View Full Version : what is this all about

27th May 2007, 10:11 PM
right, bear with me on this one ....
i have posted it in dreaming section cos it starts with a dream.....
see what u think....

i had a dream, a long time ago, about a man,all i remember is we kissing. i felt we were deeply in love,
so deep, the dream stuck with me for a couple of weeks, then breezed off.
a long time later, i browsed a forum, i seen a username. i felt this strong urge to be with this person. didnt know who it was what he looked like or anything about him. i became giddy. aroused.
i was in a relationship at the time, things were steady, so- so. and im not one for infidelity.
but i felt 'in love' with this prescence, this username.
i felt highly erotic.
then one day, after reading one of his posts, for no apparent reason i remembered the original dream.

i started to continuously dream about this guy.
now get this...
one day he posted his picture, i nearly fell off my chair.
he looked identical to the guy in my dreams.

one particular dream was about us back in time, in a old elaborate mansion having giddy fun wearing clothes from an old time period, we were young lovers, and highly sexed.

what was going on here?

27th May 2007, 10:45 PM
This could mean many things. The dream could mean that this person is a good friend and you can trust him. Or you could've had a past life relationship with this person. Maybe you have subconsciously formed a connection with this person, thus the close image. As you can see, alot of maybes.

27th May 2007, 11:35 PM
I met my wife across the net - saw her posts & there was a kind of 'glow' to them that had me going back to read more of what she posted on a forum. We grew closer & also seem to have a link back into the past. But somehow, the attraction was there even before we started exchanging communication about who we were etc.

So it can happen I think. But you should be very cautious about the fact you're in a current relationship - the link may be a past one & not applicable to this life you're in.