View Full Version : Spiraling-Helix energy

22nd May 2007, 12:31 AM
Well in the the QT thing that Tom so kindly sent me there is a "technique" which involves doing something like RB's "energy raising" except to your hands. Well they also suggest "spinning" that energy counter-clockwise or clockwise depending on what felt right. Well I was in an experimental mood and I tried doing a "helix" or running that energy around eachother like snakes or ropes looping around my legs each on their own accord and crossing.

I raised this "entwined" energy up through my body and down into my hands. And let me tell you it feels VERY powerful. The energy going both ways really helps stimulate my energy, and I don't know what the results would be as far as healing a person but I am curious what you guys think of it and if you would like to try it and tell me your results. Thanks!

22nd May 2007, 02:21 AM
Could you be a little more specific? I am intrested.

22nd May 2007, 02:57 AM
Well you know how you lace up boots. Like from side to side like that. Well imagine each side of the lace being a seperate string of spiraling energy going around your legs and then your body and then your head and then back down into wherever your sender the energy. Each "lace" of energy going around and crossing eachother and then seperating and then crossing eachother again. It's kind of hard to describe, but imagine a double helix, or two spiraling stair cases... Does that help?

22nd May 2007, 04:32 AM
I find that my energy work is most effective, when I pull energy up from both feet, then it flows up my legs, through my base chakra, through all the chakras, the sub navel, the heart, the throat, the minds eye ( which usually lights up with the energy ) and then the crown. Once I have channeled the energy to the crown, I flip it back down to my feet.

I separate it into two channels, I flip the right side of the energy in my crown to my left foot, and the left side of the energy in my crown to my right foot. I find that by crossing the paths of the energy en route to my feet, I greatly enhance the effectiveness of the complete new energy circuit, and at the same time I manifest a protective bubble like energy field surrounding myself, if I intend it with the energy I'm channeling.

I normally flip the energy until I start to pulse and vibrate pretty strongly.. then I either store it in my main energy storage center ( around my stomach area ) or I use it to increase vibrations until they are intense enough to loosen me for an exit. My entire body, especially extremities like my feet and hands, used to heat up quite a bit, and still do slightly.

I don't necessarily have to do this anymore though, I don't even need vibrations to project. Now I can project with just intent, I guess it's by phasing, and because I have the energy needed already stored.

The technique you mention sounds very similar to the one I have mentioned a few times on the forum that I developed on my own. I have found that when doing the full energy circuit crossing the paths of the energy does seem to intensify it's effectiveness considerably, and I also find it particularly useful for shielding.

This technique I guess takes what I've been doing a step further and crosses it's path repeatedly in a helix like pattern. I will have to give this a shot and see how it works for me.


Tried this, and explored a little. Experienced some interesting results and sensations. First off, from my experience, every time you cross the paths of the two spirals, the energy level seems to be magnified. The more complex the energy form becomes the more powerful it is.. for some reason crossing these two streams of energy seems to magnify them or give me a surge. I don't know how else to describe it. Secondly.. I was experimenting with the helix idea, and I let my energy spiral start spiraling faster and it became an energy vortex.

I literally felt like I was consumed in or was a vortex of energy. I could use the analogy of a water vortex or even a tornado... but I could either project the energy outwards almost like a shield, or I could become one with the vortex I created. I also was able to channel energy as this vortex from the earth and up and out, sort of like I do when I connect to the earth for grounding and do specific types of energy work, techniques that are usually kundalini type awakening practices.

7th July 2007, 09:21 PM
This seems very similar to the Cadecus coil. It'a supposed to create scalar waves, but from what I've read that claim has been replaced with longitudual EM waves.
I also read somewhere that a chakra is where something like 1,000 nadis cross. I'm wondering if these nadis cross in a certain way to cancel out and cause a scalar or LEM wave.