitude, hope and optimistic revolution.
Then were punk-rocks, now with anger and rebel.
Then was grunge, with sadness and madness.
And here we are in the XXIth century, full of disappointment, decadency and sorrow.
This was the last "no". Now the consequences are going to happen.
I'm talking about general society, artists in particular, not about individuals. I'm out of this wave. Sometimes catastrophe must happen in order to open eyes... or close them forever. ;P
11th March 2020, 06:46 AM
Beyond sorrow, only self.
12th March 2020, 06:18 AM
Beyond sorrow, only self.
Beyond self, every pleasure (and no excuse for it).
Enlightened people call it being humble, I imagine. :angelic:
14th March 2020, 11:02 AM
And... beyond humility the good sense to be beautiful again. Rebirth is a divine thesis.
21st March 2020, 02:46 AM
Pain naturally lends itself to deliverance.
3rd April 2020, 08:15 PM
Believe it or not, some people choose to die early just by themselves. The recent wave of demise of so many artists, musicians in few years is IMHO the sign of the upcoming changes. They didn't want to face the times we are going to face now. They didn't fit them - they came to entertain in meanhwhile or to warn us, I believe.
This was the last "no". Now the consequences are going to happen.
I'm talking about general society, artists in particular, not about individuals. I'm out of this wave. Sometimes catastrophe must happen in order to open eyes... or close them forever. ;P
I'm glad that you chose to be brave to face them.
4th April 2020, 11:48 PM
I remember the 2012-2014 period as I was creating (music) at that time. Crime was normal, my neighbour was a rebel, I got kicked out of a safe home. These fames were telling us to stay "true to self alone" - so be it that the majority were deaf.
7th April 2020, 12:04 PM
Did you know? Every living thing naturally bears itself as God, as life, as the whole sphere entailing joy. Spirit is a nuissance in those who do not cry. Crying is the last way to say "no." Last of all, the human is learning in some cruel and unusual way that every species, especially his own, is already God. This passion is beyond choice. How can you reason with a philanthropist? You have to reason with their money. Every dollar is worth a thought from God... to a philanthropist. How many Earth's are "$" going to create before the coin drops that somebody has to say no to - just kidding - pain!
Human is the most beautiful (sic) form.
Sanity is beyond pain - yoga is this thesis. Meditation is the only way to sanity. The universe has to breathe this way, in the end.
23rd April 2020, 03:29 PM
Tonight I have realised that the Moon is healed. The universe went through a big shock around 2012 (my own). My spirits are saying that the moon can contribute to the healing of the Sun. Key to this is unity, for the inspired (other).
6th May 2020, 10:04 PM
IF prophecy is kind
THEN authority is love
SO the truth is sexy
SO virtue is normal
BECAUSE love is nice
THAT IS WHY people like people
"I am therefore I know."
21st June 2020, 03:51 AM
The key to will - getting your will done - is belief. And the matter is as simple as, "do I not, want to work on myself and the world around me that I trust." You can work with swords, you can work with spades. But, you can't work with idiots they don't think.
3rd October 2020, 04:51 PM
Divine justice is the principle that beauty is supreme, in all ways. Without beauty is without faith, whereby Heaven remembers that principle. It could be found that the wonder upon externalities is default, obvious. It's an experience of God. What is the divine justice in all this? An honour that has surpassed the meagre understandings of all is tragic - no - lucky.
26th October 2020, 08:36 PM
Spirituality is the power to WANT.
When you understand, next people will "see you," and you have no issues with love, beauty and insight - obviously... be to do what you want and well.
6th February 2021, 06:09 AM
It is impossible to -
be conscious of intelligence
be patient with knowledge
be nice unto boredom
be honest with ego
be safe with joy
... in fact, you might find that the only thing you will ever do about others is love them!
20th February 2021, 08:25 AM
Love Somebody
To presume free will is brave.
To presume hate is cowardice.
According to the theory on incarnational cycles a soul can not escape its purpose - to serve love.
8th March 2021, 09:12 PM
Principles of truth:
Anything ever can be a principle of truth!
- HATE, for example, evidences that people accept justice
- TIMELINESS evidences that people accept thought
- LUCK does evidence that people accept people
So whenever you employ a principle, probably think to acceptance first and then proceed with caution - in that some people have not realised the life of them quite yet.
9th March 2021, 05:15 AM
constitution is place and time (and) not whimsy
the constitution of a country suggests that the land is clean - and hence a dirty other is ignored.
creatures create fun
habits destroy charades
this life (i)s meant to be worthy
23rd May 2021, 06:17 AM
On Beauty
When you trust it, it will teach you.
