View Full Version : Horrible Event?

29th May 2007, 03:25 PM
I've noticed that there are alot of bad dreams/premonitions that people have been having in the past month. Some of my friends on the internet that I have talked to feel this sense of uneasiness, like something really bad is going to happen in the near future. I got the same feeling a month before 9/11. I've been having dreams now, and in the end I die in all of them...Does anyone else have similiar experiences?

29th May 2007, 04:15 PM
I've been having dreams like that for about 10 years now. I choose to believe it's coincidence, or psychological, but...

29th May 2007, 06:14 PM
10 years now? That's a long time. :)

Um, I can't comment on this one, mainly because all I've been doing dream-wise and astrally is fighting. That was the main thing that got me into lucid dreams to begin with back in 1998 was to fight back against things that would otherwise turn my night time experiences into nightmares. I constantly have to fight, or else I'll have nightmares. I've gotten good at it now, since I've been doing it for so long. I've been keeping notes on dream and astral combat tactics and strategies as well. I can give people advise on that topic, as I've been developing a "dream/astral fighting system" that seems to be getting better as time (and more fights) goes on. PM me if anyone needs combat tactics/strategies advise.

Haha, now I know 9-11 isn't any laughing matter, but on the day it happened, I was in... get this... "Western Civilization 101" class! Hahaha!! That was the most extreme WestCiv lesson I, or anyone else, could have ever asked for! :) Class was over after it was all over the news. From my perspective, though, there should be something horrible and catastrophic that will come along, because, well, it has to. Not because I or anyone else wants it, but just because time works this way. It starts from "1" and goes to "0". Time works deductively. It starts instantly with everything, all possibilities, the highest potential, and gradually works its way down to almost nothing, the last possibility, the least potential. It's how the universe works. It's how time works. So, something catastrophic must happen.

The only thing we can do is prepare, brace ourselves for a rocky experience, and hope for the best. So, don't feel like the chimpanzee in the psyche experiment strapped to a chair fearfully anticipating the next aperiodic electrical shock, and the very anxious anticipation itself actually making the shock more painful. Instead, just accept it and be ready, so that when it does come, we'll be ready for a positive change to make things better, rather than what happened last time with 9-11, where people didn't expect it to come, and when it did come, they then panicked and retaliated with excuses to invade other countries and cause more pain. It just made the whole mess a bigger mess. The idea was supposed to be the restriction of the mess to just 9-11, not let it fester and grow into the War on Terror and the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. We weren't ready, so we didn't know what to do, so we panicked, and we retaliated. Next time, let's do something different...

Think of catastrophes as "opportunities". I know, that may be counter-intuitive to do so, but hopefully, it'll all make sense to you. :)

31st May 2007, 08:25 AM
If I'm not mistaken, nothing like 9/11 should happen in the near, or even not so near future. The time for such games has passed, though some people still try hard to keep their positions of "power". Faulty beliefs are hard to give up, I guess.

But, something... erm... not nice... may still be coming our way. Has anyone heard anything about this (just the first post on the page):

http://danburisch.info/vanillaforum/com ... D=1&page=2 (http://danburisch.info/vanillaforum/comments.php?DiscussionID=1&page=2)

Ever wondered why there are so many underground bases being built all over North America? Maybe someone warned someone of something? I have my guesses, but they are just that - guesses. If they are correct, then having those bases will not help those at the top keep their "power". In the end, everything will be wiped out. Also, if those guesses are correct, that doesn't have to happen at all.

But, I'm starting to guess based on guesses, and that really leads nowhere. :) It is, however, a perfect time to act without expecting anything in return. Whatever one may be expecting to gain, will also be wiped out if that vision above comes true.

Give your best, and expect nothing, that's how I like to look at it. There'll be no better opportunity for that than right now.

It's nice to see another fighter out there, CEP2plet... :D