View Full Version : astral attacks

19th May 2007, 11:47 AM
hiya, im new here, first post, great forum

could anyone please explain what an astral attack is, and
how they come about.
ive heard humans can attack other people in a demonic way and look really grotesque to the dreamer, even though they know its them.
my friend once told me he woke up choking after an attack by an ex lover, who also dreamed she was being attacked by the same man that night. apparently she told me she was in a lot of pain grieveing from the split up and was really heartbroke. she mentioned falling asleep in tears while unintentionally asking for him to come back and hold her . she really is a harmless soul, never hurt a fly, so how come her ex nearly died choking from her demonic prescence in a shared dream that night?

19th May 2007, 12:40 PM
she really is a harmless soul, never hurt a fly, so how come her ex nearly died choking from her demonic prescence in a shared dream that night?

I'm just speculating here. It may have been an empathic reaction. She made her presence felt and her sadness overwhelmed him. He registered it in the throat chakra, perhaps linked to things unstated.

More sinister suggestions: a shadow self enacted her anger that she'd suppressed or, more far fetched (?) her guardian demon or a resident neg that feels protective of her attacked this person who had caused her pain.

19th May 2007, 01:11 PM
Is it possible for an empath to do something like that. I'm an empath as you know Beekeeper and I could never live with myself if I were to accidentally do something like this. Please say its not a natural ability of empaths. Also off topic is it true that empaths are natural healers.

19th May 2007, 01:18 PM
I'd go with what BeeKeeper said. If she cried herself to sleep, there is a lot of pain there. A shadow self could take that and act upon it.

19th May 2007, 03:28 PM
thanks guys,
<<<beekeper>>> those are interesting responses, im new to this psy stuff so im off to read the concepts :D

19th May 2007, 06:21 PM
I don't think the empath transplants her or his pain. It's "just" a psychic attack as with any other person. Falling asleep with an extreme emotion towards another person sounds like an "efficient" way to induce an attack. You go from conscious to subconscious, and the emotion is taken against the other person by the more psychic side of you.


19th May 2007, 11:58 PM
months after they split up, (she being a telepath reciever, and possibly an empath) she had a couple of dreams he was looking for her.(hes a sender)and one other dream where his invisible spirit was making love to her.
she returned the call, to find he was looking for her,. but obviously not to resume the relationship in that way. she never told him about that dream.

what could be the reason behind the dream that he was making love to her when she hadnt heard from him for so long? or even thought about him that way?
shes pretty upset as shes beggining to think hes playing twisted games just because he has the ability to do so.

and is there a way to disconnect from someone once the link is so clear?

20th May 2007, 12:10 AM
Hmm - take a look at it from a "real life" perspective. Ex-lovers are known to sleep with another without this meaning a true relationship resumes. Often enough this is out of nostalgia, not because the ex-lovers think it will work out.

Also, even if problems start to mount and make a relationship unbearable, people often still love another. The feeling just gets buried under a thick layer of conflict and differing interests.


20th May 2007, 12:53 AM
thanks korpo,
so is it probable he "sent" that message? maybe not intentional,.....but rather unintentional, like she picked up his subconscious thoughts in sleep, or could it have been her mind wishhful-thinking?

20th May 2007, 01:13 AM
Hehe, don't know. Sounds all good. ;)

Someone psychic in contact with your friend could shed light on this, else the exact cause remains speculation.


20th May 2007, 01:51 AM
:roll: and while im at it.....hehe
is it at all possible that someone can......change their appearance in the astral if skilled in order to pretend to be someone else

i mean, can you actually vizualize yourself as someone else and project that image to another, in order to decieve or have fun with your host so they cannot be 100%sure its them, but clues leave a hint??

20th May 2007, 08:32 AM
Yes, you can change the form of your etheric body.

20th May 2007, 10:48 AM
:shock: holy macaroni, this is incredible

have any of you actually done this? like sneak up on someone in disguise just for a laugh?
and theyve witnessed you, say as a woman(instead of a man, say)

how do you do it?
tell me tell me tell me pleeeease
theres someone id like to have a bit of fun with, and id like to make him laugh on waking as hes been thru a rough patch lately he needs chearing up a bit. :lol:

20th May 2007, 03:13 PM
There is a way to disconnect ties from people so these sort of experiences don't happen. This very morning I was projecting into the astral reflection of the real time zone, and I was attacked by two human people, for no real apparent reason. They manifested this symbol in the sky in a dark blackish red and said that they were satanists. They were two females. They attacked me, one with a knife, the other started to approach behind me.

I pulled out a knife, and overwhelmed the first, held it to her throat, and she became VERY frightened. I told her she pulled a weapon on me and it is my right to defend myself. She kept trying to distract my attention away from her so she could attack me. The other kept her distance sensing that they could not fight my energy. I experience encounters like these every so often, but none of them have ended in real violence, as I have at worst disarmed people and left the situation.

I also was in a long term ( 5 year ) long relationship, and when I ended the relationship, my ex constantly was making connections with me subconsciously on the astral in dreams and while I was projecting. It's been nearly two years, and she still manifests towards me / my energetic presence on the astral by nature.

It is a sign that people haven't moved on and cut their ties to someone. It's an interesting phenomenon. The best way to overcome it is to forgive the person for everything they might have done to hurt you, and get over them. Learn what you can from your experiences with them, and then use unbending intent to cut your energetic ties to them and move on.

21st May 2007, 10:51 AM
Malevolent T, do you shield? It worries me when members are attacked.

21st May 2007, 04:36 PM
Malevolent T, do you shield? It worries me when members are attacked.

I actively shield as part of my energy work, and maintain an it during the day. It's more of a filter that has a conscience. It has two purposes. I have noticed that due to my amount of energy people tend to draw from me a lot, and recently I've been socializing a lot. Even family members, tend to draw a lot of energy from me.

So I intend this shield, and I create it so that it will allow the necessary energy connections to interact with people as I intend to, but it also will not allow anyone to purposely draw energy from me. I do not maintain this shield however, when I project. I have no fear of astral attacks. When I experience them, they have always been beings that could not harm me due to my energy level/frequency.

In each experience (all of which I find interesting) I have either fought them off, in an amused way, sort of enjoying it like sparring, or if they manifest or possess weapons, I take their weapons from them, and tell them I mean them no harm. Normally.. my intent ends up causing them to interact with me peacefully.. if not then I leave the situation.

And by the way, please don't worry, I am able to take care of myself ;)

22nd May 2007, 10:22 AM
I kind of suspected you'd have it covered. :wink: