View Full Version : Drowning

25th May 2007, 03:21 PM
Last night I had another horrible dream. I haven't had any good ones since last year. I jumped into my pool. Then I felt a powerful force grip my legs. I was drowning. It pulled me under. Suddenly, I was in the middle of the ocean. A whirlpool sucked me under the water! It felt to real. I woke up gasping because I wasn't breathing physically. This was another one of those distrbing dreams. I feel as if my death could come anyday. I just can't shake this feeling...Maybe it is just warnign me that I could die and should be extra cautious?


25th May 2007, 04:01 PM
Have you been checked by a doctor? There's a few ways to look at this:
You stopped breathing (sleep apnea) and had a dream about it.
Your body is telling you something's wrong and is telling you through a dream: Congestion (due to many possible factors, your lungs or your heart, even a coming cold) hence the water symbol.
There is a reason for it- precog or shared (you or someone else is in danger).
You had an OBE (whirpool could be a portal) and freaked about it
My recommendation:
Go to a medical practicioner and get checked out for possible sleep apnea, wait a few days and see if you come down with a cold, and tell your immediate loved ones about your dream (they sound openminded) and Pray, pray, pray..

25th May 2007, 04:47 PM
Nope, I've been checked within the last month and everything is fine and normal. I just have this really strange feeling that something bad is gonna happen near or to me. This is only my 3 dream this year. I don't have dreams unless they mean something. Remember the Premonition Nightmare thread? It so happens that three people in my family now have breast cancer. Please pray for them. And my sister was bitten by a brown recluse and was meically treated.(There venom rots your flesh) :shock: Alot has happened. So I knew what was coming, and I've been sending reiki to everyone. I've learned to trust in my dreams, as you can see why. So I'm worried...

25th May 2007, 08:32 PM
I'll send a prayer for you and your family.

26th May 2007, 02:46 AM
My best advice would to try to be as calm as you can. I had drowning dreams (though not premonitions) all through my childhood. The last one I remember clearly because I stopped struggling, calmed down, looked around me, and accepted where I was.

This is probably a bit far away from your situation, but if you focus on the fear and the struggle, you might miss a bigger picture.

Do you keep a dream journal? It might be a good idea, at least for now.

26th May 2007, 03:26 AM
Yep, I have a whole journal for everything metaphysical, like for dreams, astral projections, and healing and neg experiences.