View Full Version : Nightmare place for people in dream body?

28th May 2007, 09:44 AM
I apologize that this is so long, but if you're willing to read through it, I would really love to know if anyone else has been there. That's the main thing I'm trying to find out by posting this.


Something to note before I get started – I never “dream hop”. I finish or get out of one dream and then proceed to another, or I wake up and then go back to sleep for the next dream. I have never once stopped mid-dream to go to another dream.

I was having a dream which was very peaceful. I was walking along with my husband, the weather was my favourite kind of weather, and everything was nice and quiet.

Suddenly, I was jerked out of that dream, and I immediately knew I was in danger. I was in this dark cave, and I knew other people were with me, but I didn’t feel at all connected to them. Like they weren’t “full” people or I was stripped of my empathy sensations.

There was a cave opening I could see, and I walked toward it. I came out at the edge of a huge waterfall that had light brown, muddy water. Looking down over the edge, directly below was this whirlpool with black water. I could only tell it was a whirlpool because the foamy water was white against the black. As I looked down at the whirlpool, I knew if I accidentally fell in there, bad, unimaginable things would happen to me.

Beyond the whirlpool, separating the whirlpool from a gigantic lake that was whooshing around like the best ocean in a storm scene, was a gigantic log. It had spikes on it and it was slowly turning (on its side). There were so many spikes, there would be no way you could avoid being impaled if you fell on it.

Just across the waterfall from where I was, I could see another cave entrance. There were stones just before the edge of the waterfall, all the way across. I took one final look around the massive cavern (the waterfall, everything, was in just a big cavern, all surrounded by rock) and had a thought about how artificial everything looked. As if someone had set it up for me and the others.

I had a brief flash of being lucid, and I knew I was in a dream, but it was as if some power didn’t want me realizing that and shoved me back into a non-lucid fog. Which never happens. If I become lucid mid-dream, I stay lucid.

I started walking across the falls using the stones (I was in the lead of at least six people), and I heard someone yell. I looked back over my shoulder and saw a young man who looked to be in his teens still fall over the edge. I figured out he would hit the log and looked away before I saw it actually happen. The strange thing was, I didn’t feel any shift or “vibe” that I would have thought to have felt when he died.

Upon looking around, I saw big sand-filled bags being swung seemingly out of nowhere from our left (where the waterfall water was coming from). I swore and knew this was all a trap and that we were never meant to get to the other side of the waterfall.

Person after person went over the edge, and finally, I too was hit by a sand bag and sent over the edge. I had just enough time to think to try to aim myself for the “stormy seas” and avoid the dark whirlpool and the log. I made it there and it wasn’t long before I was pushed deep under the brown-ish water. I didn’t have any fear of drowning, though, even when I was sucked down into darkness for a moment.

I was spit out on this high little platform which was this dark reddish colour. Frowning at the colour for a moment, I looked and saw all the walls and ground (where I could see it) was also the same colour.

I looked around at another huge cavern, except this one was square (from what I could tell/see), lit by thousand of little oil lamps, and was hundreds of times the size of the first cavern. Also as far as I could see, people were struggling to get by attackers who were obviously bent on killing them, struggling to get past death traps, and ultimately trying to get out of this gigantic maze of death. Even though I stood on what seemed to be the highest point in the cavern, I couldn’t see where the traps and killers ended.

The thought that maybe this was some kind of hell crossed my mind, but I dismissed it. This all felt so…made. Like some sick psychotic god’s play area to torture people. I had another flash of being lucid and this time I registered that, lucid or not, the evil, dark, bloody feeling to it all never changed. This may have been my dream, but it had the feel of having been there for a long, long time. Before I could think more on it, I was shoved into being non-lucid again.

I walked down from the high point – torture land it may have been, but there was a pretty obvious path to travel in most places – and got past a few more smaller traps like spikes suddenly shooting out or bear/jaw traps pretty much completely hidden trying to take your feet off without too much fuss.

