View Full Version : A little question about new energy ways.

22nd May 2007, 05:25 PM
I have worked on Roberts New system on and off but never finished it. I just have a little question. I have a problem with the stirring action as Robert describes it. The only way I can do this spinning or stirring action is to imagine a drill spinning at high speed at the small energy center like the thumb joint(kinda like drilling into the joint). Is it ok to do it this way as long as it works. Also when I did the sole work on my feet I imagine a buffer(like the electrical buffer used to polish cars with the big spinning pad) and it seems to work. I am working on finishing it this time and continuing to work on it indefinitely or as long is needed. Also what are some improvisations you guys use for stimulating your energy centers that work well for you.

22nd May 2007, 05:40 PM
I've defintely used improvisations as well as additions as well as substitutions. I think some of Robert's new work will be teaching people how to do this better, but I'm not positive on that, it's just something I'm inferring from a few tidbits I've heard at times.

My only issues would be making sure that whatever new sensations/tools you are using, make sure that they interact gently enough with your energy bodies that you aren't harming them with over-stimulation or enugh force all-at-once that it's too forceful. This is pretty rare to have happen, and as long as you maintain healthful intent, you should likely have no problems.

22nd May 2007, 08:14 PM
I originally had good success with a small inspiration I had when trying to do sponging and bouncing. One day an anatomic map like in an old anatomic atlas "popped into my head" and a small red dot like from a laser pointer appeared. I moved that small red dot, and the action happened. It was a useful visualisation for learning how to concentrate on points, and I used it until I no longer needed to because body awareness actions alone did the trick.

Sponging I learned by visualising a kitchen sponge going through a body made of glass contours. If I found a tough spot I would use the rough edge and very quickly switch the action back and forth.

If you find a way that's works better for you, or an interim step that teaches you to do the technique better, I think that's alright, as long as you are comfortable with it and get results.

Having said that this is only true for techniques - I would not personally suggest modifying things like the sequence of the Full Body Circuit except you know what you are doing, or have a complete method for this like the Small Circulation. Such things as energy raising and circulation need to be carefully balanced.


23rd May 2007, 12:48 AM
I only alter the the stimulation method on the energy center not the sequence of exercises. I am following the order that Robert has set out. I have a hard time getting my awareness do the stirring action so I changed it. Almost all of the stimulation has worked except for the hips. I cant seem to feel the stimulation in my hip energy centers. I am up to the point of the bouncing awareness techniques, but I cant seem to get strong stimulation of the energy centers in the centers in my hips. Any advice?

23rd May 2007, 04:01 AM
For the hips- keep up the energy work, possibly spend a little longer there.

Since the hips correlate with the base chakra, you may wish to research the base/root/1st chakra, and start engaging in lifestyle choices which correlate with its functions and energies. You may also want to do some core image work regarding past trauma experiences which may relate to the same.

23rd May 2007, 05:21 AM
In Qigong the hip is part of a complex called the Kwa, including the pelvis, the muscles of the lower back and the upper thigh. These are of importance for any movemement, for Taiji, where every movement is initiated from there, and for connecting the the legs with the torso - a hinge you might say. It is also a hinge for our Earth connection.

Our culture has become very sedentiary, which usually gives people (more) problems with that region. We simply stand and walk and run not as much as we were "built" to do. We are also no longer as deeply connected to Earth.

Putting this together it might make sense that today the base chakra might be harder to "bring online".
