View Full Version : Disturbing Ducks (energy work side effects)

26th May 2007, 07:23 PM
Lately I noticed something about my energy work. As I am entering the realm of working with emotionally charged content in my blockages, I am noticing side effects in the proximity of others.

First I had problems completely releasing the emotional energies, and entered states of emotional release which brought on the emotions commonly associated with the Taoist Five Elements as negative sides - grief/sadness (Metal/Lungs), depression/fear (Water/Kidneys), anger/range (Wood/Liver), anxiety/agitation (Fire/Heart) and disassociation (Earth).

The better my energy work got, the more the positive sides of the Five Elements manifested in my life (same element order): Happiness/enthusiasm, vitality, compassion, joy and balance. Releasing a blocked energy allows for the opposite to arise.

The energy can be efficiently released if it is moved to the edge of the aura. I expand energies to resolve them, and then ground them. Since then side effects on myself have been minimal.

But I noticed another side effect - when I was too close to my girlfriend she began to cry during a release. I didn't make the connection, and then found she might have been exposed to a sadness within me being released. I stopped and tried to cheer her up. Later on she was very happy again, but it was spooky, as there was no trigger to be sad.

I promised ducks, didn't I? ;)

I sat by the river on a bench. All was quiet, I was feeling nice and relaxed, watching the ducks (my fav duck I nicked Daisy was there - all white with an orange bill). No person was within my "safety perimeter" and so I closed my eyes and began blockage work. As I came into the "release outward" stage, the ducks became irritated. More and more ducks started to quack and quite some ruckus arose. More ducks became agitated and no reason visible. Two males were even "complaining" to a person on a nearby bench.

I made the connection between my energy work and the ducks and grounded and stopped, and this brought some easing, and then I sent the ducks some goodwill from my heart (I *do* like ducks) and all became peaceful again.

So - if doing intensive energy work, please stay away from ducks (and other lovely creatures as well). :D


26th May 2007, 09:04 PM
Thanks for the wonderful post. I think that bird energy can sometimes 'tune in' to some psychic effects in humans. Must be that 'flock radar' or something like that.
Years ago I had the opposite effect (the birds affecting us) when I raised budgerigars (parakeets) so I can relate a bit.

Ps. When I first saw the theme I imagined Donald and Daffy having a fist fight. :shock:

26th May 2007, 11:33 PM
Ps. When I first saw the theme I imagined Donald and Daffy having a fist fight. :shock:

Just a bit o' marketing, dear CF.

Well, if Daffy and Donald would have been there... :shock:



28th May 2007, 11:58 AM
Hey, Leyla.


I do some "bottom-up" work, so emotions are my "next stop" so to speak. Perhaps you are touching more on mental/3rd eye stuff? Sounds like that to me.

I think I only have these when doing active energy work, as I seem to close up else. Not too sure about that, though. Maybe energy work just intensifies this.

I think the nature of my practise - dissipating energies to my aura's edge - makes this happen to a certain extent. Everything that goes "out" is bound to have an effect, I think.

Nice for you to share! :D

28th May 2007, 12:16 PM
It is "simply" blockage work. I soften the blockage I find in my body by infusing it softly with energy, and sink my mind into it. When it "lets go", I dissipate the "liquid" and "dense" energy resulting to the edge of my aura, and sink then everything below my feet into the ground.

This helps remove blockages and with them internal conflicts. Until I got the hang of it I had a lot of unresolved emotions "resurfacing" during energy work, and since I do the dissipating more successfully it has become advisable to leave a safety distance to other people and beings.

The first step are body/etheric blockages, but this also leads slowly to the emotional body, like I currently begin to touch upon. It's all part of the Qigong/meditation stuff I now do for a year, and should touch later on (with an "adapted process") and tap into the contents of all energy bodies, from the most dense/coarse to the most subtle.


29th May 2007, 04:28 AM
Oh, I don't release it, I just expand it to the edge of my aura. Then I send it down to Earth.

BTW, the advanced version of this is to collapse the energy onto itself into the space within...

But I'm interested - do you have any pointers about your variant(s)?


29th May 2007, 04:48 AM
Animals know energy different to humans, they actualy have some realization of it.

Take a dog for instance, they are very clairvoyant.

The ducks probably have there own energy fields that are similar to their flocks and they did not like yours inside it, like a shield for example.