Suddenly, I fell down a sort-of hole which had been hidden, and when I sat up, I found myself next to a gigantic water-wheel looking thing. It was obvious you could climb up the water wheel and another path made by planks was available. There were other paths as well, but I and two other people were surrounded by thugs swinging around swords, knives, etc. There was a big man directly behind me blocking one of the paths who had six arms and was swinging around sabers (swords with curved blades).

The other two people were panicked and ran from weapon-bearing person (there were four men and one woman) to weapon-bearing person not knowing what to do. I looked up the water wheel and at the planks above. There was a woman blocking that path, but I figured I could probably manage to knock her off the planks and get past.

I guess this thought pleased someone because I was immediately granted three small knives, which I stuck between the fingers of my left hand so it looked like I had spiked brass knuckles. I began climbing the water wheel, leaving the others behind without any remorse. Again it felt like they were a little less than real. As if they didn’t have a complete essence that made me see them as human, even though they looked it.

I got up to the planks and the woman and I began fighting. She looked strikingly familiar to me, except shorter. We fought and I quickly figured out I wasn’t going to knock her off the planks. I got an advantage, though, and stuck all three knives in her neck.

She stepped back, and I when I realized she wasn’t dead or even bleeding profusely, I became lucid again. I looked around the cavern once more, focusing on how many people I saw fighting through these traps and against the monster people, and I said, “Dreamers. We’re all dreamers!”

This statement seemed to bring the other woman into lucidity because she looked at me with new clarity in her eyes. I said, “We’re all dreamers. We’re all dreaming.”

She nodded and we had an unspoken agreement that we had to get out of that place. We ran down the plank/trail and darkness enveloped us. When we finally got through the darkness, we can into what was like a large barn full of hay bales. We were still high above the floor, but the floor was concrete and the walls were wooden.

I was still lucid, and I was very set on getting out of the dream. I tried to connect to my physical body and tried to get my physical body to moan (which is the easiest way to reconnect while in a dream for me) and I had no feeling of my physical body, which made me panic in the dream. I couldn’t feel my physical body or the link back to it.

I began hitting my hand against the wall as hard as I could. I was aware that on some level is hurt very faintly (and I wondered what I was hitting with my physical hand), but I couldn’t connect enough to get myself to take a deep breath, moan, or anything to strengthen the connection.

I finally looked at my hand and then the wall, then I walked backwards to the edge of the plank. The other woman looked more curious than alarmed and asked, “What are you doing? Tell me exactly what you are doing.”

“I’m getting out of this dream,” I said and then fell backwards off the plank. I fell at least four (building) floors/levels and landed on my back on the concrete floor, sure it would break my neck and send me out of the dream. However, I landed and was unhurt.

My falling on the floor started a bunch of blades swinging and spikes popping up all over the place, and I sat up. I said, “We can’t die. We’re supposed to stay here forever.”

I saw a corner made by hay bails against the wall, and I remembered the woman telling me (though it didn’t actually happen in the dream for me to remember, that I am aware of) she stood in that corner as a safe spot from all the blades. I got over there and stood in the corner, frantically beating my hand against the wall and trying to establish a connection with my body.

Unlike usual, when I have to “crawl” back into my physical body and take it over again, this time, I suddenly snapped back into my body and opened my eyes. I almost couldn’t believe the suddenness of it.

28th May 2007, 09:53 AM
Wow, what a dream, Serenity!

Just a thought - maybe most of the other people might not have been people at all - and not trigger your empathy - but "part of the scenery" - as made up as the scenery itself to increase the dramatic effect.

Do you think this was sent to you or was it within you a long time and you re-accessed it?


28th May 2007, 08:45 PM
I keep getting the idea of some kind of challenge going on. Or a test if you will. I sort of swing towards the idea that you're meant to overcome that place. That you were an automaton except for brief flashes makes me wonder if you're meant to become lucid & hold the lucidity & make it all go the way YOU want it to.

