View Full Version : Dream abduction?

28th May 2007, 09:49 AM
Something has been happening to me the last few nights:

I'm in one dream, completely immersed in what's happening there, and I get "abducted" from that dream and put in another place. The first time was to receive a telepathic message I had to deliver. The second time I was put in the torture place I already posted about.

I wouldn't worry about it, but I always finish dreams unless I wake up suddenly for some reason or get out of the dream because I want to be out of it.

When I'm "taken" it's always out of a pleasant dream and into and unpleasant one.

I'm wondering if there are beings or people powerful enough to pick dreamers up like dolls and put them places. I'm also wondering if anyone else has experienced this.

28th May 2007, 10:02 AM
I would not immediately think of such a being as powerful - maybe it is a trick you learn? Having said that, of course assuming a certain power behind that is more likely. :)


28th May 2007, 01:34 PM
It could be nothing. But I have heard cases of lower level negs tormentng people in their dreams. It would have to be attached to you, so I'd scan yourself if you want to be sure.



28th May 2007, 07:15 PM
As you may have heard, I used to get abducted all the time. Most of the time it was from my bed, but sometimes from dreams. I stopped the abductions by doing NEW while it was taking place (not sure why it worked- it just did) and by sleeping with hematite by my feet. Other stuff happened after that, but these techniques stopped the 'mindless abductions' and took the experience to a whole 'nother level. We can talk about this via pm if you like, just not today- I gotta go soon.

29th May 2007, 09:43 AM
I'd more than love to be able to do it on my own. I find it a bit jarring seeing as it is such a new experience to me. I'd have to do an in-depth cleansing and check to make sure I'm squeaky clean, :) but I don't feel anything being obviously dark.

CFT - Would I be revealing too much about my lack of knowledge if I asked what hematite is?

31st May 2007, 07:56 PM
This used to happen to me when I was little. A lot of it was my subconscious paranoia. Sometimes, it were actual negs. All I know is they couldn't do very much unless you went through some form of awakening and they can reach you when you are awake.

31st May 2007, 08:13 PM
CFT - Would I be revealing too much about my lack of knowledge if I asked what hematite is?

2nd June 2007, 01:36 PM
watrinh - when did it stop?

CFT - Thank you much. The husband let me know to get in touch with my Google side. ;)

2nd June 2007, 02:24 PM
I learned how to become lucid and beat them down. It stopped when I was 10.
Then I grew strong that it caught the attention of new negs.