View Full Version : I really need help - can NEW make you spacey?

30th May 2007, 05:47 AM
Ok. I really need help with something. =( I feel like punching something at this point because for the entire past week, I have felt so spacey that I have been asked by people who don't know me on three different occasions what I am smoking. I'm not going to punch anything, but it's extremely frustrating. I don't even feel comfortable letting myself drive a car, luckily the grocery store is nearby and I have good friends who drive me places when I need. But the other day I went to a tattoo parlor with a friend so she could get her tattoo touched up, and I actually went up to the guy doing her tattoo and said that "In my spaceship there are many potatos." And then laughed about it for the next half hour while my friend was in pain and kinda felt like punching me (cause getting her tattoo was so painful and I was sitting there laughing, not at her or anything, but it was still irritating. I'm 22 years old, I just totally can't think straight right now.)

I have a mild psychotic disorder that up until this point has been well under control with medication. For the past week I've been so spacey though, and it's a spaciness unlike any I've ever felt before. It's not too terribly intense compared to what I've experienced before, but it's just different. I see my psychiatrist in a couple days (thank god) and hopefully we can figure it out. (One thing that's really cool is she's open to the idea of metaphysical energy and I feel comfortable talking to her about NEW.) But, I also wanted to get different opinions from folks here, leave no stone unturned - so I wanted to ask if doing NEW on the secondary system only (hands/arms/legs/feet) could be causing me to space. I've been doing it unreliably since January 30th and then changed to doing it pretty faithfully on April 1st-ish.

I know the universe is trying to teach me something with this, I just have to figure out what it is. Ugh it is sooo frustrating. In fact it's so bad I'm still kinda chuckling at the potatos thing as I write this and I *know* it's not actually that funny. This was kinda interesting for the first day or two but now I really, really need to get it figured out so I can start having a life again....

Oh I forgot to mention. I've never done drugs at all. I'm just so spaced I act like it. And also, I've always had a high degree of insight into my psychotic symptoms, so much so that my doctor was not sure what to diagnose me as. So don't worry, I won't let this go unhandled for long. I'm seeing my psychiatrist as soon as she can see me. If I sound relatively lucid, it's just cause I've been functioning with mild spaciness for so long I'm pretty good at it. This is more than I can handle, though. =(

30th May 2007, 05:58 AM
Not sure about what your disorder might be, but if NEW or energy work is 'spacing' you, perhaps you should concentrate for a while on grounding work. Check out AD-Pedia here (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=8162) & do some research about how to ground & dissipate some of the energy that might be causing it.

Also, have you recently changed meds or something in your life that may be causing problems?

30th May 2007, 06:02 AM
That's just the thing, there have been some stressors, but nothing that I thought would space me out THIS much....=( and no significant med changes too, just small incremental decreases in sleep medication. The med I use to sleep does happen to be an antipsychotic, but me and my psychiatrist agree it's never helped me think any clearer. I use a different antipsychotic called Abilify for that, and the doseage of that hasn't changed in a very long time....I think like a year but I can't remember.

30th May 2007, 06:14 AM
Well it's always good to check out the mundane first - have a look at the grounding stuff. One good one to try also is, if you can, find a big old tree & go sit against it for a while - trees seem to be very grounding in their life force. Maybe because of their roots or perhaps it is to do with slow life pulse.

30th May 2007, 06:34 AM
Hello, Seeuzin.

I want to start out with one of Robert's primary advices - if you feel uncomfortable or problems creep up you have no explanation for, stopping energy raising and energy work, and begin doing grounding activities is high priority.

In a book by Bruce Frantzis it is recommended that people deal with psychic disorders before taking up a meditation or intensive energy practise. In the East it is possible to go into an Ashram or monastery and do this work under full supervision. Such help is unfortunately largely unavailable to Westerners, simply because the need has been not yet recognised as such and the meditation communities are smaller.

What energy work does is basically unravel stuff quicker. You need some initial minimum starting capacity to deal with the stuff that comes up. Be it old emotions or problems. Also grounding is very important to let the stuff stay as little in your system as possible.

I do not know whether you raise energy, but if you do, I would stop. Putting more energy into an unstable system is not safe but more like increasing the span of things that might unpredictably happen.

You seem like a self-aware person to me, so please don't take this as putting you down. We all start from differing points, and the "if", "which" and "how much" of energy work is different for anyone. I had a rough time with stuff everyone seems to be fine with as well - there's simply nothing working all the same for everyone.