It doesn't seem like a torture place - you don't describe lots of pain going on or agonies of those involved. Maybe there's a fear test but it doesn't seem like a real hell.

29th May 2007, 09:48 AM
Korpo - You're telling me. :wink:

The others could have been part of the scenery, which would make my lack of feeling towards anyone make sense. I think it was sent to me or made for me, if that makes sense. It felt very artificial, like a movie set, and I registered the feeling in the dream, which is odd.

Journy - I hadn't thought of it being a challenge. Being tested to hold my lucidity is an interesting way to look at it.

No, it didn't feel scary or hellish, but I felt like I was supposed to feel that way, which added to the artificiality of it all.

I'm leaning towards the thought of training...

31st May 2007, 02:57 PM
Dear Serenity,

I've been to places like that in my dreams. I do a lot of soul retrieval work. I do believe you my in part have been shown this as a test, as every learning experience, everyone we stop to help is a sort of test. But, I can't help but feel that this is so much more for you.

I've been to places like this -and even one with a wheel that I climbed to get out of, but sometimes entities, people, species create dream spaces that are meant to trap dream bodies/astral bodies/ ethereal bodies, or whatever you want to call it. These bodies of ours are powerful. We are powerful. What powers we do in dream, can be done in real life. Maybe the Earth's energy is not "right" for it now, but in part of Earth's history, we had these powers that our dream bodies show us we have. There is such a connection to dreams and this physical reality. You could lose your dream body for awhile. And if that light, that powerful energy source is lost when you wake up, your physical body will begin to get weak. I had my dream body trapped in a place worse than that one for 6 months and I physically was getting sick and weak.

I've seen people in these places and don't feel like they are "human" or at least the same as other humans. This is because they have been there for so long, their connection to thier physical body grows weaker every day that body is trapped there. Their energy is drained. That is why they have these made places in a reality, a frequency, a plane that we exist in dream or astral travel. They use up our energy.

The black water, the black hole remindes me of ones I have seen with connection to tainted brotherhood groups which stems from the Egyptians. It is sort of a lost soul's graveyard. The tainted brotherhoods do ceremony to extract a soul part (not sure which soul body). They say you give your soul for the good of the brotherhood. What you are doing is separating a vital soul body and energy source from your body. The trapped souls' energy - the agony of the trapped souls feed the connection to the dark side. The Egyptians didn't just use this as punishment, or evil. There is a rebirthing process that could happen with a renewed physical body and the soul is called from that. I had these dreams of this pit and realize that the old "tarring" was a misunderstood twisted action which came from these ancient beliefs. I dreamed this and worked with this way before the movie the Mummy came out. But the movie does show part of what it was used for.

So, are you being asked to learn to go and be lucid in these places in order to do soul recovery work? I think so, but you are the dreamer and only you really know.

Thank you for letting me give my viewpoint and my experience. I think you are a very powerful dreamer and you have my admiration.

Take Care.

2nd June 2007, 01:45 PM
ranlinra - Thank you for your insights. A lot of what you say rings true with me and has made me think.

I'm not sure if I'm for for soul retrieval, but I do believe I was challenged to try to stay lucid in the dream. I also believe I was being taught not to take the flight response, which is my usual reaction when I become lucid in a bad dream.

Events in my life have become stranger and stranger since I did my first bit of serious healing in over a year. It was also the first time I did a hands-on healing and had a response. (He didn't know what I was doing until it was over.)

I've also been having the sensation of "going back to school" lately, and something isn't happy about that given the other dreams I have been having.

My dreams don't feel like my own of late, to be honest. It's a bit unnerving, but I'm interested to see where it goes.

Thank you again for your insights. I take it as a very big compliment to be called a powerful dreamer.

1st July 2007, 11:08 PM
Hi all. Great post! To Ran, 6 months? How did u get caught? How did u get away? Do u think all the others dreamers are stuck there?