View Full Version : Copy: Black Magic

13th February 2020, 03:22 AM
Dear Robert

I'm in need of some advice, I apologise its a long story & I don't even know how to begin but I'll try to make it brief. I'm a TI (targeted individual as they call us), see book The Devil Beside Me or "Advice for the Targeted Individual & Gang Stalking Victim". Basically gang stalking is done by very sick psychopathic Satanic people (or cult?), who use various methods to intimidate, harass & drive a person to suicide, who are aiming for a "soft kill". I didn't know until recently what it's called & how widespread gang it is & thought I was the only one (except for many saying governments are involved). In most cases, the perpetuators remain anonymous but use people (I don't know how in the world they influence people to become "evil" but they do) to carry out their "mission". It's a phenomena to me that I move in a new place, on the first day or at least after a short while, a neighbour I haven't even met, suddenly does a series of patterns which they all follow. One of their favourites is knowing when I'm about to asleep & bang on the wall etc to startle me. How can an average citizen know this? I mean they must implant something in these people. In the last 14-15 years, my life has come to a halt resulting in stopping work, moving 7 times, not going anywhere regularly, avoiding contact with people generally. But now, they're doing black magic on me (although it's coming from their "flying monkey", current neighbour who's by far the worst one) in that I feel a weird sensations in my body, very disturbing, at first it felt like (I deeply apologise for saying it like this) but someone raping me from the back. I've used my mental powers & the LBP & it has helped a bit, as well as spending quite a lot of money for someone to help me but it persists but not as strong. I feel an energy in my "back" area, plus weird sensations that something is attaching itself to me, especially when I leave the house. I've tried everything except I feel better for a while after a shower & it's completely gone when I'm guessing this person goes to sleep). I'm quite sure because she makes very disturbing noises at early hours of the morning..She's completely Satanic, psychopathic as a lot of people become when these people "influence" them.My question's are:1- does your psychic self-defence course deal with this type of situation & black magic? 2-if I ask for 30 minute consultation, would that be enough time as it'd take more than that to describe the problem! Akso, are you able to help at all? Thank you in advance for any advice.

13th February 2020, 06:35 PM

I have this sort of experience myself. The society trusts its independence, not its individuality. So, there are thoughts-feelings in the collective unconscious that would drive people to express this individualist shadow. You bear it. The shadow of trust is... hate - which might only make you a spirituality that knows. Doesn't just believe in everything out there. That's my story.

What is it like to think of self/others as "unknowing," "unwanted?" Beyond that for me, it is only a matter of doing the things that I do know myself to want, also clearing the energies of mistrust, greed, and misgiven thoughts. olyris

13th February 2020, 06:38 PM
This is not an answer to your question, I'm not an expert in tutoring people how to deal with magical abuse, however I have been in a bit similar situation of negative influence (black magic and demons attacks and cunning manipulations), which turned me to failures or serious issues in many fields: health, relationships, business growth halted, esp skills development blocked. I basically use the same tools as used against me - power, positive beings (call them angels if you wish) and magic - in order to get things working properly, plus mandatory watching your thinking processes and emotions - without directing them into positive results you won't get to the point you wish to get to. I'v got some successes recently, not everything yet.

But let me ask you a question: how much do you know / have experience in magic?

13th February 2020, 07:57 PM
take Angelica Tincture 30 -droplets morning and evening are great for flushing out black magic out of your psychic system

Chamomile 7 tea bags microwaved in the morning for 30mins in one litre of water and left in water to step all day long in the water, do this each day for many weeks, enjoy with mixed sugar before sleep

Chomomile is said to be good at braking black spells and good against the evil eye.

Do some research on chamomile and angelica in google witchapedia witchcraft properties of protection these two plants have

14th February 2020, 01:02 AM
This is not an answer to your question, I'm not an expert in tutoring people how to deal with magical abuse, however I have been in a bit similar situation of negative influence (black magic and demons attacks and cunning manipulations), which turned me to failures or serious issues in many fields: health, relationships, business growth halted, esp skills development blocked. I basically use the same tools as used against me - power, positive beings (call them angels if you wish) and magic - in order to get things working properly, plus mandatory watching your thinking processes and emotions - without directing them into positive results you won't get to the point you wish to get to. I'v got some successes recently, not everything yet.

But let me ask you a question: how much do you know / have experience in magic?

Thank you for your reply. I don't know how to use the same tools against them as I'm not so devious! ☺️ I don't know much about magic but that my thoughts can greatly influence my surroundings but don't always have the power or knowledge on how to do this. Also, I'm very fearful of misuse of my powers or my Willas I know the consequences are dire.
I am not sure I understand what you mean by magic. I don't really like manipulating reality, I prefer to let things unfold naturally or Thy Will Be Done as the way.
Howecer,maybe it's time to reevaluate my beliefs as one can't be stuck in one one place forever, just being passive.