The best for now would be to stop, wait for everything to settle, then if you feel like you can handle it to take it up in very minimal doses and under supervision of your psychiatrist, so that she can watch out for any signs of becoming ungrounded and "spacey" again. As long as something is done within your capacity, capacity will grow, and healing occur. But don't feel like you have to start out with a certain amount - this is not actually true. Find what is right for you now and stick with that, even if it is very little.

Take good care,

30th May 2007, 02:12 PM
The potato thing reminded me of something. :)


John 14:2 (Contemporary English Version)

2There are many rooms in my Father's house. I wouldn't tell you this, unless it was true. I am going there to prepare a place for each of you.

If you don't like that version, feel free to follow the link and select another. That's not the point.

And I'm not Christian - I only mention from the Bible because it is so commonly used. All I'm saying is that the phrase is so very similar.

I know the universe is trying to teach me something with this, I just have to figure out what it is.

Can you ask for the message to come in some other way, more to your liking, so that it would be easier for you to work with now that this has your complete attention? I think that such drastic measures have just been to guarantee that you would not be able to ignore it.

31st May 2007, 06:42 AM
Spacey is not uncommon when people reach new higher energy levels. It is primarily caused by being unable to channel (direct) the energy else where. The energy builds up (similar to static). Sometimes people in this state will have new mystical experiences. The problem is that they are 'disconnected' with "normal" life and can not be related to anything. This makes it difficult to function in the material world when much of your experience has no relation to it.

If this situation bother you (as per the original post), I recommend shifting your energy work to a somewhat lower (less intense) level for a few weeks in order to become better acclimated.

31st May 2007, 02:45 PM
So far everyone has been saying that if you have too much energy you should stop raising so much, but no one has suggested finding ways to just use the excess energy. There is a section here for people who have requested healing, and sending your extra energy to them with the intent of helping to heal their problems is a good way to do something about yours. Having too much energy is like having too much money, too much food, or being too healthy. The problem is that energy needs to circulate so when you hold on to too much, too tightly, it puts pressure on you to do something with it.


To add to this, you might want to look into chi kung. The microcosmic orbit circulates energy so that places where you have too much energy can be drained into places where there is not enough. By balancing this internally you can equalize the pressures and dissolve blockages which keep energy from going where it needs to and cause it to build up too much somewhere else.

3rd June 2007, 12:41 AM
Hi yall,

Thanks so much for your replies. I'm starting to feel somewhat better. My friends say I seem significantly better than I was a week ago; I don't feel that much better but maybe they're noticing something I'm not. Hopefully I will get this worked out soon. Thanks so much again for your help.

3rd June 2007, 08:42 AM
Good luck and good progress! :)


3rd June 2007, 06:31 PM
I wanetd to add a few thoughts to this as well.

I have ADHD. while I've never been medicated for it, around the time I first started doing energy work, a doctor gave me a trial prescription for concerta (time-released ritalin), to see if that would help with my symptoms. I was told I could use it as-needed, as opposed to daily. When I tried it out, during periods where I needed concentration, it worked very well. I was quite happy. With finals and studies complete, I didn't touch the stuff for another 6 months or so. In that time, I did massive spiritual healing and rebalancing. When I again decided I needed to use the medication for a day in which I needed high-concentration, the medicine worked completely differently. Instead of becoming focused, I became manic. (Yes- concerta is a stiumulant, but shouldn't cause that reaction.) I found the medicine no longer worked for me the same way, now that my energy bodies and corresponding mental/emotional layers were healthier.

It could possibly be that the eenrgy work you are doing is changing enough things such that your medicine needs to be looked at. This of course needs to go through your doctor, but it sunds like you are on top of that.

You didn't exactly say what kind of energy work you were doing. So I can't make overly specific recommendations. What comes to mind is a bit of a rehash, with maybe a few new ideas.
-Whenever you experience heavy symptoms from spiritual work, the best recommendation is to take time away from any energy work, until all symptoms are gone, and make sure that you take enough time off that they don't immediately return when you resume energy work.
-You may need to learn grounding techniques.
-Especially in the case where there is a mental-illness component to the picture, make sure that you do work on all layers at the same time. That is- if you're working on your energy-layer of being, make sure you're also working on your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects as well. This will ensure proper balance, and make it less likely that any one blocked area could throw the whole system off in a severe manner.

Good luck! Keep us up to date (-: