View Full Version : dreaming of dead father...

17th May 2007, 07:03 PM
I'll make this short and sweet...I had a dream about my dead father. Me, my mother, and some guy with a printer were talking. We were trying to fix the printer...or may be it was a printer that did something special I forgot...anyways finally throughout the dream I think my mom said something like 'hey, how are you here you're supposed to be dead' and then he was like "I'm not dead, we never go away"

And then something strange happened...Some crazy feeling went throughout my body...it was like a humming I guess you could say, and it grew in my chest I think...It felt incredible, they only way I can describe it is that I felt like I was getting closer to God as the humming and vibrating increased...or some higher mystical force...

While this was happening I started crying 'I believe! I believe!" as I was staring at my father...Then I just woke up quite teary eyed...

The funny thing is that I could still feel the humming in my chest, but as I became more focus the humming decreased until it was gone...I know this is a crappy description of my dream but I couldn't remember it that well even though it was a really vivid and realistic dream...

I've been trying to astral project lately also, so thats why I remember dreams now...the feeling was nothing like the feeling you get when attempting to OBE...when I woke up I could only describe it as a feeling of getting closer to God, I don't remember it well but it was incredible...

17th May 2007, 07:43 PM

I found reading about your dream quite moving (I've had similar dreams about my mum, who passed away a couple of years ago). I like to think they are making contact with us :)

Perhaps the sensation you felt was to do with your heart chakra? Others might shed more light on it, but I just wanted to say thanks for sharing :)

17th May 2007, 08:23 PM
You are sure you had not a vibrational state? The pre-OBE vibrations are pretty strong, and usually are accompanied by sensations of the heart center.

If these vibrations intensify, and accelerate to higher vibratory frequencies, this may actually have some spiritualising effect, as higher vibrations usually are associated with higher states of mind.

I also think it could not mention that the places where people spend their time "in heaven" or regenerate from their lives (Monroe called them Focus 21-27) are much subtler than where we usually project to. Maybe you felt this "higher vibe" and had contact with your father there?

Just some thoughts, or my 2 cents.


18th May 2007, 06:44 PM
Hmm actually I never had a real OBE...I usually end up falling asleep after attempts so I don't know the feelings exactly...I could only describe it as getting closer to God so maybe it was a higher state of mind...and whitby I'd like to think they make contact with us too...the dream was so vivid and my father in the dream acted so much like he did in real life (same laugh, smile, talking) that I felt really happy after it, it was like I was in his presence once more