14th February 2020, 01:43 PM
Thank you for your reply. I don't know how to use the same tools against them as I'm not so devious! ☺️ I don't know much about magic but that my thoughts can greatly influence my surroundings but don't always have the power or knowledge on how to do this. Also, I'm very fearful of misuse of my powers or my Willas I know the consequences are dire.
I am not sure I understand what you mean by magic. I don't really like manipulating reality, I prefer to let things unfold naturally or Thy Will Be Done as the way.
Howecer,maybe it's time to reevaluate my beliefs as one can't be stuck in one one place forever, just being passive.
Well, this is how I approached the reality for most of my life, passively and anticipating things to unfold naturally...
This is not the case about the reality. Recently I also HAD to reevaluate everything... I realized whether we admit it or not we create the reality anyway: with each our feeling, thought or action, but later are surprised by something what came and we didn't really want it to happen: like a fear causing disasters when magic has been put against you... what do you think.

By magic I mean the diligent use of will in order to create results - the desired ones, vs. passive anticipation of random things coming in. I would therefore treat this situation as an opportunity to get new skills which would benefit greatly in future.

14th February 2020, 03:39 PM

Thank you so much for your advice. You're correct, there's a saying: when there's a problem, you yourself are the source of the problem (although I don't agree with it 100%).

14th February 2020, 03:49 PM

Thank you so much for your advice. You're correct, there's a saying: when there's a problem, you yourself are the source of the problem (although I don't agree with it 100%).
I'd put it a bit differently: if you want to change (re-create) things in life, it is better to... start creating them vs. waiting for them to be created by others - like the ones who want something from you (those who use magic). We are being "trained" in schools by our educational system to anticipate and wait, that we have no power over things - I think this is the main reason why so many people feel resistance when facing the idea of being pro-active.

Magic is nothing else but creation - but more direct and conscious than in case of most people.

14th February 2020, 11:53 PM
OK that makes so much sense. Thank you so much. That's really good advise. Blessings to you :heart:

15th February 2020, 08:15 PM
As Creator, you alone exist whether you call it a "dream" or a reality "dream exacted."

Unmeaningful beings/things that don't work to a creative mind, always to be called IDIOTs. Idiots are not conscious of anything except maybe love. I am curious to know your way of working with, dealing with, idiots on an ongoing basis...

16th February 2020, 02:33 AM
Thank you so much. I really like how you think, it resonates with me & makes perfect sense. Endless gratitude ;)

16th February 2020, 02:41 AM
I myself am an idiot on numerous occasions but not in the sense of "unconscious beings" who have lost their soul or sold their souls to the evil one. I don't know how to deal with idiots, that's a good question. How can you put sense into someone who doesn't understand? Even if I tell them in their face, you're making a huge mistake, please get help for yourself, they continue with their mistake happily...I have to admit, I like fools but not idiots. If you're referring to the gang stalkers I've mentioned, I don't call them idiots. If that's what you mean, they don't appreciate nor understand love. They don't respond to anything, not even love. I've tried being loving, they trample all over it, abuse it, & think if you as weak. That's why: "thruw not your diamonds before swine". All they take pleasure of in life is hurting others & destroying others. They're not even human or are worthy of the name.

16th February 2020, 06:55 AM
I have found 3 modes to deliver oneself from black magic:

1 is to avoid - not to talk to or move near that site as it is potentially dangerous
2 is to rebuff - say something quickly meant to suppose an alternative not that problem
3 is to heed - in inheriting bad truth one can come up with useful good ideas and not just suffering

These work on different levels and can have layers of depth like the chakras. Ultimately, you might say your multidimensional soul has a permanent way with/in the society it knows to be dark.

16th February 2020, 10:54 PM
Cool :cool:

27th November 2022, 10:50 PM
I'm a little late in this conversation, but doesn't magic (black or white) have its basis on the Qabbalah and the Qliphoth?

30th November 2022, 07:01 PM
I'm a little late in this conversation, but doesn't magic (black or white) have its basis on the Qabbalah and the Qliphoth?
Qabbalah and alike are just maps - of dimensions. It's like looking at the globe and trying to figure what it is like. But it is not an experience. You also won't have a taste of that location. Magic, on the other hand, is like air in a particular place.

Globe is not a real place, however - it's a concept of the place in your mind, just like qabbalah's spheres/sephirot. You won't feel air by just placing your finger at a map at the chosen location: hot air there, cold air there etc.

Magic has its basis in the energies ("air types") which can be represented by four elements, and origin in the mind which rules the elements. :) This is of course very simplified explanation.