When you respect it, it will protect you.
When you fear it, it will believe in you.
When you witness it, it will heal you.
So mote it be...
2nd June 2021, 05:51 AM
There is a corresponding hellborn mo(ve)ment: "i am not real" - crime, sacrilege, heresy, hypocrisy, insanity.
politics dies into the work of religion - i
religion dies into the work of history - am
history dies into the work of salvation - that
salvation dies into the work of dreaming - name
And that is how to seal the truth of love - oath it to Creator God (Destroyer God is a/the moron!). Faith is alone, beginning to end, have you any tassles in the superconscious or subconscious? The conscious mind is normal from this angle or perspective...
2nd June 2021, 06:22 AM
The light and the darks
Makes it all stay
Chosen to be perfect for all
All except the one who knows balance
And balance is the exception
Er, to the rule of wonder about us
I know - you don't test for balance, you test for sincerity... and God is alone.
31st August 2021, 03:30 PM
The 6th Dimension
Entertaining the higher entities involves forgiveness at some stage and that's what makes you work with humanity in the manner that is decent. Just as Eastern enlightenment is all about being with the Earth, the Western psychology is about doing certain things that let the Earth be. People may find themselves forgiving all things in stages of what may be described as a self trauma drama, the culmination of that being a permenently positive attitude. What does not work, and you know this about spirituality, is to lose the workability of the written or spoken word like the illumination of yourself is to forgiveness and not pure freedom, the state of grace. The state of grace is necessarily abundance and in a certain way it is promised not to be a curse of lack, in 6th dimension, whereby the word of all has been left behind or transcended to include a more perfect theory than the old-fashioned "I am your master" knowingness. To be divinely and care about anything, is to choose with force, and being informed so is to understand one thing more. It is not OK to wisen matters that are irrelevant to the cosmic scope - they do indeed have to be left behind beforehand and that is what one has been doing.
31st August 2021, 04:06 PM
5th Density, the work of a master - from my end.
Everyone is aware that some spiritualities are not self-entitled to mastery of the Earth and that means ways to live are lost on them. It is a clueless state of awareness, and while it does serve to bring a judgement such as bliss, it does not carry the weight it takes to understand all problems and solve them. There will be problems with some people, all throughout the time knowing them. Do you understand this? Then you are a master. Personally I surmise that the meditation of a/the master is an act of God, the God point being that in the soul of the Godhead there is no other choice than to make nothing of the truth, when the truth is not healthy. Meditation is this exemplified.
Refer to previous post to see what comes next... olyris
15th September 2021, 07:36 AM
Holy Bible has 4 descriptors for the right mind in spending time (some of you know this Voice) with God.
- righteous: patiently able
- wicked: patiently disabled
- crafty: friendly able
- wiley: friendly disabled
The point that I want to make is that to attain "good" you must get over 50% of the right mind in - this measure of "good" is termed, alchemically, the solution.
A little more wicked than one is gone crafty, is suffice. olyris
23rd September 2021, 03:21 AM
Fun in reiki? Like the Japanese say, the reason being is what is on. Activating symbols is a hard time, for the initiates, and remember ye well, that Jesus Himself was created to know intelligence.
24th September 2021, 01:30 PM
Perfection might be petty in the context of it being selfish and assured of itself instead. Moving from perfection to divinity is the case that "I have learned how." There have been masters that taught you how. The next question is: What do I want?
24th September 2021, 01:48 PM
I have noticed in the time that is spiritual company (communion without affirmation of that) there is a five-year period of sound, followed by a flipside. The theory being - you, being patient like you, are still in that moment and that is the eternal being you were. Religion has a way to consider everyone eternally connected. Without that connection you suffer loss. In the name of abundance then, I declare that a prophet (10 year will), might learn in the end to forsee power a prophecy (5 year will). Has to be found twice, however. olyris
25th September 2021, 04:07 AM
I have noticed in the time that is spiritual company (communion without affirmation of that) there is a five-year period of sound, followed by a flipside. The theory being - you, being patient like you, are still in that moment and that is the eternal being you were. Religion has a way to consider everyone eternally connected. Without that connection you suffer loss. In the name of abundance then, I declare that a prophet (10 year will), might learn in the end to forsee power a prophecy (5 year will). Has to be found twice, however. olyris
Here is the news. "Goddo" has decided to wait until people all agree on love. So loners are with angels, and angels are with the religion that stopeth them. hehe, olyris
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