View Full Version : A lengthy dream one in a long time.

Astral Exorcist
25th May 2007, 08:50 AM
Before this I was in a place being tested, while being profound on allot of things. She was trying to help me find the symbolic something which appeared like 4 solid tiles and a distorted something in the middle of each tile. 1 out of 4 on each square was a image. (Here is a waking consciousness comment.) " From my memory it feels like a old core image not delt with." We were driving in a car where for some, reason. I had my hand outside a tight window seal fearful it would be tighten tight by the drivers button pushing once I've taken it out. I noticed mini me and the bigger one on a marathon, where I was interested to join the race and I joined the running. I was experiencing the good episode of Austin Powers where mini me came allies with the opposition, the good guys. We switch from running onto a bike. Lol... One of them said the km scale isn't reliable lucky I’ve got Education that it isn't worth investing in the km we are travelling with a mountain bike scale on each bike. I started to become aware of the blind spot on my eye, where I gained consciousness and knew it was 10 am and Walla it was, once I woke up. The blind spot on my eye appears as a very small black dote. I've had this one from a possible eye accident.

This is lengthy enough for a first time in a long time for collecting in a new dream journal.

Note: This was written as a Draft on a scrap piece of paper. I am going to buy a blank booklet for dream history recording purposes.