View Full Version : What is archon?

10th February 2020, 02:21 PM
Archons are relatively bored. Did you know? There in fact is no difference between souls that are real. All these serve to do is undertake permanent proof of that idea. It is about vulnerability, but when that is over with... there couldn't be a better choice than: "I know now."

easy to believe in destiny, hard to believe in madness - "i want."

10th February 2020, 06:31 PM
An Archon is the greek translation of Heavenly Hosts, which are supposed to be God's armies. When the greeks, which had their own religion (politheistic neoplatonic) converted to christianity, but rejecting its judaic roots, changed or reinterpreted the the creation myth to fit its cosmology.

10th February 2020, 06:46 PM
An Archon is the greek translation of Heavenly Hosts, which are supposed to be God's armies. When the greeks, which had their own religion (politheistic neoplatonic) converted to christianity, but rejecting its judaic roots, changed or reinterpreted the the creation myth to fit its cosmology.
Sounds like the Netzach and Hod, on the Qabbalah tree.


Within the Sefiroth, Netzach sits geometrically across from Hod (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hod_(Kabbalah)). This pairing makes up the third such group, the "tactical" sefirot, meaning that their purpose is not inherent in themselves, but rather as a means for something else.

11th February 2020, 05:19 PM

12th February 2020, 02:00 PM
Archons are relatively bored. Did you know? There in fact is no difference between souls that are real. All these serve to do is undertake permanent proof of that idea. It is about vulnerability, but when that is over with... there couldn't be a better choice than: "I know now."

The vulnerability of soul is really its permanency - does they want to be stuck in a bad world? Always express yourself truly in a good system.

easy to believe in destiny, hard to believe in madness - "i want."

Knowledge is a diablo ('big demon') this way. Big demon, little point.

Little demon... success itself...

13th February 2020, 11:41 PM
Archons are relatively bored.
The mind has a great lock with a very special key. When an archon gets in, that is when the key is in your own hand. Where angels and light beings are thought-feelings, archons were MIND.

Neutrality is a great asset.